blob: fd48ddc9164789b6518adbd3983cdba1254c984b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/public/browser/back_forward_cache.h"
#include "content/public/common/extra_mojo_js_features.mojom.h"
#include "content/public/common/isolated_world_ids.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_listener.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_sender.h"
#include "services/metrics/public/cpp/ukm_source_id.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/web_sandbox_flags.mojom-forward.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/frame/frame_owner_element_type.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/tokens/tokens.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/devtools/console_message.mojom-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/devtools/inspector_issue.mojom-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/favicon/favicon_url.mojom-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/frame.mojom-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/sudden_termination_disabler_type.mojom-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/user_activation_notification_type.mojom-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/page/page_visibility_state.mojom-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/permissions_policy/permissions_policy_feature.mojom-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/webauthn/authenticator.mojom-forward.h"
#include "third_party/perfetto/include/perfetto/tracing/traced_value_forward.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_node_id_forward.h"
#include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
class GURL;
namespace base {
namespace android {
template <typename T>
class JavaRef;
} // namespace android
class TimeDelta;
class UnguessableToken;
} // namespace base
namespace blink {
class AssociatedInterfaceProvider;
namespace mojom {
enum class AuthenticatorStatus;
enum class PermissionsPolicyFeature;
class MediaPlayerAction;
} // namespace mojom
} // namespace blink
namespace gfx {
class Point;
class Size;
} // namespace gfx
namespace mojo {
template <typename T>
class PendingReceiver;
} // namespace mojo
namespace net {
class IsolationInfo;
class NetworkIsolationKey;
class HttpResponseHeaders;
} // namespace net
namespace network {
namespace mojom {
class URLLoaderFactory;
} // namespace network
namespace perfetto::protos::pbzero {
class RenderFrameHost;
} // namespace perfetto::protos::pbzero
namespace service_manager {
class InterfaceProvider;
namespace ui {
struct AXActionData;
struct AXTreeUpdate;
class AXMode;
class AXTreeID;
} // namespace ui
namespace url {
class Origin;
namespace content {
class BrowserContext;
class DocumentRef;
struct GlobalRenderFrameHostId;
class RenderProcessHost;
class RenderViewHost;
class RenderWidgetHost;
class RenderWidgetHostView;
class SiteInstance;
class StoragePartition;
class WeakDocumentPtr;
class WebUI;
class Page;
// The interface provides a communication conduit with a frame in the renderer.
// The preferred way to keep a reference to a RenderFrameHost is storing a
// GlobalRenderFrameHostId and using RenderFrameHost::FromID() when you need to
// access it.
class CONTENT_EXPORT RenderFrameHost : public IPC::Listener,
public IPC::Sender {
// Constant used to denote that a lookup of a FrameTreeNode ID has failed.
enum { kNoFrameTreeNodeId = -1 };
// Returns the RenderFrameHost given its ID and the ID of its render process.
// Returns nullptr if the IDs do not correspond to a live RenderFrameHost.
static RenderFrameHost* FromID(const GlobalRenderFrameHostId& id);
static RenderFrameHost* FromID(int render_process_id, int render_frame_id);
// Returns the RenderFrameHost given its frame token and its process
// ID. Returns nullptr if the frame token does not correspond to a live
// RenderFrameHost.
static RenderFrameHost* FromFrameToken(
int initiator_process_id,
const blink::LocalFrameToken& frame_token);
// Globally allows for injecting JavaScript into the main world. This feature
// is present only to support Android WebView, WebLayer, Fuchsia web.Contexts,
// and CastOS content shell. It must not be used in other configurations.
static void AllowInjectingJavaScript();
// Returns a RenderFrameHost given its accessibility tree ID.
static RenderFrameHost* FromAXTreeID(const ui::AXTreeID& ax_tree_id);
// Returns the FrameTreeNode ID corresponding to the specified |process_id|
// and |routing_id|. This routing ID pair may represent a placeholder for
// frame that is currently rendered in a different process than |process_id|.
static int GetFrameTreeNodeIdForRoutingId(int process_id, int routing_id);
// Returns the RenderFrameHost corresponding to the
// |placeholder_frame_token| in the given |render_process_id|. The returned
// RenderFrameHost will always be in a different process. It may be null if
// the placeholder is not found in the given process, which may happen if the
// frame was recently deleted or swapped to |render_process_id| itself.
static RenderFrameHost* FromPlaceholderToken(
int render_process_id,
const blink::RemoteFrameToken& placeholder_frame_token);
// Returns the RenderFrameHost object associated with a Java native pointer.
static RenderFrameHost* FromJavaRenderFrameHost(
const base::android::JavaRef<jobject>& jrender_frame_host_android);
~RenderFrameHost() override {}
// Returns the route id for this frame.
virtual int GetRoutingID() const = 0;
// Returns the frame token for this frame.
virtual const blink::LocalFrameToken& GetFrameToken() = 0;
// Returns the reporting source token for the document in this frame. This is
// used by the Reporting API to associate queued reports generated by this
// document with the reporting endpoint configuration delivered with the
// Reporting-Endpoints response header.
virtual const base::UnguessableToken& GetReportingSource() = 0;
// Returns the accessibility tree ID for this RenderFrameHost.
virtual ui::AXTreeID GetAXTreeID() = 0;
using AXTreeSnapshotCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(const ui::AXTreeUpdate&)>;
// Request a one-time snapshot of the accessibility tree without changing
// the accessibility mode.
virtual void RequestAXTreeSnapshot(AXTreeSnapshotCallback callback,
const ui::AXMode& ax_mode,
bool exclude_offscreen,
size_t max_nodes,
const base::TimeDelta& timeout) = 0;
using AXTreeDistillerCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(
const ui::AXTreeUpdate&,
const std::vector<ui::AXNodeID>& content_node_ids)>;
// Requests a one-time snapshot of the accessibility tree with distilled
// node IDs identified.
virtual void RequestDistilledAXTree(AXTreeDistillerCallback callback) = 0;
// Returns the SiteInstance grouping all RenderFrameHosts that have script
// access to this RenderFrameHost, and must therefore live in the same
// process.
// Associated SiteInstance never changes.
virtual SiteInstance* GetSiteInstance() const = 0;
// Returns the process for this frame.
// Associated RenderProcessHost never changes.
virtual RenderProcessHost* GetProcess() const = 0;
// Returns the GlobalRenderFrameHostId for this frame. Embedders should store
// this instead of a raw RenderFrameHost pointer.
virtual GlobalRenderFrameHostId GetGlobalId() const = 0;
// Returns a StoragePartition associated with this RenderFrameHost.
// Associated StoragePartition never changes.
virtual StoragePartition* GetStoragePartition() = 0;
// Returns the user browser context associated with this RenderFrameHost.
// Associated BrowserContext never changes.
virtual BrowserContext* GetBrowserContext() = 0;
// Returns the current document's HTTP response headers. Note that this value
// will change when a cross-document navigation reuses RenderFrameHost and
// commits a new document in existing RenderFrameHost. Must not be called
// in LifecycleState::kPendingCommit before committing a document.
// This is null if there was no response: the initial empty document,
// about:blank, about:srcdoc, and MHTML iframes.
virtual const net::HttpResponseHeaders* GetLastResponseHeaders() = 0;
// Returns the RenderWidgetHostView for this frame or the nearest ancestor
// frame, which can be used to control input, focus, rendering and visibility
// for this frame.
// This returns null when there is no connection to a renderer process, which
// can be checked with IsRenderFrameLive().
// NOTE: Due to historical relationships between RenderViewHost and
// RenderWidgetHost, the main frame RenderWidgetHostView may initially exist
// before IsRenderFrameCreated() is true, but they would afterward change
// values together. It is better to not rely on this behaviour as it is
// intended to change. See
virtual RenderWidgetHostView* GetView() = 0;
// Returns the RenderWidgetHost attached to this frame or the nearest ancestor
// frame, which could potentially be the root. This allows access to the
// RenderWidgetHost without having to go through GetView() which can be null,
// so should be preferred to GetView()->GetRenderWidgetHost().
// This method is not valid to be called when the RenderFrameHost is detached
// from the frame tree, though this would only happen during destruction of
// the RenderFrameHost.
virtual RenderWidgetHost* GetRenderWidgetHost() = 0;
// Returns the parent of this RenderFrameHost, or nullptr if this
// RenderFrameHost is the main one and there is no parent.
// The result may be in a different process than the
// current RenderFrameHost.
virtual RenderFrameHost* GetParent() const = 0;
// Returns the document owning the frame this RenderFrameHost is located
// in, which will either be a parent (for <iframe>s) or outer document (for
// <fencedframe> and <portal>). This will return the outer document in cases
// of fenced frames and portals but will not cross a browsing session boundary
// (ie. it will not escape a GuestView). See
// `RenderFrameHostImpl::GetParentOrOuterDocumentOrEmbedder` for the
// version of this API that will cross a browsing session boundary.
// This method typically will be used for permissions and policy decisions
// based on checking origins.
// Example:
// A
// B (iframe)
// C (fenced frame - placeholder frame)
// C* (main frame in fenced frame).
// C* GetParent returns null.
// C* GetParentOrOuterDocument returns A.
// C GetParent & GetParentOrOuterDocument returns A.
// B GetParent & GetParentOrOuterDocument returns A.
// A GetParent & GetParentOrOuterDocument returns nullptr.
virtual RenderFrameHost* GetParentOrOuterDocument() const = 0;
// Returns the eldest parent of this RenderFrameHost.
// Always non-null, but might be equal to |this|.
// The result may be in a different process that the current RenderFrameHost.
// NOTE: The result might be different from
// WebContents::FromRenderFrameHost(this)->GetMainFrame().
// This function (RenderFrameHost::GetMainFrame) is the preferred API in
// almost all of the cases. See RenderFrameHost::IsActive for the details.
virtual RenderFrameHost* GetMainFrame() = 0;
// Returns true if `this` is the main document of the primary `Page` of the
// associated WebContents. See the description of
// `WebContents::GetPrimaryPage` for details. It is therefore also current in
// the primary main frame.
virtual bool IsInPrimaryMainFrame() = 0;
// Returns the topmost ancestor RenderFrameHost of this RenderFrameHost. This
// includes any parents (in the case of subframes) and any outer documents
// (e.g. fenced frame owners), but does not traverse out of GuestViews.
// This can be used instead of GetMainFrame in cases where we want to escape
// inner pages. See also GetParentOrOuterDocument for more details on the
// distinction of "parents" and "outer documents."
// Note that this may be different from getting the WebContents' primary main
// frame. For example, if `this` is in a bfcached or prerendered page, this
// will return the cached/prerendered page's main RenderFrameHost.
virtual RenderFrameHost* GetOutermostMainFrame() = 0;
// Fenced frames (meta-bug
// Returns true if this document is the root of a fenced frame tree. This
// supports both Shadow DOM and MPArch implementations.
// In particular, this always returns false for frames loaded inside a
// <fencedframe> element, if the frame is not the top-level <fencedframe>
// itself. That is, this will return false for all <iframes> nested under a
// <fencedframe>.
virtual bool IsFencedFrameRoot() = 0;
// Fenced frames (meta-bug
// Returns true if `this` was loaded in a <fencedframe> element directly or if
// one of `this` ancestors was loaded in a <fencedframe> element. This
// supports both Shadow DOM and MPArch implementations.
virtual bool IsNestedWithinFencedFrame() const = 0;
// |ForEachRenderFrameHost| traverses this RenderFrameHost and all of its
// descendants, including frames in any inner frame trees, in breadth-first
// order. Examples of features that have inner frame trees are portals or
// GuestViews. Note: The RenderFrameHost parameter is not guaranteed to have a
// live RenderFrame counterpart in the renderer process. Callbacks should
// check IsRenderFrameLive(), as sending IPC messages to it in this case will
// fail silently.
// The callback returns a FrameIterationAction which determines if/how
// iteration on subsequent frames continues. The FrameIterationAction may be
// omitted, in which case kContinue will be assumed.
enum class FrameIterationAction {
// Includes the children of the visited frame for subsequent traversal and
// continues traversal to the next frame.
// Continues traversal to the next frame but does not include the children
// of the visited frame for subsequent traversal.
// Does not continue traversal.
using FrameIterationCallback =
using FrameIterationAlwaysContinueCallback =
virtual void ForEachRenderFrameHost(FrameIterationCallback on_frame) = 0;
virtual void ForEachRenderFrameHost(
FrameIterationAlwaysContinueCallback on_frame) = 0;
// Returns the FrameTreeNode ID associated with this RenderFrameHost. This ID
// is browser-global and uniquely identifies a browser-side concept of a frame
// (a "FrameTreeNode") that hosts content.
// When the FrameTreeNode is removed, the ID is not used again.
// A FrameTreeNode can outlive its current RenderFrameHost, and may be
// associated with multiple RenderFrameHosts over time. This happens because
// some navigations require a "RenderFrameHost swap" which causes a new
// RenderFrameHost to be housed in the FrameTreeNode. For example, this
// happens for any cross-process navigation, since a RenderFrameHost is tied
// to a process.
// In the other direction, a RenderFrameHost can also transfer to a different
// FrameTreeNode! Prior to the advent of prerendered pages
// (content/browser/prerender/, that was not true, and it could be
// assumed that the return value of RenderFrameHost::GetFrameTreeNodeId() was
// constant over the lifetime of the RenderFrameHost. But with prerender
// activations, the main frame of the prerendered page transfers to a new
// FrameTreeNode, so newer code should no longer make that assumption. This
// transfer only happens for main frames (currently only during a prerender
// activation navigation) and never happens for subframes.
// If a stable identifier is needed, GetGlobalId() always refers to this
// RenderFrameHost, while this RenderFrameHost might host multiple documents
// over its lifetime, and this RenderFrameHost might have a shorter lifetime
// than the frame hosting content, as explained above. For associating data
// with a single document, DocumentUserData can be used.
virtual int GetFrameTreeNodeId() const = 0;
// Used for devtools instrumentation and trace-ability. The token is
// propagated to Blink's LocalFrame and both Blink and content/
// can tag calls and requests with this token in order to attribute them
// to the context frame. The token is only defined by the browser process and
// is never sent back from the renderer in the control calls. It should be
// never used to look up the FrameTreeNode instance.
virtual const base::UnguessableToken& GetDevToolsFrameToken() = 0;
// This token is present on all frames. For frames with parents, it allows
// identification of embedding relationships between parent and child. For
// main frames, it also allows generalization of the embedding relationship
// when the WebContents itself is embedded in another context such as the rest
// of the browser UI. This will be nullopt prior to the RenderFrameHost
// committing a navigation. After the first navigation commits this
// will return the token for the last committed document.
// TODO(crbug/1098283): Remove the nullopt scenario by creating the token in
// CreateChildFrame() or similar.
virtual absl::optional<base::UnguessableToken> GetEmbeddingToken() = 0;
// Returns the assigned name of the frame, the name of the iframe tag
// declaring it. For example, <iframe name="framename">[...]</iframe>. It is
// quite possible for a frame to have no name, in which case GetFrameName will
// return an empty string.
virtual const std::string& GetFrameName() = 0;
// Returns true if the frame is display: none.
virtual bool IsFrameDisplayNone() = 0;
// Returns the size of the frame in the viewport. The frame may not be aware
// of its size.
virtual const absl::optional<gfx::Size>& GetFrameSize() = 0;
// Returns the distance from this frame to its main frame.
virtual size_t GetFrameDepth() = 0;
// Returns true if the frame is out of process relative to its parent.
virtual bool IsCrossProcessSubframe() = 0;
// Reflects the web-exposed isolation properties of a given frame, which
// depends both on the process in which the frame lives, as well as the agent
// cluster into which it has been placed.
// Three broad categories are possible:
// 1. The frame may not be isolated in a web-facing way.
// 2. The frame may be "cross-origin isolated", corresponding to the value
// returned by `WorkerOrWindowGlobalScope.crossOriginIsolated`, and gating
// the set of APIs which specify [CrossOriginIsolated] attributes. The
// requirements for this level of isolation are described in [1] and [2]
// below.
// In practice this means that the frame is guaranteed to be hosted in a
// process that is isolated to the frame's origin. Additionally, the
// frame may embed cross-origin frames and workers only if they have
// opted in to being embedded by asserting CORS or CORP headers.
// 3. The frame may be an "isolated application", corresponding to a mostly
// TBD set of restrictions we're exploring in,
// and which currently gate the set of APIs which specify
// [DirectSocketEnabled] attributes.
// The enum below is ordered from least-isolated to most-isolated.
// [1]
// [2]
// NOTE: some of the information needed to fully determine a frame's
// isolation status is currently not available in the browser process.
// Access to web platform API's must be checked in the renderer, with the
// WebExposedIsolationLevel on the browser side only used as a backup to
// catch misbehaving renderers.
enum class WebExposedIsolationLevel {
// The frame is not in a cross-origin isolated agent cluster. It may not
// meet the requirements for such isolation in itself, or it may be
// hosted in a process capable of supporting cross-origin isolation or
// application isolation, but barred from using those capabilities by
// its embedder.
// The frame is in a cross-origin isolated process and agent cluster,
// allowed to access web platform APIs gated on [CrossOriginIsolated].
// TODO(clamy): Remove this "maybe" status once it is possible to determine
// conclusively whether the document is capable of calling cross-origin
// isolated APIs by examining the active document policy.
// The frame is in a cross-origin isolated process and agent cluster that
// supports application isolation, allowing access to web platform APIs
// gated on both [CrossOriginIsolated] and [DirectSocketEnabled].
// TODO(clamy): Remove this "maybe" status once it is possible to determine
// conclusively whether the document is capable of calling cross-origin
// isolated APIs by examining the active document policy.
// Returns the web-exposed isolation level of a frame's agent cluster.
// Note that this is a property of the document so can change as the frame
// navigates.
// TODO(https://936696): Once RenderDocument ships this should be exposed as
// an invariant of the document host.
virtual WebExposedIsolationLevel GetWebExposedIsolationLevel() = 0;
// Returns the last committed URL of this RenderFrameHost. This will be empty
// until the first commit in this RenderFrameHost.
// Note that this does not reflect navigations in other RenderFrameHosts,
// frames, or pages within the same WebContents, so it may differ from
// NavigationController::GetLastCommittedEntry().
virtual const GURL& GetLastCommittedURL() const = 0;
// Returns the last committed origin of this RenderFrameHost.
virtual const url::Origin& GetLastCommittedOrigin() const = 0;
// Returns the network isolation key used for subresources from the currently
// committed navigation. It's set on commit and does not change until the next
// navigation is committed.
// TODO(mmenke): Remove this in favor of GetIsolationInfoForSubresoruces().
virtual const net::NetworkIsolationKey& GetNetworkIsolationKey() = 0;
// Returns the IsolationInfo used for subresources from the currently
// committed navigation. It's set on commit and does not change until the next
// navigation is committed.
virtual const net::IsolationInfo& GetIsolationInfoForSubresources() = 0;
// Returns the IsolationInfo used for subresources for the pending commit, if
// there is one. Otherwise, returns the IsolationInfo used for subresources of
// the last committed page load.
// TODO(https://936696): Remove this once RenderDocument ships, at which point
// it will no longer be needed.
virtual net::IsolationInfo GetPendingIsolationInfoForSubresources() = 0;
// Returns the associated widget's native view.
virtual gfx::NativeView GetNativeView() = 0;
// Adds |message| to the DevTools console.
virtual void AddMessageToConsole(blink::mojom::ConsoleMessageLevel level,
const std::string& message) = 0;
// Functions to run JavaScript in this frame's context. Pass in a callback to
// receive a result when it is available. If there is no need to receive the
// result, pass in a default-constructed callback. If provided, the callback
// will be invoked on the UI thread.
using JavaScriptResultCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(base::Value)>;
// This API allows to execute JavaScript methods in this frame, without
// having to serialize the arguments into a single string, and is a lot
// cheaper than ExecuteJavaScript below since it avoids the need to compile
// and evaluate new scripts all the time.
// Calling
// ExecuteJavaScriptMethod("obj", "foo", [1, true], callback)
// is semantically equivalent to
// ExecuteJavaScript(", true)", callback)
virtual void ExecuteJavaScriptMethod(const std::u16string& object_name,
const std::u16string& method_name,
base::Value::List arguments,
JavaScriptResultCallback callback) = 0;
// This is the default API to run JavaScript in this frame. This API can only
// be called on chrome:// or devtools:// URLs.
virtual void ExecuteJavaScript(const std::u16string& javascript,
JavaScriptResultCallback callback) = 0;
// This runs the JavaScript in an isolated world of the top of this frame's
// context.
virtual void ExecuteJavaScriptInIsolatedWorld(
const std::u16string& javascript,
JavaScriptResultCallback callback,
int32_t world_id) = 0;
// This runs the JavaScript, but without restrictions. THIS IS ONLY FOR TESTS.
virtual void ExecuteJavaScriptForTests(
const std::u16string& javascript,
JavaScriptResultCallback callback,
int32_t world_id = ISOLATED_WORLD_ID_GLOBAL) = 0;
// This runs the JavaScript, but without restrictions. THIS IS ONLY FOR TESTS.
// Unlike the method above, this one triggers a fake user activation
// notification to test functionalities that are gated by user
// activation.
virtual void ExecuteJavaScriptWithUserGestureForTests(
const std::u16string& javascript,
JavaScriptResultCallback callback,
int32_t world_id = ISOLATED_WORLD_ID_GLOBAL) = 0;
// Tells the renderer to perform a given action on the plugin located at a
// given location in its local view coordinate space.
virtual void ExecutePluginActionAtLocalLocation(
const gfx::Point& local_location,
blink::mojom::PluginActionType plugin_action) = 0;
// Send a message to the RenderFrame to trigger an action on an
// accessibility object.
virtual void AccessibilityPerformAction(const ui::AXActionData& data) = 0;
// This is called when the user has committed to the given find in page
// request (e.g. by pressing enter or by clicking on the next / previous
// result buttons). It triggers sending a native accessibility event on
// the result object on the page, navigating assistive technology to that
// result.
virtual void ActivateFindInPageResultForAccessibility(int request_id) = 0;
// See RenderWidgetHost::InsertVisualStateCallback().
using VisualStateCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(bool)>;
virtual void InsertVisualStateCallback(VisualStateCallback callback) = 0;
// Copies the image at the location in viewport coordinates (not frame
// coordinates) to the clipboard. If there is no image at that location, does
// nothing.
virtual void CopyImageAt(int x, int y) = 0;
// Requests to save the image at the location in viewport coordinates (not
// frame coordinates). If there is a data-URL-based image at the location, the
// renderer will post back the appropriate download message to trigger the
// save UI. Nothing gets done if there is no image at that location (or if
// the image has a non-data URL).
virtual void SaveImageAt(int x, int y) = 0;
// RenderViewHost for this frame.
virtual RenderViewHost* GetRenderViewHost() const = 0;
// Returns the InterfaceProvider that this process can use to bind
// interfaces exposed to it by the application running in this frame.
virtual service_manager::InterfaceProvider* GetRemoteInterfaces() = 0;
// Returns the AssociatedInterfaceProvider that this process can use to access
// remote frame-specific Channel-associated interfaces for this frame.
virtual blink::AssociatedInterfaceProvider*
GetRemoteAssociatedInterfaces() = 0;
// Returns the visibility state of the frame. The different visibility states
// of a frame are defined in Blink.
virtual blink::mojom::PageVisibilityState GetVisibilityState() = 0;
// Returns whether the IP address of the last commit was publicly routable.
virtual bool IsLastCommitIPAddressPubliclyRoutable() const = 0;
// Returns true if WebContentsObserver::RenderFrameCreated notification has
// been dispatched for this frame, and so a RenderFrameDeleted notification
// will later be dispatched for this frame.
virtual bool IsRenderFrameCreated() = 0;
// Returns whether the RenderFrame in the renderer process has been created
// and still has a connection. This is valid for all frames.
virtual bool IsRenderFrameLive() = 0;
// Defines different states the RenderFrameHost can be in during its lifetime,
// i.e., from the point of creation to deletion. Please see comments in
// RenderFrameHostImpl::LifecycleStateImpl for more details.
// Compared to the internal LifecycleStateImpl, this public LifecycleState has
// two main differences. First, it collapses kRunningUnloadHandlers and
// kReadyToBeDeleted into a single kPendingDeletion state, since embedders
// need not care about the difference between having started and having
// finished running unload handlers. Second, it intentionally does not expose
// speculative RenderFrameHosts (corresponding to the kSpeculative internal
// state): this is a content-internal implementation detail that is planned to
// be eventually removed, and //content embedders shouldn't rely on their
// existence.
// A Java counterpart will be generated for this enum.
// org.chromium.content_public.browser)
enum class LifecycleState {
// RenderFrameHost is waiting for an acknowledgment from the renderer to
// to commit a cross-RenderFrameHost navigation and swap in this
// RenderFrameHost. Documents are in this state from
// WebContentsObserver::ReadyToCommitNavigation to
// WebContentsObserver::DidFinishNavigation.
// RenderFrameHost committed in a primary page.
// Documents in this state are visible to the user. kActive is the most
// common case and the documents that have reached DidFinishNavigation will
// be in this state (except for prerendered documents). A RenderFrameHost
// can also be created in this state for an initial empty document when
// creating new root frames or new child frames on a primary page.
// With MPArch (, a WebContents may have multiple
// coexisting pages (trees of documents), including a primary page
// (currently shown to the user), prerendered pages, and/or pages in
// BackForwardCache, where the two latter kinds of pages may become primary.
// Prerender2:
// RenderFrameHost committed in a prerendered page.
// A RenderFrameHost can reach this state after a navigation in a
// prerendered page, or be created in this state for an initial empty
// document when creating new root frames or new child frames on a
// prerendered page.
// Documents in this state are invisible to the user and aren't allowed to
// show any UI changes, but the page is allowed to load and run in the
// background. Documents in kPrerendering state can be evicted
// (canceling prerendering) at any time (e.g. by calling
// IsInactiveAndDisallowActivation).
// RenderFrameHost is stored in BackForwardCache.
// A document may be stored in BackForwardCache after the user has navigated
// away so that the RenderFrameHost can be re-used after history navigation.
// RenderFrameHost is waiting to be unloaded and deleted, and is no longer
// visible to the user.
// After a cross-document navigation, the old documents are going to run
// unload handlers in the background and will be deleted thereafter e.g.
// after a DidFinishNavigation in the same frame for a different
// RenderFrameHost, up until RenderFrameDeleted. Use
// RenderFrameHostWrapper::WaitUntilRenderFrameDelete() to wait until
// RenderFrameHost is deleted in tests.
// Returns the LifecycleState associated with this RenderFrameHost.
// Features that display UI to the user (or cross document/tab boundary in
// general, e.g. when using WebContents::FromRenderFrameHost) should first
// check whether the RenderFrameHost is in the appropriate lifecycle state.
// TODO( Currently, //content embedders that
// observe WebContentsObserver::RenderFrameCreated() may also learn about
// speculative RenderFrameHosts, which is the state before a RenderFrameHost
// becomes kPendingCommit and is picked as the final RenderFrameHost for a
// navigation. The speculative state is a content-internal implementation
// detail that may go away and should not be relied on, and hence
// GetLifecycleState() will crash if it is called on a RenderFrameHost in such
// a state. Eventually, we should make sure that embedders only learn about
// new RenderFrameHosts when they reach the kPendingCommit state.
virtual LifecycleState GetLifecycleState() = 0;
// Returns true if and only if the `lifecycle_state` matches
// `GetLifecycleState`. This is helpful for determining if a RenderFrameHost
// is in a specific state since GetLifecycleState can crash on speculative
// frames. TODO( Remove this method once
// GetLifecycleState() can be used for speculative.
virtual bool IsInLifecycleState(LifecycleState lifecycle_state) = 0;
// Returns true if the document hosted in this RenderFrameHost is committed
// and lives inside a page presented to the user for the WebContents it is in
// (e.g., not a prerendered or back-forward cached page). Only active RFHs
// should show UI elements (e.g., prompts, color picker, etc) to the user, so
// this method should be checked before showing some UI on behalf of a given
// RenderFrameHost (in particular, inside handlers for IPCs from a renderer
// process) or when crossing document/tab boundary in general, e.g., when
// using WebContents::FromRenderFrameHost.
// IsActive() is generally the same as GetLifecycleState() == kActive, except
// during a small window in RenderFrameHostManager::CommitPending which
// happens before updating the next LifecycleState of old RenderFrameHost. Due
// to this, IsActive() is preferred instead of using LifecycleState::kActive.
// TODO( Make IsActive and GetLifecycleState() == kActive
// always match.
virtual bool IsActive() = 0;
// Returns true iff the RenderFrameHost is inactive, i.e., when the
// RenderFrameHost is either in BackForwardCache, Prerendering, or pending
// deletion. This function should be used when we are unsure if inactive
// RenderFrameHosts can properly handle events and events processing shouldn't
// or can't be deferred until the RenderFrameHost becomes active again.
// Callers that only want to check whether a RenderFrameHost is active or not
// should use IsActive() instead.
// Additionally, this method has a side effect for back-forward cache and
// prerendering, where the document is prevented from ever becoming active
// after calling this method. This allows to safely ignore the event as the
// RenderFrameHost will never be shown to the user again.
// For BackForwardCache: it evicts the document from the cache and triggers
// deletion.
// For Prerendering: it cancels prerendering and triggers deletion.
// This should not be called for speculative and pending commit
// RenderFrameHosts as disallowing activation is not supported. In that case
// |IsInactiveAndDisallowActivation()| returns false along with terminating
// the renderer process.
// The return value of IsInactiveAndDisallowActivation() is the opposite of
// IsActive() except in some uncommon cases:
// - The "small window" referred to in the IsActive() documentation.
// - For speculative and pending commit RenderFrameHosts, as mentioned above.
// |reason| will be logged via UMA and UKM. It is recommended to provide
// a unique value for each caller.
// Embedders should use a value equal to or greater than
// DisallowActivationReasonId.kMinEmbedderDisallowActivationReason.
virtual bool IsInactiveAndDisallowActivation(uint64_t reason) = 0;
// Get the number of proxies to this frame, in all processes. Exposed for
// use by resource metrics.
virtual size_t GetProxyCount() = 0;
// Returns the Page associated with this RenderFrameHost. Both GetPage() and
// GetMainFrame()->GetPage() will always return the same value.
// NOTE: For now, the associated Page object might change (when a navigation
// is reusing RenderFrameHost and a new document is created in this
// RenderFrameHost). The removal of this case is tracked in
virtual Page& GetPage() = 0;
// Returns true if the frame has a selection.
virtual bool HasSelection() = 0;
// Text surrounding selection.
virtual void RequestTextSurroundingSelection(
base::OnceCallback<void(const std::u16string&, uint32_t, uint32_t)>
int max_length) = 0;
// Generates an intervention report in this frame.
virtual void SendInterventionReport(const std::string& id,
const std::string& message) = 0;
// Returns the WebUI object associated wit this RenderFrameHost or nullptr
// otherwise.
virtual WebUI* GetWebUI() = 0;
// Tell the render frame to enable a set of javascript bindings. The argument
// should be a combination of values from BindingsPolicy.
virtual void AllowBindings(int binding_flags) = 0;
// Returns a bitwise OR of bindings types that have been enabled for this
// RenderFrame. See BindingsPolicy for details.
virtual int GetEnabledBindings() = 0;
// Sets a property with the given name and value on the WebUI object
// associated with this RenderFrameHost, if one exists.
virtual void SetWebUIProperty(const std::string& name,
const std::string& value) = 0;
// Returns the Java object of this instance.
virtual base::android::ScopedJavaLocalRef<jobject>
GetJavaRenderFrameHost() = 0;
// Returns an InterfaceProvider for Java-implemented interfaces that are
// scoped to this RenderFrameHost. This provides access to interfaces
// implemented in Java in the browser process to C++ code in the browser
// process.
virtual service_manager::InterfaceProvider* GetJavaInterfaces() = 0;
// Stops and disables the hang monitor for beforeunload. This avoids flakiness
// in tests that need to observe beforeunload dialogs, which could fail if the
// timeout skips the dialog.
virtual void DisableBeforeUnloadHangMonitorForTesting() = 0;
virtual bool IsBeforeUnloadHangMonitorDisabledForTesting() = 0;
// Check whether the specific Blink feature is currently preventing fast
// shutdown of the frame.
virtual bool GetSuddenTerminationDisablerState(
blink::mojom::SuddenTerminationDisablerType disabler_type) = 0;
// Returns true if the queried PermissionsPolicyFeature is allowed by
// permissions policy.
virtual bool IsFeatureEnabled(
blink::mojom::PermissionsPolicyFeature feature) = 0;
// Opens view-source tab for the document last committed in this
// RenderFrameHost.
virtual void ViewSource() = 0;
// Run the given action on the media player location at the given point.
virtual void ExecuteMediaPlayerActionAtLocation(
const gfx::Point& location,
const blink::mojom::MediaPlayerAction& action) = 0;
// Creates a Network Service-backed factory from appropriate |NetworkContext|.
// If this returns true, any redirect safety checks should be bypassed in
// downstream loaders. (This indicates that a layer above //content has
// wrapped `default_factory_receiver` and may inject arbitrary redirects - for
// example see WebRequestAPI::MaybeProxyURLLoaderFactory.)
// The parameters of the new URLLoaderFactory will be based on the current
// state of `this` RenderFrameHost. For example, the
// `request_initiator_origin_lock` parameter will be based on the last
// committed origin (or on the origin of the initial empty document if one is
// currently hosted in the frame).
virtual bool CreateNetworkServiceDefaultFactory(
default_factory_receiver) = 0;
// Requests that future URLLoaderFactoryBundle(s) sent to the renderer should
// use a separate URLLoaderFactory for requests initiated by isolated worlds
// listed in |isolated_world_origins|. The URLLoaderFactory(s) for each
// origin will be created via
// ContentBrowserClient::CreateURLLoaderFactoryForNetworkRequests method.
virtual void MarkIsolatedWorldsAsRequiringSeparateURLLoaderFactory(
const base::flat_set<url::Origin>& isolated_world_origins,
bool push_to_renderer_now) = 0;
// Returns true if the given sandbox flag |flags| is in effect on this frame.
// The effective flags include those which have been set by a
// Content-Security-Policy header, in addition to those which are set by the
// embedding frame.
virtual bool IsSandboxed(network::mojom::WebSandboxFlags flags) = 0;
// Calls |FlushForTesting()| on Network Service and FrameNavigationControl
// related interfaces to make sure all in-flight mojo messages have been
// received by the other end. For test use only.
// It is usually an error to call this method when the frame doesn't have any
// NetworkService connection. OTOH, tests that can't easily tell when this
// may happen can set `do_nothing_if_no_network_service_connection` to true
// (this should be needed relatively rarely).
virtual void FlushNetworkAndNavigationInterfacesForTesting(
bool do_nothing_if_no_network_service_connection = false) = 0;
using PrepareForInnerWebContentsAttachCallback =
// This API is used to provide the caller with a RenderFrameHost which is safe
// for usage in WebContents::AttachToOuterWebContentsFrame API. The final
// frame returned with |callback| will share the same FrameTreeNodeId with
// this RenderFrameHost but might not necessarily be the same RenderFrameHost.
// IMPORTANT: This method can only be called on a child frame. It does not
// make sense to attach an inner WebContents to the outer WebContents main
// frame.
// Essentially, this method will:
// 1- Cancel any ongoing navigation and navigation requests for this frame.
// 2- Dispatch beforeunload event on this frame and all of the frame's
// subframes, and wait for all beforeunload events to complete.
// 3- Will create and return a new RenderFrameHost (destroying this one) if
// this RenderFrameHost is a cross-process subframe.
// After steps 1-3 are completed, the callback is invoked asynchronously with
// the RenderFrameHost which can be safely used for attaching. This
// RenderFrameHost could be different than |this| which is the case if this
// RenderFrameHost is for a cross-process frame. The callback could also be
// invoked with nullptr. This happens if:
// 1- This frame has beforeunload handlers under it and the user decides to
// remain on the page in response to beforeunload prompt.
// 2- Preparations happened successfully but the frame was somehow removed (
// e.g. parent frame detached).
virtual void PrepareForInnerWebContentsAttach(
PrepareForInnerWebContentsAttachCallback callback) = 0;
// Returns the type of frame owner element for the FrameTreeNode associated
// with this RenderFrameHost (e.g., <iframe>, <object>, etc). Note that it
// returns blink::FrameOwnerElementType::kNone if the RenderFrameHost
// is a main frame.
virtual blink::FrameOwnerElementType GetFrameOwnerElementType() = 0;
// Returns the transient bit of the User Activation v2 state of the
// FrameTreeNode associated with this RenderFrameHost.
virtual bool HasTransientUserActivation() = 0;
// Notifies the renderer of a user activation event for the associated frame.
// The |notification_type| parameter is used for histograms only.
virtual void NotifyUserActivation(
blink::mojom::UserActivationNotificationType notification_type) = 0;
// Reloads the frame. It initiates a reload but doesn't wait for it to finish.
// In some rare cases, there is no history related to the frame, nothing
// happens and this returns false.
virtual bool Reload() = 0;
// Returns true if this frame has fired DOMContentLoaded.
virtual bool IsDOMContentLoaded() = 0;
// Update whether the frame is considered an ad subframe by Ad Tagging.
// Note: This ad status is currently maintained and updated *outside* content.
// This is used to ensure the render frame proxies are in sync (since they
// aren't exposed in the public API). Eventually, we might be able to simplify
// this somewhat (maybe //content would be responsible for maintaining the
// state, with some content client method used to update it).
virtual void UpdateIsAdSubframe(bool is_ad_subframe) = 0;
// Perform security checks on Web Authentication requests. These can be
// called by other |Authenticator| mojo interface implementations in the
// browser process so that they don't have to duplicate security policies.
// For requests originating from the render process, |effective_origin| will
// be the same as the last committed origin. However, for request originating
// from the browser process, this may be different.
// |is_payment_credential_creation| indicates whether MakeCredential is making
// a payment credential.
// |remote_desktop_client_override| optionally contains a
// RemoteDesktopClientOverride client extension for the request.
// |PerformGetAssertionWebAuthSecurityChecks| returns a security check result
// and a boolean representing whether the given origin is cross-origin with
// any frame in this frame's ancestor chain. This extra cross-origin bit is
// relevant in case callers need it for crypto signature.
virtual std::pair<blink::mojom::AuthenticatorStatus, bool>
const std::string& relying_party_id,
const url::Origin& effective_origin,
bool is_payment_credential_get_assertion,
const blink::mojom::RemoteDesktopClientOverridePtr&
remote_desktop_client_override) = 0;
virtual blink::mojom::AuthenticatorStatus
const std::string& relying_party_id,
const url::Origin& effective_origin,
bool is_payment_credential_creation,
const blink::mojom::RemoteDesktopClientOverridePtr&
remote_desktop_client_override) = 0;
// Tells the host that this is part of setting up a WebXR DOM Overlay. This
// starts a short timer that permits entering fullscreen mode, similar to a
// recent orientation change.
virtual void SetIsXrOverlaySetup() = 0;
// Returns the UKM source id for the page load (last committed cross-document
// non-bfcache navigation in the outermost main frame).
// This id typically has an associated PageLoad UKM event.
// Note: this can be called on any frame, but this id for all subframes or
// fenced frames is the same as the id for the outermost main frame. For
// portals, this id for frames inside a portal is the same as the id for the
// main frame for the portal.
virtual ukm::SourceId GetPageUkmSourceId() = 0;
// Report an inspector issue to devtools. Note that the issue is stored on the
// browser-side, and may contain information that we don't want to share
// with the renderer.
// TODO( This reporting should be done directly in the
// chrome layer in the future.
virtual void ReportInspectorIssue(blink::mojom::InspectorIssueInfoPtr) = 0;
// Returns whether a document uses WebOTP. Returns true if a WebOTPService is
// created on the document.
virtual bool DocumentUsedWebOTP() = 0;
using TraceProto = perfetto::protos::pbzero::RenderFrameHost;
// Write a description of this RenderFrameHost into the provided |context|.
virtual void WriteIntoTrace(
perfetto::TracedProto<TraceProto> context) const = 0;
// Start/stop event log output from WebRTC on this RFH for the peer connection
// identified locally within the RFH using the ID `lid`.
virtual void EnableWebRtcEventLogOutput(int lid, int output_period_ms) = 0;
virtual void DisableWebRtcEventLogOutput(int lid) = 0;
// Return true if onload has been executed in the renderer in the main frame.
virtual bool IsDocumentOnLoadCompletedInMainFrame() = 0;
// Returns the raw list of favicon candidates as reported to observers via
// since the last navigation start. If called on a subframe, returns the
// value from the corresponding main frame.
virtual const std::vector<blink::mojom::FaviconURLPtr>& FaviconURLs() = 0;
// Fetch the link-rel canonical URL from the renderer process. This is used
// for sharing to external applications. Note that this URL is validated only
// to contain HTTP(s) URLs, but may be cross-origin. Should not be considered
// trustworthy.
virtual void GetCanonicalUrl(
base::OnceCallback<void(const absl::optional<GURL>&)> callback) = 0;
// Returns true if the last navigation in this RenderFrameHost has committed
// an error document that is a placeholder document installed when the
// navigation failed or was blocked, containing an error message like "This
// site can’t be reached".
// This can't be called for pending commit RFH because the value is set
// during call to RenderFrameHostImpl::DidNavigate which happens after commit.
virtual bool IsErrorDocument() = 0;
// Return checked and weak references, respectively, to the current document
// in this RenderFrameHost, which will be no longer valid once the
// RenderFrameHost is deleted or navigates to another document.
virtual DocumentRef GetDocumentRef() = 0;
virtual WeakDocumentPtr GetWeakDocumentPtr() = 0;
// Enable Mojo JavaScript bindings in the renderer process. It will be
// effective on the first creation of script context after the call is made.
// If called at frame creation time (RenderFrameCreated) or just before a
// document is committed (ReadyToCommitNavigation), the resulting document
// will have the JS bindings enabled.
// If |features| is nullptr, only MojoJs will be enabled. Otherwise |features|
// enables a set of additional features that can be used with MojoJs. For
// example, helper methods for MojoJs to better work with Web API objects.
virtual void EnableMojoJsBindings(mojom::ExtraMojoJsFeaturesPtr features) = 0;
// This interface should only be implemented inside content.
friend class RenderFrameHostImpl;
RenderFrameHost() = default;
} // namespace content