blob: 42ece60bcbe7416690bde100f70c46a7cafd2007 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
namespace content {
// Type of a frame, capturing whether it's a subframe or a main frame and, if
// it's a main frame, which flavour of main frame it is, which can be a primary
// main frame of a WebContents or a non-primary main frame created on behalf of
// a prerendering or a fenced frame.
// Inside //content, it can be accessed directly from FrameTreeNode. In
// //content/public API the embedder can figure out the frame type of a frame
// associated with a given navigation via
// NavigationHandle::GetNavigatingFrameType().
enum class FrameType {
// A frame corresponding to an <iframe> (or a similar HTML element like
// <object>).
// Subframes always have a non-null parent document (FrameTreeNode::parent_ or
// NavigationHandle::GetParentFrame) and, vice versa, main frame's parent is
// always null.
// Primary main frame is 1:1 with a WebContents object and owned by it.
// This frame was created by prerendering to load a page before the user
// navigated to it - then when the user navigates to the prerendered URL, the
// page will be transferred to the primary main frame.
// A root of an isolated frame tree created on behalf of a <fencedframe>
// element.
// Note: Only MPArch-based FencedFrame implementation creates a separate frame
// tree, while ShadowDOM-based FencedFrame emulate isolation based on a
// iframe and it has a kSubframe type.
// This differs from RenderFrameHost::IsFencedFrameRoot(), which covers
// both MPArch and ShadowDOM-based FencedFrames.
// TODO( Consider if we need to have the types for portals
// or guestviews.
} // namespace content