blob: 2c9edb9170d49fcea7047db95c40c6c762ece0dc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "cc/animation/animation_export.h"
#include "cc/paint/element_id.h"
#include "cc/paint/paint_worklet_input.h"
#include "ui/gfx/animation/keyframe/keyframe_model.h"
namespace cc {
// A KeyframeModel contains all the state required to play an AnimationCurve.
// Specifically, the affected property, the run state (paused, finished, etc.),
// loop count, last pause time, and the total time spent paused.
// It represents a model of the keyframes (internally represented as a curve).
class CC_ANIMATION_EXPORT KeyframeModel : public gfx::KeyframeModel {
static const KeyframeModel* ToCcKeyframeModel(
const gfx::KeyframeModel* keyframe_model);
static KeyframeModel* ToCcKeyframeModel(gfx::KeyframeModel* keyframe_model);
// Bundles a property id with its name and native type.
class CC_ANIMATION_EXPORT TargetPropertyId {
// For a property that is neither TargetProperty::CSS_CUSTOM_PROPERTY nor
// TargetProperty::NATIVE_PROPERTY.
explicit TargetPropertyId(int target_property_type);
// For TargetProperty::CSS_CUSTOM_PROPERTY, the string is the custom
// property name.
TargetPropertyId(int target_property_type,
const std::string& custom_property_name);
// For TargetProperty::NATIVE_PROPERTY.
int target_property_type,
PaintWorkletInput::NativePropertyType native_property_type);
TargetPropertyId(const TargetPropertyId&);
TargetPropertyId& operator=(TargetPropertyId&& other);
int target_property_type() const { return target_property_type_; }
const std::string& custom_property_name() const {
return custom_property_name_;
PaintWorkletInput::NativePropertyType native_property_type() const {
return native_property_type_;
int target_property_type_;
// Name of the animated custom property. Empty if it is an animated native
// property.
std::string custom_property_name_;
// Type of the animated native property.
PaintWorkletInput::NativePropertyType native_property_type_;
static std::unique_ptr<KeyframeModel> Create(
std::unique_ptr<gfx::AnimationCurve> curve,
int keyframe_model_id,
int group_id,
TargetPropertyId target_property_id);
std::unique_ptr<KeyframeModel> CreateImplInstance(
RunState initial_run_state) const;
KeyframeModel(const KeyframeModel&) = delete;
~KeyframeModel() override;
KeyframeModel& operator=(const KeyframeModel&) = delete;
int group() const { return group_; }
int TargetProperty() const override;
void SetRunState(RunState run_state, base::TimeTicks monotonic_time) override;
ElementId element_id() const { return element_id_; }
void set_element_id(ElementId element_id) { element_id_ = element_id; }
bool InEffect(base::TimeTicks monotonic_time) const;
// If this is true, even if the keyframe model is running, it will not be
// tickable until it is given a start time. This is true for KeyframeModels
// running on the main thread.
bool needs_synchronized_start_time() const {
return needs_synchronized_start_time_;
void set_needs_synchronized_start_time(bool needs_synchronized_start_time) {
needs_synchronized_start_time_ = needs_synchronized_start_time;
// This is true for KeyframeModels running on the main thread when the
// FINISHED event sent by the corresponding impl keyframe model has been
// received.
bool received_finished_event() const { return received_finished_event_; }
void set_received_finished_event(bool received_finished_event) {
received_finished_event_ = received_finished_event;
void set_is_controlling_instance_for_test(bool is_controlling_instance) {
is_controlling_instance_ = is_controlling_instance;
bool is_controlling_instance() const { return is_controlling_instance_; }
void PushPropertiesTo(KeyframeModel* other) const;
std::string ToString() const;
void SetIsImplOnly();
bool is_impl_only() const { return is_impl_only_; }
void set_affects_active_elements(bool affects_active_elements) {
affects_active_elements_ = affects_active_elements;
bool affects_active_elements() const { return affects_active_elements_; }
void set_affects_pending_elements(bool affects_pending_elements) {
affects_pending_elements_ = affects_pending_elements;
bool affects_pending_elements() const { return affects_pending_elements_; }
const std::string& custom_property_name() const {
return target_property_id_.custom_property_name();
PaintWorkletInput::NativePropertyType native_property_type() const {
return target_property_id_.native_property_type();
bool StartShouldBeDeferred() const override;
KeyframeModel(std::unique_ptr<gfx::AnimationCurve> curve,
int keyframe_model_id,
int group_id,
TargetPropertyId target_property_id);
// KeyframeModels that must be run together are called 'grouped' and have the
// same group id. Grouped KeyframeModels are guaranteed to start at the same
// time and no other KeyframeModels may animate any of the group's target
// properties until all KeyframeModels in the group have finished animating.
int group_;
TargetPropertyId target_property_id_;
// If specified, overrides the ElementId to apply this KeyframeModel's effect
// value on.
ElementId element_id_;
bool needs_synchronized_start_time_;
bool received_finished_event_;
// KeyframeModels lead dual lives. An active keyframe model will be
// conceptually owned by two controllers, one on the impl thread and one on
// the main. In reality, there will be two separate KeyframeModel instances
// for the same keyframe model. They will have the same group id and the same
// target property (these two values uniquely identify a keyframe model). The
// instance on the impl thread is the instance that ultimately controls the
// values of the animating layer and so we will refer to it as the
// 'controlling instance'.
// Impl only keyframe models are the exception to this rule. They have only a
// single instance. We consider this instance as the 'controlling instance'.
bool is_controlling_instance_;
bool is_impl_only_;
// When pushed from a main-thread controller to a compositor-thread
// controller, a keyframe model will initially only affect pending elements
// (corresponding to layers in the pending tree). KeyframeModels that only
// affect pending elements are able to reach the STARTING state and tick
// pending elements, but cannot proceed any further and do not tick active
// elements. After activation, such KeyframeModels affect both kinds of
// elements and are able to proceed past the STARTING state. When the removal
// of a keyframe model is pushed from a main-thread controller to a
// compositor-thread controller, this initially only makes the keyframe model
// stop affecting pending elements. After activation, such KeyframeModels no
// longer affect any elements, and are deleted.
bool affects_active_elements_;
bool affects_pending_elements_;
} // namespace cc