blob: dc9986aea64fc2b93b3e0058a57d4ee02e3ba7a5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
#include "url/origin.h"
namespace base {
class FilePath;
namespace content {
class BrowserContext;
// The ChildProcessSecurityPolicy class is used to grant and revoke security
// capabilities for child processes. For example, it restricts whether a child
// process is permitted to load file:// URLs based on whether the process
// has ever been commanded to load file:// URLs by the browser.
// ChildProcessSecurityPolicy is a singleton that may be used on any thread.
class ChildProcessSecurityPolicy {
virtual ~ChildProcessSecurityPolicy() {}
// There is one global ChildProcessSecurityPolicy object for the entire
// browser process. The object returned by this method may be accessed on
// any thread.
static CONTENT_EXPORT ChildProcessSecurityPolicy* GetInstance();
// Web-safe schemes can be requested by any child process. Once a web-safe
// scheme has been registered, any child process can request URLs whose
// origins use that scheme. There is no mechanism for revoking web-safe
// schemes.
// Only call this function if URLs of this scheme are okay to host in
// any ordinary renderer process.
// Registering 'your-scheme' as web-safe also causes 'blob:your-scheme://'
// and 'filesystem:your-scheme://' URLs to be considered web-safe.
virtual void RegisterWebSafeScheme(const std::string& scheme) = 0;
// More restrictive variant of RegisterWebSafeScheme; URLs with this scheme
// may be requested by any child process, but navigations to this scheme may
// only commit in child processes that have been explicitly granted
// permission to do so.
// |always_allow_in_origin_headers| controls whether this scheme is allowed to
// appear as the Origin HTTP header in outbound requests, even if the
// originating process does not have permission to commit this scheme. This
// may be necessary if the scheme is used in conjunction with blink's
// IsolatedWorldSecurityOrigin mechanism, as for extension content scripts.
virtual void RegisterWebSafeIsolatedScheme(
const std::string& scheme,
bool always_allow_in_origin_headers) = 0;
// Returns true iff |scheme| has been registered as a web-safe scheme.
// TODO(nick): This function does not have enough
// information to render an appropriate judgment for blob and filesystem URLs;
// change it to accept an URL instead.
virtual bool IsWebSafeScheme(const std::string& scheme) = 0;
// This permission grants only read access to a file.
// Whenever the user picks a file from a <input type="file"> element, the
// browser should call this function to grant the child process the capability
// to upload the file to the web. Grants FILE_PERMISSION_READ_ONLY.
virtual void GrantReadFile(int child_id, const base::FilePath& file) = 0;
// This permission grants creation, read, and full write access to a file,
// including attributes.
virtual void GrantCreateReadWriteFile(int child_id,
const base::FilePath& file) = 0;
// This permission grants copy-into permission for |dir|.
virtual void GrantCopyInto(int child_id, const base::FilePath& dir) = 0;
// This permission grants delete permission for |dir|.
virtual void GrantDeleteFrom(int child_id, const base::FilePath& dir) = 0;
// Determine whether the process has the capability to request the URL.
// Before servicing a child process's request for a URL, the content layer
// calls this method to determine whether it is safe.
virtual bool CanRequestURL(int child_id, const GURL& url) = 0;
// Whether the process is allowed to commit a document from the given URL.
// This is more restrictive than CanRequestURL, since CanRequestURL allows
// requests that might lead to cross-process navigations or external protocol
// handlers.
virtual bool CanCommitURL(int child_id, const GURL& url) = 0;
// These methods verify whether or not the child process has been granted
// permissions perform these functions on |file|.
// Before servicing a child process's request to upload a file to the web, the
// browser should call this method to determine whether the process has the
// capability to upload the requested file.
virtual bool CanReadFile(int child_id, const base::FilePath& file) = 0;
virtual bool CanCreateReadWriteFile(int child_id,
const base::FilePath& file) = 0;
// Grants read access permission to the given isolated file system
// identified by |filesystem_id|. An isolated file system can be
// created for a set of native files/directories (like dropped files)
// using storage::IsolatedContext. A child process needs to be granted
// permission to the file system to access the files in it using
// file system URL. You do NOT need to give direct permission to
// individual file paths.
// Note: files/directories in the same file system share the same
// permission as far as they are accessed via the file system, i.e.
// using the file system URL (tip: you can create a new file system
// to give different permission to part of files).
virtual void GrantReadFileSystem(int child_id,
const std::string& filesystem_id) = 0;
// Grants write access permission to the given isolated file system
// identified by |filesystem_id|. See comments for GrantReadFileSystem
// for more details. You do NOT need to give direct permission to
// individual file paths.
// This must be called with a great care as this gives write permission
// to all files/directories included in the file system.
virtual void GrantWriteFileSystem(int child_id,
const std::string& filesystem_id) = 0;
// Grants create file permission to the given isolated file system
// identified by |filesystem_id|. See comments for GrantReadFileSystem
// for more details. You do NOT need to give direct permission to
// individual file paths.
// This must be called with a great care as this gives create permission
// within all directories included in the file system.
virtual void GrantCreateFileForFileSystem(
int child_id,
const std::string& filesystem_id) = 0;
// Grants create, read and write access permissions to the given isolated
// file system identified by |filesystem_id|. See comments for
// GrantReadFileSystem for more details. You do NOT need to give direct
// permission to individual file paths.
// This must be called with a great care as this gives create, read and write
// permissions to all files/directories included in the file system.
virtual void GrantCreateReadWriteFileSystem(
int child_id,
const std::string& filesystem_id) = 0;
// Grants permission to copy-into filesystem |filesystem_id|. 'copy-into'
// is used to allow copying files into the destination filesystem without
// granting more general create and write permissions.
virtual void GrantCopyIntoFileSystem(int child_id,
const std::string& filesystem_id) = 0;
// Grants permission to delete from filesystem |filesystem_id|. 'delete-from'
// is used to allow deleting files into the destination filesystem without
// granting more general create and write permissions.
virtual void GrantDeleteFromFileSystem(int child_id,
const std::string& filesystem_id) = 0;
// Grants the child process the capability to commit URLs with the provided
// origin. Usage should be extremely rare: the content framework already
// automatically grants this privilege as needed on successful navigation to a
// URL.
// If you think you need this, please reach out to site-isolation-dev@ first.
virtual void GrantCommitOrigin(int child_id, const url::Origin& origin) = 0;
// Grants the child process the capability to request URLs with the provided
// origin.
virtual void GrantRequestOrigin(int child_id, const url::Origin& origin) = 0;
// Grants the child process the capability to request URLs of the provided
// scheme.
virtual void GrantRequestScheme(int child_id, const std::string& scheme) = 0;
// Returns true if read access has been granted to |filesystem_id|.
virtual bool CanReadFileSystem(int child_id,
const std::string& filesystem_id) = 0;
// Returns true if read and write access has been granted to |filesystem_id|.
virtual bool CanReadWriteFileSystem(int child_id,
const std::string& filesystem_id) = 0;
// Returns true if copy-into access has been granted to |filesystem_id|.
virtual bool CanCopyIntoFileSystem(int child_id,
const std::string& filesystem_id) = 0;
// Returns true if delete-from access has been granted to |filesystem_id|.
virtual bool CanDeleteFromFileSystem(int child_id,
const std::string& filesystem_id) = 0;
// Returns true if the specified child_id has been granted WebUI bindings.
// The browser should check this property before assuming the child process
// is allowed to use WebUI bindings.
virtual bool HasWebUIBindings(int child_id) = 0;
// Grants permission to send system exclusive message to any MIDI devices.
virtual void GrantSendMidiSysExMessage(int child_id) = 0;
// Returns true if the process is permitted to read and modify the data for
// the origin of |url|. This is currently used to protect data such as
// cookies, passwords, and local storage. Does not affect cookies attached to
// or set by network requests.
// This can only return false for processes locked to a particular origin,
// which can happen for any origin when the --site-per-process flag is used,
// or for isolated origins that require a dedicated process (see
// AddFutureIsolatedOrigins).
virtual bool CanAccessDataForOrigin(int child_id,
const url::Origin& origin) = 0;
// Defines available sources of isolated origins. This should be specified
// when adding isolated origins with the AddFutureIsolatedOrigins() call
// below.
enum class IsolatedOriginSource {
// Used for origins that are hardcoded into the browser.
// Used for origins that are specified from the command line, i.e.
// --isolate-origins.
// Used for origins that are configured through field trials.
// Used for origins defined by an administrator (e.g., via enterprise
// policy).
// Used for origins that are isolated based on user-triggered runtime
// heuristics.
// Used for origins that are isolated based on runtime heuristics triggered
// directly by web pages, such as headers.
// Used for testing purposes.
// Add |origins| to the list of origins that require process isolation. When
// making process model decisions for such origins, the scheme+host tuple
// rather than scheme and eTLD+1 will be used. SiteInstances for these
// origins will also use the full host of the isolated origin as site URL.
// Subdomains of an isolated origin are considered to be part of that
// origin's site. For example, if is added as an
// isolated origin, then will be considered part
// of the site for
// Note that origins from |origins| must not be unique - URLs that render with
// unique origins, such as data: URLs, are not supported. Non-standard
// schemes are also not supported. Sandboxed frames (e.g., <iframe sandbox>)
// *are* supported, since process placement decisions will be based on the
// URLs such frames navigate to, and not the origin of committed documents
// (which might be unique). If an isolated origin opens an about:blank
// popup, it will stay in the isolated origin's process. Nested URLs
// (filesystem: and blob:) retain process isolation behavior of their inner
// origin.
// Note that it is okay if |origins| contains duplicates - the set of origins
// will be deduplicated inside the method.
// The new isolated origins will apply only to BrowsingInstances and renderer
// processes created *after* this call. This is necessary to not break
// scripting relationships between same-origin iframes in existing
// BrowsingInstances. To do this, this function internally determines a
// threshold BrowsingInstance ID that is higher than all existing
// BrowsingInstance IDs but lower than future BrowsingInstance IDs, and
// associates it with each of the |origins|. If an origin had already been
// isolated prior to calling this, it is ignored, and its threshold is not
// updated.
// |source| describes the context/reason for adding the new isolated origins;
// see comments on IsolatedOriginSource.
// If |browser_context| is non-null, the new isolated origins added via this
// function will apply only within that BrowserContext. If |browser_context|
// is null, the new isolated origins will apply globally in *all*
// BrowserContexts (but still subject to the BrowsingInstance ID cutoff in
// the previous paragraph).
// This function may be called again for the same origin but different
// |browser_context|. In that case, the origin will be isolated in all
// BrowserContexts for which this function has been called. However,
// attempts to re-add an origin for the same |browser_context| will be
// ignored.
virtual void AddFutureIsolatedOrigins(
const std::vector<url::Origin>& origins,
IsolatedOriginSource source,
BrowserContext* browser_context = nullptr) = 0;
// Semantically identical to the above, but accepts a string of comma
// separated origins. |origins_to_add| can contain both wildcard and
// non-wildcard origins, e.g. "https://[*.],".
// Wildcard origins provide a way to treat all subdomains under the specified
// host and scheme as distinct isolated origins. For example,
// https://[*.] would isolate, and
// all in separate processes. Adding a wildcard origin
// implies breaking document.domain for all of its subdomains.
// Note that wildcards can only be added using this version of
// AddFutureIsolatedOrigins(); they cannot be specified in a url::Origin().
virtual void AddFutureIsolatedOrigins(
base::StringPiece origins_to_add,
IsolatedOriginSource source,
BrowserContext* browser_context = nullptr) = 0;
// Returns true if |origin| is a globally (not per-profile) isolated origin.
virtual bool IsGloballyIsolatedOriginForTesting(
const url::Origin& origin) = 0;
// Returns the set of currently active isolated origins, optionally filtered
// by the source of how they were added and/or by BrowserContext.
// If |source| is provided, only origins that were added with the same source
// will be returned; if |source| is absl::nullopt, origins from all sources
// will be returned.
// If |browser_context| is null, only globally applicable origins will be
// returned. If |browser_context| is non-null, only origins that apply
// within that particular BrowserContext will be returned (note that this
// includes both matching per-profile isolated origins as well as globally
// applicable origins which apply to |browser_context| by definition).
// Origins returned by this function only include origins that would apply to
// any future BrowsingInstance (browsing context group). Origins that were
// isolated only in specific BrowsingInstances are not included. (In
// particular, this excludes BrowsingInstance-specific isolated origins for
// Origin-Agent-Cluster as well as COOP documents loaded without user
// activation.)
virtual std::vector<url::Origin> GetIsolatedOrigins(
absl::optional<IsolatedOriginSource> source = absl::nullopt,
BrowserContext* browser_context = nullptr) = 0;
// Returns whether the site of |origin| is isolated and was added by the
// |source| to be isolated.
virtual bool IsIsolatedSiteFromSource(const url::Origin& origin,
IsolatedOriginSource source) = 0;
// Clears all isolated origins. This is unsafe to use outside of testing.
virtual void ClearIsolatedOriginsForTesting() = 0;
} // namespace content