blob: 87fbbdcf3c98cf2bc5f07e9910575ce5ea974526 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
namespace content {
struct CONTENT_EXPORT BackgroundSyncParameters {
BackgroundSyncParameters(const BackgroundSyncParameters& other);
BackgroundSyncParameters& operator=(const BackgroundSyncParameters& other);
bool operator==(const BackgroundSyncParameters& other) const;
// True if the manager should be disabled and registration attempts should
// fail.
bool disable;
// True if we should rely on Android's network detection where possible.
bool rely_on_android_network_detection;
// If true, we keep the browser awake till all (periodic)sync events fired
// have completed. If false, we only keep the browser awake till all ready
// (periodic)sync events have been fired.
bool keep_browser_awake_till_events_complete;
// True if the manager should skip checking for permissions.
bool skip_permissions_check_for_testing;
// The number of attempts the BackgroundSyncManager will make to fire an
// event before giving up.
int max_sync_attempts;
// The number of attempts the BackgroundSyncManager will make to fire an
// event before giving up, assuming the origin has notification permission.
// This value will override |max_sync_attempts| assuming the Sync
// Registration's origin has notification permissions.
int max_sync_attempts_with_notification_permission;
// The first time that a registration retries, it will wait at least this much
// time before doing so.
base::TimeDelta initial_retry_delay;
// The factor by which retry delay increases. The retry time is determined by:
// initial_retry_delay * pow(retry_delay_factor, |attempts|-1).
int retry_delay_factor;
// The minimum time to wait before waking the browser in case the browser
// closes mid-sync.
base::TimeDelta min_sync_recovery_time;
// The maximum amount of time that a sync event can run for.
base::TimeDelta max_sync_event_duration;
// The minimum time interval between first attempts of Periodic Background
// Sync events for a given registration.
base::TimeDelta min_periodic_sync_events_interval;
} // namespace content