blob: 54619f46561db4dcbad3050bfc879f886d67c497 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece_forward.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
namespace content {
// MojoBinderNonAssociatedPolicy specifies policies for non-associated
// interfaces. It is used by `MojoBinderPolicyMapApplier` for Mojo
// capability control.
// See the comment in
// `MojoBinderPolicyApplier::ApplyPolicyToNonAssociatedBinder()` for details.
enum class MojoBinderNonAssociatedPolicy {
// Run the binder registered for the requested interface as normal.
// Defer running the binder registered for the requested interface. Deferred
// binders can be explicitly asked to run later.
// Used for interface requests that cannot be handled and should cause the
// requesting context to be discarded (for example, cancel prerendering).
// The interface request is not expected. Kill the calling renderer.
// MojoBinderAssociatedPolicy specifies policies for channel-associated
// interfaces. It is used by `MojoBinderPolicyMapApplier` for Mojo capability
// control. See the comment in
// `MojoBinderPolicyApplier::ApplyPolicyToAssociatedBinder()` for details.
enum class MojoBinderAssociatedPolicy {
// Run the binder registered for the requested interface as normal.
// Used for interface requests that cannot be handled and should cause the
// requesting context to be discarded (for example, cancel prerendering).
// The interface request is not expected. Kill the calling renderer.
// Used by content/ layer to manage interfaces' binding policies. Embedders can
// set their own policies via this interface.
// TODO( Consider integrating it with
// mojo::BinderMap.
class CONTENT_EXPORT MojoBinderPolicyMap {
MojoBinderPolicyMap() = default;
virtual ~MojoBinderPolicyMap() = default;
// Called by embedders to set their binder policies for channel-associated
// interfaces.
template <typename Interface>
void SetAssociatedPolicy(MojoBinderAssociatedPolicy policy) {
SetPolicyByName(Interface::Name_, policy);
// Called by embedders to set their binder policies for non-associated
// interfaces.
template <typename Interface>
void SetNonAssociatedPolicy(MojoBinderNonAssociatedPolicy policy) {
SetPolicyByName(Interface::Name_, policy);
virtual void SetPolicyByName(const base::StringPiece& name,
MojoBinderAssociatedPolicy policy) = 0;
virtual void SetPolicyByName(const base::StringPiece& name,
MojoBinderNonAssociatedPolicy policy) = 0;
} // namespace content