blob: f8d24815f2fc981420a56623b9dc5bcdf1c3f066 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "cc/animation/scroll_timeline.h"
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "cc/animation/animation_id_provider.h"
#include "cc/animation/worklet_animation.h"
#include "cc/trees/property_tree.h"
#include "cc/trees/scroll_node.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/point_f.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
namespace cc {
namespace {
bool IsVertical(ScrollTimeline::ScrollDirection direction) {
return direction == ScrollTimeline::ScrollUp ||
direction == ScrollTimeline::ScrollDown;
bool IsReverse(ScrollTimeline::ScrollDirection direction) {
return direction == ScrollTimeline::ScrollUp ||
direction == ScrollTimeline::ScrollLeft;
bool ValidateScrollOffsets(const std::vector<double>& scroll_offsets) {
return scroll_offsets.empty() || scroll_offsets.size() >= 2.0;
} // namespace
template double ComputeProgress<std::vector<double>>(
const std::vector<double>&);
ScrollTimeline::ScrollTimeline(absl::optional<ElementId> scroller_id,
ScrollDirection direction,
const std::vector<double> scroll_offsets,
int animation_timeline_id)
: AnimationTimeline(animation_timeline_id),
scroll_offsets_(scroll_offsets) {
ScrollTimeline::~ScrollTimeline() = default;
scoped_refptr<ScrollTimeline> ScrollTimeline::Create(
absl::optional<ElementId> scroller_id,
ScrollTimeline::ScrollDirection direction,
const std::vector<double> scroll_offsets) {
return base::WrapRefCounted(
new ScrollTimeline(scroller_id, direction, scroll_offsets,
scoped_refptr<AnimationTimeline> ScrollTimeline::CreateImplInstance() const {
return base::WrapRefCounted(
new ScrollTimeline(pending_id_, direction_, scroll_offsets_, id()));
bool ScrollTimeline::IsActive(const ScrollTree& scroll_tree,
bool is_active_tree) const {
// Blink passes empty scroll offsets when the timeline is inactive.
if (scroll_offsets_.empty()) {
return false;
// If pending tree with our scroller hasn't been activated, or the scroller
// has been removed (e.g. if it is no longer composited).
if ((is_active_tree && !active_id_) || (!is_active_tree && !pending_id_))
return false;
ElementId scroller_id =
is_active_tree ? active_id_.value() : pending_id_.value();
// The scroller is not in the ScrollTree if it is not currently scrollable
// (e.g. has overflow: visible). In this case the timeline is not active.
return scroll_tree.FindNodeFromElementId(scroller_id);
absl::optional<base::TimeTicks> ScrollTimeline::CurrentTime(
const ScrollTree& scroll_tree,
bool is_active_tree) const {
// If the timeline is not active return unresolved value by the spec.
if (!IsActive(scroll_tree, is_active_tree))
return absl::nullopt;
ElementId scroller_id =
is_active_tree ? active_id_.value() : pending_id_.value();
const ScrollNode* scroll_node =
gfx::PointF offset = scroll_tree.GetPixelSnappedScrollOffset(scroll_node->id);
DCHECK_GE(offset.x(), 0);
DCHECK_GE(offset.y(), 0);
gfx::PointF scroll_dimensions = scroll_tree.MaxScrollOffset(scroll_node->id);
double max_offset =
IsVertical(direction_) ? scroll_dimensions.y() : scroll_dimensions.x();
double current_physical_offset =
IsVertical(direction_) ? offset.y() : offset.x();
double current_offset = IsReverse(direction_)
? max_offset - current_physical_offset
: current_physical_offset;
DCHECK_GE(max_offset, 0);
DCHECK_GE(current_offset, 0);
DCHECK_GE(scroll_offsets_.size(), 2u);
double resolved_start_scroll_offset = scroll_offsets_[0];
double resolved_end_scroll_offset =
scroll_offsets_[scroll_offsets_.size() - 1];
// TODO( Once the spec has been updated to state what the
// expected result is when startScrollOffset >= endScrollOffset, we might need
// to add a special case here. See
// 3. If current scroll offset is less than startScrollOffset:
if (current_offset < resolved_start_scroll_offset) {
return base::TimeTicks();
// 4. If current scroll offset is greater than or equal to endScrollOffset:
if (current_offset >= resolved_end_scroll_offset) {
return base::TimeTicks() + base::Milliseconds(kScrollTimelineDurationMs);
// Otherwise,
// 5.1 Let progress be a result of applying calculate scroll timeline progress
// procedure for current scroll offset.
// 5.2 The current time is the result of evaluating the following expression:
// progress × timeline duration to get the percentage
return base::TimeTicks() +
current_offset, scroll_offsets_) *
void ScrollTimeline::PushPropertiesTo(AnimationTimeline* impl_timeline) {
ScrollTimeline* scroll_timeline = ToScrollTimeline(impl_timeline);
scroll_timeline->pending_id_ = pending_id_;
// TODO(smcgruer): This leads to incorrect behavior in the current design,
// because we end up using the pending start/end scroll offset for the active
// tree too. Instead we need to either split these (like pending_id_ and
// active_id_) or have a ScrollTimeline per tree.
scroll_timeline->scroll_offsets_ = scroll_offsets_;
void ScrollTimeline::ActivateTimeline() {
active_id_ = pending_id_;
for (auto& kv : id_to_animation_map_) {
auto& animation = kv.second;
if (animation->IsWorkletAnimation())
bool ScrollTimeline::TickScrollLinkedAnimations(
const std::vector<scoped_refptr<Animation>>& ticking_animations,
const ScrollTree& scroll_tree,
bool is_active_tree) {
absl::optional<base::TimeTicks> tick_time =
CurrentTime(scroll_tree, is_active_tree);
if (!tick_time)
return false;
bool animated = false;
// This potentially iterates over all ticking animations multiple
// times (# of ScrollTimeline * # of ticking_animations_).
// The alternative we have considered here was to maintain a
// ticking_animations_ list for each timeline but at the moment we
// have opted to avoid this complexity in favor of simpler but less
// efficient solution.
for (auto& animation : ticking_animations) {
if (animation->animation_timeline() != this)
// Worklet animations are ticked at a later stage.
if (animation->IsWorkletAnimation())
if (!animation->IsScrollLinkedAnimation())
animated = true;
return animated;
void ScrollTimeline::UpdateScrollerIdAndScrollOffsets(
absl::optional<ElementId> pending_id,
const std::vector<double> scroll_offsets) {
if (pending_id_ == pending_id && scroll_offsets_ == scroll_offsets) {
// When the scroller id changes it will first be modified in the pending tree.
// Then later (when the pending tree is promoted to active)
// |ActivateTimeline| will be called and will set the |active_id_|.
pending_id_ = pending_id;
scroll_offsets_ = scroll_offsets;
bool ScrollTimeline::IsScrollTimeline() const {
return true;
} // namespace cc