blob: 88ecc3599cd214e579965a34626d335541bcf243 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "components/keyed_service/core/keyed_service.h"
#include "content/public/browser/site_instance.h"
#include "extensions/common/features/feature.h"
namespace content {
class BrowserContext;
namespace extensions {
class Extension;
// Contains information about which extensions are assigned to which processes.
// The relationship between extensions and processes is complex:
// - Extensions can be either "split" mode or "spanning" mode.
// - In spanning mode, extensions *generally* share a single process between all
// incognito and normal windows. This was the original mode for extensions.
// - In split mode, extensions have separate processes in incognito windows.
// - There are also hosted apps, which are a kind of extensions, and those
// usually have a process model similar to normal web sites: multiple
// processes per-profile.
// - A single hosted app can have more than one SiteInstance in the same process
// if we're over the process limit and force them to share a process.
// - An extension can also opt into Cross Origin Isolation in which case it can
// have multiple processes per profile since cross-origin-isolated and
// non-cross-origin-isolated contexts don't share a process.
// In general, we seem to play with the process model of extensions a lot, so
// it is safest to assume it is many-to-many in most places in the codebase.
// Note that because of content scripts, frames, and other edge cases in
// Chrome's process isolation, extension code can still end up running outside
// an assigned process.
// But we only allow high-privilege operations to be performed by an extension
// when it is running in an assigned process.
// ===========================================================================
// ===========================================================================
// 1. This class contains the processes for hosted apps as well as extensions
// and packaged apps. Just because a process is present here *does not* mean
// it is an "extension process" (e.g., for UI purposes). It may contain only
// hosted apps. See
// 2. An extension can show up in multiple processes. That is why there is no
// GetExtensionProcess() method here. There are multiple such cases:
// a) The extension is actually a hosted app.
// b) There is an incognito window open and the extension is "split mode".
// c) The extension is cross origin isolated but has
// non-cross-origin-isolated contexts.
// It is *not safe* to assume that there is one process per extension.
// 3. The process ids contained in this class are *not limited* to the Profile
// you got this map from. They can also be associated with that profile's
// incognito/normal twin. If you care about this, use
// RenderProcessHost::FromID() and check the profile of the resulting object.
// TODO(aa): The above warnings suggest this class could use improvement :).
// TODO(kalman): This class is not threadsafe, but is used on both the UI and IO
// threads. Somebody should fix that, either make it threadsafe or
// enforce single thread. Investigation required.
class ProcessMap : public KeyedService {
ProcessMap(const ProcessMap&) = delete;
ProcessMap& operator=(const ProcessMap&) = delete;
~ProcessMap() override;
// Returns the instance for |browser_context|. An instance is shared between
// an incognito and a regular context.
static ProcessMap* Get(content::BrowserContext* browser_context);
size_t size() const { return items_.size(); }
bool Insert(const std::string& extension_id,
int process_id,
content::SiteInstanceId site_instance_id);
bool Remove(const std::string& extension_id,
int process_id,
content::SiteInstanceId site_instance_id);
int RemoveAllFromProcess(int process_id);
bool Contains(const std::string& extension_id, int process_id) const;
bool Contains(int process_id) const;
std::set<std::string> GetExtensionsInProcess(int process_id) const;
// Gets the most likely context type for the process with ID |process_id|
// which hosts Extension |extension|, if any (may be nullptr). Context types
// are renderer (JavaScript) concepts but the browser can do a decent job in
// guessing what the process hosts.
// For Context types with no |extension| e.g. untrusted WebUIs, we use |url|
// which should correspond to the URL where the API is running.|url| could be
// the frame's URL, the Content Script's URL, or the URL where a Content
// Script is running. So |url| should only be used when there is no
// |extension|. |url| may be also be nullptr when running in Service Workers.
// Currently, the |url| provided by is passed from the
// renderer process and therefore can't be fully trusted.
// TODO(ortuno): Change call sites to only pass in a URL when |extension| is
// nullptr and only use a URL retrieved from the browser process.
// |extension| is the funky part - unfortunately we need to trust the
// caller of this method to be correct that indeed the context does feature
// an extension. This matters for iframes, where an extension could be
// hosted in another extension's process (privilege level needs to be
// downgraded) or in a web page's process (privilege level needs to be
// upgraded).
// The latter of these is slightly problematic from a security perspective;
// if a web page renderer gets owned it could try to pretend it's an
// extension and get access to some unprivileged APIs. Luckly, when OOP
// iframes lauch, it won't be an issue.
// Anyhow, the expected behaviour is:
// - For hosted app processes, this will be blessed_web_page.
// - For processes of platform apps running on lock screen, this will be
// lock_screen_extension.
// - For other extension processes, this will be blessed_extension.
// - For WebUI processes, this will be a webui.
// - For chrome-untrusted:// URLs, this will be a webui_untrusted_context.
// - For any other extension we have the choice of unblessed_extension or
// content_script. Since content scripts are more common, guess that.
// We *could* in theory track which web processes have extension frames
// in them, and those would be unblessed_extension, but we don't at the
// moment, and once OOP iframes exist then there won't even be such a
// thing as an unblessed_extension context.
// - For anything else, web_page.
Feature::Context GetMostLikelyContextType(const Extension* extension,
int process_id,
const GURL* url) const;
void set_is_lock_screen_context(bool is_lock_screen_context) {
is_lock_screen_context_ = is_lock_screen_context;
struct Item;
typedef std::set<Item> ItemSet;
ItemSet items_;
// Whether the process map belongs to the browser context used on Chrome OS
// lock screen.
bool is_lock_screen_context_ = false;
} // namespace extensions