blob: 3069c858d37b3c70cf66209485144f6f5ee9cdad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
namespace base {
class Time;
namespace storage {
class SpecialStoragePolicy;
namespace url {
class Origin;
namespace content {
class BrowsingDataFilterBuilder;
class BrowsingDataRemoverDelegate {
// Determines whether |origin| matches |origin_type_mask| given
// the |special_storage_policy|.
using EmbedderOriginTypeMatcher =
base::RepeatingCallback<bool(uint64_t origin_type_mask,
const url::Origin& origin,
storage::SpecialStoragePolicy* policy)>;
virtual ~BrowsingDataRemoverDelegate() {}
// The embedder can define domains, for which cookies are only deleted
// after all other deletions are finished.
virtual std::vector<std::string> GetDomainsForDeferredCookieDeletion(
uint64_t remove_mask) = 0;
// Returns a MaskMatcherFunction to match embedder's origin types.
// This MaskMatcherFunction will be called with an |origin_type_mask|
// parameter containing ONLY embedder-defined origin types, and must be able
// to handle ALL embedder-defined typed. It must be static and support
// being called on the UI and IO thread.
virtual EmbedderOriginTypeMatcher GetOriginTypeMatcher() = 0;
// Whether the embedder allows the removal of download history.
virtual bool MayRemoveDownloadHistory() = 0;
// Removes embedder-specific data. Once done, calls the |callback| and passes
// back any data types for which the deletion failed (which will always be a
// subset of the |remove_mask|).
virtual void RemoveEmbedderData(
const base::Time& delete_begin,
const base::Time& delete_end,
uint64_t remove_mask,
BrowsingDataFilterBuilder* filter_builder,
uint64_t origin_type_mask,
base::OnceCallback<void(/*failed_data_types=*/uint64_t)> callback) = 0;
// Called when the BrowsingDataRemover starts executing a task.
virtual void OnStartRemoving() {}
// Called when the BrowsingDataRemover is done executing all the tasks in its
// queue.
virtual void OnDoneRemoving() {}
} // namespace content