blob: 568103d47ddcedef2822e2e0dfb43b61209a56e1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Build targets for constructing CIPD release archives.
visibility = [ ":*" ]
# gn binary location.
if (host_os == "mac") {
_gn_path = "//buildtools/mac/gn"
} else if (host_os == "linux") {
_gn_path = "//buildtools/linux64/gn"
if (is_chrome_branded) {
package_base_path = "chrome_internal/fuchsia"
} else {
package_base_path = "chromium/fuchsia"
# Archives related specifically to `fuchsia.web`
_web_engine_directory = "web_engine"
# Archives related specifically to Chrome browser.
_chrome_directory = "chrome"
# Archives of tools intended to be run on a Linux/Mac host rather than the
# Fuchsia device.
_host_tools_directory = "host_tools"
_archive_suffix = "_archive"
# Extracts the numeric Chrome build ID and writes it to a file in the output
# directory.
# To check out the repository on the commit where the build ID was generated,
# simply call `git checkout <build-id>`, and Git will check out the commit
# associated with the <build-id> tag.
process_version("build_id") {
template_file = "build_id.template"
sources = [ "//chrome/VERSION" ]
output = "${target_gen_dir}/build_id.txt"
process_only = true
if (target_cpu == "x64") {
targetarch = "amd64"
} else {
targetarch = "arm64"
# Prepares a CIPD archive, produces a corresponding LICENSE file and generates
# a manifest file.
# Parameters:
# package_subdirectory: Specify the subdirectory relative to
# |package_base_path| in which the package is put.
# description: Sets the "description" field in CIPD package definition.
# Optional parameters used directly by fuchsia_cipd_package template:
# "install_mode",
# "sources",
# "data",
# "data_deps"
# "deps",
# "testonly",
template("cipd_archive") {
# Produces a consolidated license file.
action("${target_name}_license") {
_license_path = "${target_gen_dir}/${target_name}/LICENSE"
_invoker_dir = get_label_info(":${invoker.target_name}", "dir")
_license_target = "${_invoker_dir}:${invoker.target_name}${_archive_suffix}"
script = "//tools/"
inputs = [ "$_gn_path" ]
outputs = [ _license_path ]
args = [
rebase_path(_license_path, root_build_dir),
if (!defined(deps)) {
deps = []
deps += [ ":${target_name}_license" ]
if (!defined(sources)) {
sources = []
sources += get_target_outputs(":${target_name}_license")
fuchsia_cipd_package("${target_name}${_archive_suffix}") {
package = "${package_base_path}/${package_subdirectory}/${targetarch}/${invoker.target_name}"
package_root = "${target_gen_dir}/${invoker.target_name}"
package_definition_name = "${invoker.target_name}.yaml"
# Always use absolute path.
use_absolute_root_path = true
# Prepares a CIPD test archive, which is a regular CIPD archive that generates
# test manifests for a given list of test_sets.
# Parameters:
# test_sets: A list of scopes for which test manifests will be created. Each
# set contains:
# manifest_path: The path to the generated manifest JSON file.
# far_sources: An optional list of CFv2 test component .far files.
# cfv1_far_sources: An optional list of legacy CFv1 test component .far
# files.
# Required parameters used by the cipd_archive template:
# "package_subdirectory",
# Optional parameters used by the cipd_archive template:
# "description"
# "install_mode",
# "data",
# "data_deps"
# "deps",
# "testonly",
template("cipd_test_archive") {
assert(defined(test_sets) && defined(testonly) && testonly == true)
cipd_archive(target_name) {
# Build JSON manifests for each suite of tests and include them in the
# archive.
sources = []
foreach(test_set, test_sets) {
defined(test_set.far_sources) || defined(test_set.cfv1_far_sources))
sources += [ test_set.manifest_path ]
_manifest_contents = []
if (defined(test_set.far_sources)) {
foreach(source, test_set.far_sources) {
package_name = get_path_info(source, "name")
_manifest_contents += [
package = package_name
component_name = package_name + ".cm"
sources += test_set.far_sources
if (defined(test_set.cfv1_far_sources)) {
foreach(source, test_set.cfv1_far_sources) {
package_name = get_path_info(source, "name")
_manifest_contents += [
package = package_name
component_name = package_name + ".cmx"
sources += test_set.cfv1_far_sources
write_file(test_set.manifest_path, _manifest_contents, "json")
cipd_archive("web_runner") {
package_subdirectory = _web_engine_directory
description = "Prebuilt WebRunner binaries for Fuchsia."
deps = [ "//fuchsia/runners:web_runner_pkg" ]
sources = [ "${root_gen_dir}/fuchsia/runners/web_runner/web_runner.far" ]
cipd_archive("web_engine") {
package_subdirectory = _web_engine_directory
description = "Prebuilt WebEngine binaries for Fuchsia."
deps = [ "//fuchsia/engine:web_engine" ]
sources = [ "${root_gen_dir}/fuchsia/engine/web_engine/web_engine.far" ]
cipd_archive("cast_runner") {
package_subdirectory = _web_engine_directory
description = "Prebuilt Cast application Runner binaries for Fuchsia."
deps = [ "//fuchsia/runners:cast_runner_pkg" ]
sources = [ "${root_gen_dir}/fuchsia/runners/cast_runner/cast_runner.far" ]
cipd_archive("web_engine_shell") {
package_subdirectory = _web_engine_directory
description = "Simple command-line embedder for WebEngine."
testonly = true
deps = [ "//fuchsia/engine:web_engine_shell_pkg" ]
sources =
[ "${root_gen_dir}/fuchsia/engine/web_engine_shell/web_engine_shell.far" ]
_stripped_chromedriver_file = "${root_out_dir}/clang_x64/stripped/chromedriver"
action("strip_chromedriver_binary") {
testonly = true
prog_name = "${root_out_dir}/clang_x64/chromedriver"
deps = [ "//chrome/test/chromedriver:chromedriver($host_toolchain)" ]
script = "//build/"
sources = [
outputs = [ _stripped_chromedriver_file ]
args = [
rebase_path(_stripped_chromedriver_file, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(prog_name, root_build_dir),
cipd_archive("chromedriver") {
package_subdirectory = "${_host_tools_directory}/\${os}"
description = "Prebuilt Chromedriver binary for Fuchsia host."
install_mode = "copy"
testonly = true
deps = [ ":strip_chromedriver_binary" ]
sources = [ _stripped_chromedriver_file ]
cipd_test_archive("tests") {
package_subdirectory = _web_engine_directory
description = "Prebuilt Chromium tests for Fuchsia."
testonly = true
deps = [
test_sets = [
manifest_path = "${target_gen_dir}/test_manifest.json"
far_sources = [
cfv1_far_sources = [
manifest_path = "${target_gen_dir}/common_tests_manifest.json"
far_sources = [
cfv1_far_sources = [
manifest_path = "${target_gen_dir}/web_engine_tests_manifest.json"
cfv1_far_sources = [
manifest_path = "${target_gen_dir}/cast_runner_tests_manifest.json"
cfv1_far_sources = [ "${root_gen_dir}/fuchsia/runners/cast_runner_integration_tests/cast_runner_integration_tests.far" ]
# Construct a consolidated directory of web_engine debugging symbols using the
# GNU .build_id structure for CIPD archival.
_web_engine_build_ids_target = "web_engine_debug_symbol_directory"
_web_engine_debug_symbols_archive_name = "web_engine_debug_symbols"
_web_engine_debug_symbols_outdir = "${target_gen_dir}/${_web_engine_debug_symbols_archive_name}/${_web_engine_build_ids_target}"
build_id_dir(_web_engine_build_ids_target) {
testonly = true # Some of the archives contain test packages.
output_path = _web_engine_debug_symbols_outdir
deps = [ ":web_engine_archives_with_symbols" ]
fuchsia_cipd_package(_web_engine_debug_symbols_archive_name) {
testonly = true
package = "${package_base_path}/${_web_engine_directory}/${targetarch}/debug-symbols"
package_root = _web_engine_debug_symbols_outdir
package_definition_name = "${target_name}.yaml"
package_definition_dir = "${target_gen_dir}/${target_name}"
description = "Debugging symbols for prebuilt binaries from Chromium."
use_absolute_root_path = true
directories = [ "." ]
deps = [ ":${_web_engine_build_ids_target}" ]
cipd_archive("chrome") {
package_subdirectory = _chrome_directory
description = "Prebuilt Chrome browser package."
deps = [ "//chrome/app:chrome_pkg" ]
sources = [ "${root_gen_dir}/chrome/app/chrome/chrome.far" ]
_chrome_build_ids_target = "chrome_debug_symbol_directory"
_chrome_debug_symbols_archive_name = "chrome_debug_symbols"
_chrome_debug_symbols_outdir = "${target_gen_dir}/${_chrome_debug_symbols_archive_name}/${_chrome_build_ids_target}"
build_id_dir(_chrome_build_ids_target) {
testonly = true # Some of the archives contain test packages.
output_path = _chrome_debug_symbols_outdir
deps = [ ":chrome${_archive_suffix}" ]
fuchsia_cipd_package(_chrome_debug_symbols_archive_name) {
testonly = true
package =
package_root = _chrome_debug_symbols_outdir
package_definition_name = "${target_name}.yaml"
package_definition_dir = "${target_gen_dir}/${target_name}"
description = "Debugging symbols for prebuilt binaries from Chromium."
use_absolute_root_path = true
directories = [ "." ]
deps = [ ":${_chrome_build_ids_target}" ]
# A group for production archives to ensure nothing is testonly.
group("web_engine_production_archives") {
deps = [
# Used by both the main group as well as :debug_symbols.
group("web_engine_archives_with_symbols") {
testonly = true # tests and web_engine_shell are testonly.
deps = [
group("cipd") {
testonly = true # Some archives are testonly.
deps = [
# Symbols are not uploaded for the following.
if (!is_chrome_branded) {
deps += [
visibility = [] # Required to replace the file default.
visibility = [ "//:gn_all" ]