blob: 10e25656f140453abb6d427221472c5dac54c936 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "cc/animation/animation_export.h"
#include "cc/animation/filter_animation_curve.h"
#include "cc/animation/scroll_offset_animation_curve.h"
#include "cc/paint/element_id.h"
#include "cc/paint/paint_worklet_input.h"
#include "cc/trees/property_animation_state.h"
#include "cc/trees/target_property.h"
#include "ui/gfx/animation/keyframe/animation_curve.h"
#include "ui/gfx/animation/keyframe/target_property.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/point_f.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/transform.h"
namespace gfx {
class TransformOperations;
} // namespace gfx
namespace cc {
class AnimationHost;
class FilterOperations;
class KeyframeEffect;
class KeyframeModel;
enum class ElementListType;
// An ElementAnimations owns a list of all KeyframeEffects attached to a single
// target (represented by an ElementId).
// Note that a particular target may not actually be an element in the web sense
// of the word; this naming is a legacy leftover. A target is just an amorphous
// blob that has properties that can be animated.
class CC_ANIMATION_EXPORT ElementAnimations
: public gfx::FloatAnimationCurve::Target,
public gfx::ColorAnimationCurve::Target,
public gfx::TransformAnimationCurve::Target,
public ScrollOffsetAnimationCurve::Target,
public FilterAnimationCurve::Target,
public base::RefCounted<ElementAnimations> {
static scoped_refptr<ElementAnimations> Create(AnimationHost* host,
ElementId element_id);
ElementAnimations(const ElementAnimations&) = delete;
ElementAnimations& operator=(const ElementAnimations&) = delete;
bool AnimationHostIs(AnimationHost* host) const {
return animation_host_ == host;
void ClearAnimationHost() { animation_host_ = nullptr; }
ElementId element_id() const { return element_id_; }
void ClearAffectedElementTypes(const PropertyToElementIdMap& element_id_map);
void RemoveKeyframeEffects();
void AddKeyframeEffect(KeyframeEffect* keyframe_effect);
void RemoveKeyframeEffect(KeyframeEffect* keyframe_effect);
bool IsEmpty() const;
// Ensures that the list of active animations on the main thread and the impl
// thread are kept in sync. This function does not take ownership of the impl
// thread ElementAnimations.
void PushPropertiesTo(
scoped_refptr<ElementAnimations> element_animations_impl) const;
// Returns true if there are any effects that have neither finished nor
// aborted.
bool HasTickingKeyframeEffect() const;
// Returns true if there are any KeyframeModels at all to process.
bool HasAnyKeyframeModel() const;
bool HasAnyAnimationTargetingProperty(TargetProperty::Type property) const;
// Returns true if there is an animation that is either currently animating
// the given property or scheduled to animate this property in the future, and
// that affects the given tree type.
bool IsPotentiallyAnimatingProperty(TargetProperty::Type target_property,
ElementListType list_type) const;
// Returns true if there is an animation that is currently animating the given
// property and that affects the given tree type.
bool IsCurrentlyAnimatingProperty(TargetProperty::Type target_property,
ElementListType list_type) const;
bool AnimationsPreserveAxisAlignment() const;
// Returns the maximum scale along any dimension at any destination in active
// scale animations, or kInvalidScale if there is no active transform
// animation or the scale cannot be computed.
float MaximumScale(ElementListType list_type) const;
bool ScrollOffsetAnimationWasInterrupted() const;
void SetNeedsPushProperties();
// Initializes client animation state by calling client's
// ElementIsAnimatingChanged() method with the current animation state.
void InitClientAnimationState();
// Updates client animation state by calling client's
// ElementIsAnimatingChanged() method with the state containing properties
// that have changed since the last update.
void UpdateClientAnimationState();
// TODO( Animation targets should be attached to curves
// when they're created and the concrete subclass is known. This function
// exists as a stopgap: the animation machinery previously expected to
// announce a target and then pass curves that would implicitly animate the
// target (i.e., the machinery handled the attachment).
void AttachToCurve(gfx::AnimationCurve* c);
void OnFloatAnimated(const float& value,
int target_property_id,
gfx::KeyframeModel* keyframe_model) override;
void OnFilterAnimated(const FilterOperations& filter,
int target_property_id,
gfx::KeyframeModel* keyframe_model) override;
void OnColorAnimated(const SkColor& color,
int target_property_id,
gfx::KeyframeModel* keyframe_model) override;
void OnTransformAnimated(const gfx::TransformOperations& operations,
int target_property_id,
gfx::KeyframeModel* keyframe_model) override;
void OnScrollOffsetAnimated(const gfx::PointF& scroll_offset,
int target_property_id,
gfx::KeyframeModel* keyframe_model) override;
absl::optional<gfx::PointF> ScrollOffsetForAnimation() const;
// Returns a map of target property to the ElementId for that property, for
// KeyframeEffects associated with this ElementAnimations.
// This method makes the assumption that a given target property doesn't map
// to more than one ElementId. While conceptually this isn't true for
// cc/animations, it is true for the two current clients (ui/ and blink) and
// this is required to let BGPT ship (see
PropertyToElementIdMap GetPropertyToElementIdMap() const;
unsigned int CountKeyframesForTesting() const;
KeyframeEffect* FirstKeyframeEffectForTesting() const;
bool HasKeyframeEffectForTesting(const KeyframeEffect* keyframe) const;
friend class base::RefCounted<ElementAnimations>;
ElementAnimations(AnimationHost* host, ElementId element_id);
~ElementAnimations() override;
void InitAffectedElementTypes();
void OnFilterAnimated(ElementListType list_type,
const FilterOperations& filters,
gfx::KeyframeModel* keyframe_model);
void OnBackdropFilterAnimated(ElementListType list_type,
const FilterOperations& backdrop_filters,
gfx::KeyframeModel* keyframe_model);
void OnOpacityAnimated(ElementListType list_type,
float opacity,
gfx::KeyframeModel* keyframe_model);
// In addition to custom property animations, these also represent animations
// of native properties whose values are known to the Blink PaintWorklet
// responsible for painting them but not known to the compositor. The
// compositor animates a simple float progress which is then passed into blink
// code to interpolate. Unlike other native properties listed above, CC is not
// capable of drawing interpolations of these properties and defers to
// NativePaintWorklet subclasses to interpret the animation progress as it
// pertains to how to paint the native property.
void OnCustomPropertyAnimated(PaintWorkletInput::PropertyValue property_value,
KeyframeModel* keyframe_model,
int target_property_id);
void OnTransformAnimated(ElementListType list_type,
const gfx::Transform& transform,
gfx::KeyframeModel* keyframe_model);
void OnScrollOffsetAnimated(ElementListType list_type,
const gfx::PointF& scroll_offset,
gfx::KeyframeModel* keyframe_model);
static gfx::TargetProperties GetPropertiesMaskForAnimationState();
void UpdateKeyframeEffectsTickingState() const;
void RemoveKeyframeEffectsFromTicking() const;
bool KeyframeModelAffectsActiveElements(
gfx::KeyframeModel* keyframe_model) const;
bool KeyframeModelAffectsPendingElements(
gfx::KeyframeModel* keyframe_model) const;
base::ObserverList<KeyframeEffect>::Unchecked keyframe_effects_list_;
raw_ptr<AnimationHost> animation_host_;
ElementId element_id_;
mutable bool needs_push_properties_;
PropertyAnimationState active_state_;
PropertyAnimationState pending_state_;
float active_maximum_scale_;
float pending_maximum_scale_;
} // namespace cc