blob: d213587450f066b1d7fc776f532ff852bf04be3d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/input/web_input_event.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/input/pointer_lock_result.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "ui/display/screen_infos.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/point_conversions.h"
#include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
#include "ui/gfx/range/range.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/webshare/webshare.mojom.h"
namespace gfx {
class Insets;
class Point;
class Rect;
class Size;
namespace ui {
enum class DomCode;
class TextInputClient;
namespace viz {
class ClientFrameSinkVideoCapturer;
} // namespace viz
namespace content {
class RenderWidgetHost;
class TouchSelectionControllerClientManager;
// RenderWidgetHostView is an interface implemented by an object that acts as
// the "View" portion of a RenderWidgetHost. The RenderWidgetHost and its
// associated RenderProcessHost own the "Model" in this case which is the
// child renderer process. The View is responsible for receiving events from
// the surrounding environment and passing them to the RenderWidgetHost, and
// for actually displaying the content of the RenderWidgetHost when it
// changes.
// RenderWidgetHostView Class Hierarchy:
// RenderWidgetHostView - Public interface.
// RenderWidgetHostViewBase - Common implementation between platforms.
// RenderWidgetHostViewAura, ... - Platform specific implementations.
class CONTENT_EXPORT RenderWidgetHostView {
virtual ~RenderWidgetHostView() {}
// Initialize this object for use as a drawing area. |parent_view| may be
// left as nullptr on platforms where a parent view is not required to
// initialize a child window.
virtual void InitAsChild(gfx::NativeView parent_view) = 0;
// Returns the associated RenderWidgetHost.
virtual RenderWidgetHost* GetRenderWidgetHost() = 0;
// Tells the View to size itself to the specified size.
virtual void SetSize(const gfx::Size& size) = 0;
// Instructs the View to automatically resize and send back updates
// for the new size.
virtual void EnableAutoResize(const gfx::Size& min_size,
const gfx::Size& max_size) = 0;
// Turns off auto-resize and gives a new size that the view should be.
virtual void DisableAutoResize(const gfx::Size& new_size) = 0;
// Tells the View to size and move itself to the specified size and point in
// screen space.
virtual void SetBounds(const gfx::Rect& rect) = 0;
// Sets a flag that indicates if it is in virtual reality mode.
virtual void SetIsInVR(bool is_in_vr) = 0;
// Coordinate points received from a renderer process need to be transformed
// to the top-level frame's coordinate space. For coordinates received from
// the top-level frame's renderer this is a no-op as they are already
// properly transformed; however, coordinates received from an out-of-process
// iframe renderer process require transformation.
virtual gfx::PointF TransformPointToRootCoordSpaceF(
const gfx::PointF& point) = 0;
// A int point variant of the above. Use float version to transform,
// then rounded back to int point.
gfx::Point TransformPointToRootCoordSpace(const gfx::Point& point) {
return gfx::ToRoundedPoint(
// Converts a point in the root view's coordinate space to the coordinate
// space of whichever view is used to call this method.
virtual gfx::PointF TransformRootPointToViewCoordSpace(
const gfx::PointF& point) = 0;
// Retrieves the native view used to contain plugins and identify the
// renderer in IPC messages.
virtual gfx::NativeView GetNativeView() = 0;
virtual gfx::NativeViewAccessible GetNativeViewAccessible() = 0;
// Returns a ui::TextInputClient to support text input or nullptr if this RWHV
// doesn't support text input.
// Note: Not all the platforms use ui::InputMethod and ui::TextInputClient for
// text input. Some platforms (Mac and Android for example) use their own
// text input system.
virtual ui::TextInputClient* GetTextInputClient() = 0;
// Set focus to the associated View component.
virtual void Focus() = 0;
// Returns true if the View currently has the focus.
virtual bool HasFocus() = 0;
// Shows/hides the view. These must always be called together in pairs.
// It is not legal to call Hide() multiple times in a row.
virtual void Show() = 0;
virtual void Hide() = 0;
// Whether the view is showing.
virtual bool IsShowing() = 0;
// Indicates if the view is currently occluded (e.g, not visible because it's
// covered up by other windows), and as a result the view's renderer may be
// suspended. Calling Show()/Hide() overrides the state set by these methods.
virtual void WasUnOccluded() = 0;
virtual void WasOccluded() = 0;
// Retrieve the bounds of the View, in screen coordinates.
virtual gfx::Rect GetViewBounds() = 0;
// Returns the currently selected text in both of editable text fields and
// non-editable texts.
virtual std::u16string GetSelectedText() = 0;
// This only returns non-null on platforms that implement touch
// selection editing (TSE), currently Aura and Android.
virtual TouchSelectionControllerClientManager*
GetTouchSelectionControllerClientManager() = 0;
// Subclasses should override this method to set the background color. |color|
// has to be either SK_ColorTRANSPARENT or opaque. If set to
// SK_ColorTRANSPARENT, the renderer's background color will be overridden to
// be fully transparent.
// SetBackgroundColor is called to set the default color of the view,
// which is shown if the background color of the renderer is not available.
virtual void SetBackgroundColor(SkColor color) = 0;
// GetBackgroundColor returns the current background color of the view.
virtual absl::optional<SkColor> GetBackgroundColor() = 0;
// Copy background color from another view if other view has background color.
virtual void CopyBackgroundColorIfPresentFrom(
const RenderWidgetHostView& other) = 0;
// Return value indicates whether the mouse is locked successfully or a
// reason why it failed.
virtual blink::mojom::PointerLockResult LockMouse(
bool request_unadjusted_movement) = 0;
// Return value indicates whether the MouseLock was changed successfully
// or a reason why the change failed.
virtual blink::mojom::PointerLockResult ChangeMouseLock(
bool request_unadjusted_movement) = 0;
virtual void UnlockMouse() = 0;
// Returns true if the mouse pointer is currently locked.
virtual bool IsMouseLocked() = 0;
// Get the pointer lock unadjusted movement setting for testing.
// Returns true if mouse is locked and is in unadjusted movement mode.
virtual bool GetIsMouseLockedUnadjustedMovementForTesting() = 0;
// Start/Stop intercepting future system keyboard events.
virtual bool LockKeyboard(
absl::optional<base::flat_set<ui::DomCode>> dom_codes) = 0;
virtual void UnlockKeyboard() = 0;
// Returns true if keyboard lock is active.
virtual bool IsKeyboardLocked() = 0;
// Return a mapping dictionary from keyboard code to key values for the
// highest-priority ASCII-capable layout in the list of currently installed
// keyboard layouts.
virtual base::flat_map<std::string, std::string> GetKeyboardLayoutMap() = 0;
// Retrives the size of the viewport for the visible region. May be smaller
// than the view size if a portion of the view is obstructed (e.g. by a
// virtual keyboard).
virtual gfx::Size GetVisibleViewportSize() = 0;
// Set insets for the visible region of the root window. Used to compute the
// visible viewport.
virtual void SetInsets(const gfx::Insets& insets) = 0;
// Returns true if the current display surface is available.
virtual bool IsSurfaceAvailableForCopy() = 0;
// Copies the given subset of the view's surface, optionally scales it, and
// returns the result as a bitmap via the provided callback. This is meant for
// one-off snapshots. For continuous video capture of the surface, please use
// CreateVideoCapturer() instead.
// |src_rect| is either the subset of the view's surface, in view coordinates,
// or empty to indicate that all of it should be copied. This is NOT the same
// coordinate system as that used GetViewBounds() (
// |output_size| is the size of the resulting bitmap, or empty to indicate no
// scaling is desired. If an empty size is provided, note that the resulting
// bitmap's size may not be the same as |src_rect.size()| due to the pixel
// scale used by the underlying device.
// |callback| is guaranteed to be run, either synchronously or at some point
// in the future (depending on the platform implementation and the current
// state of the Surface). If the copy failed, the bitmap's drawsNothing()
// method will return true.
// If the view's renderer is suspended (see WasOccluded()), this may result in
// copying old data or failing.
virtual void CopyFromSurface(
const gfx::Rect& src_rect,
const gfx::Size& output_size,
base::OnceCallback<void(const SkBitmap&)> callback) = 0;
// Ensures that all surfaces are synchronized for the next call to
// CopyFromSurface. This is used by web tests.
virtual void EnsureSurfaceSynchronizedForWebTest() = 0;
// Creates a video capturer, which will allow the caller to receive a stream
// of media::VideoFrames captured from this view. The capturer is configured
// to target this view, so there is no need to call ChangeTarget() before
// Start(). See viz.mojom.FrameSinkVideoCapturer for documentation.
virtual std::unique_ptr<viz::ClientFrameSinkVideoCapturer>
CreateVideoCapturer() = 0;
// This method returns the ScreenInfo used by the view to render. If the
// information is not knowable (e.g, because the view is not attached to a
// screen yet), then a default best-guess will be used.
virtual display::ScreenInfo GetScreenInfo() const = 0;
// This method returns the ScreenInfos used by the view to render. If the
// information is not knowable (e.g, because the view is not attached to a
// screen yet), then a default best-guess will be used.
virtual display::ScreenInfos GetScreenInfos() const = 0;
// This must always return the same device scale factor as GetScreenInfo.
virtual float GetDeviceScaleFactor() const = 0;
// Set the view's active state (i.e., tint state of controls).
virtual void SetActive(bool active) = 0;
// Brings up the dictionary showing a definition for the selected text.
virtual void ShowDefinitionForSelection() = 0;
// Tells the view to speak the currently selected text.
virtual void SpeakSelection() = 0;
// Allows to update the widget's screen rects when it is not attached to
// a window (e.g. in headless mode).
virtual void SetWindowFrameInScreen(const gfx::Rect& rect) = 0;
// Invoked by browser implementation of the navigator.share() to trigger the
// NSSharingServicePicker.
// |title|, |text|, |url| makes up the requested data that is passed to the
// picker after being converted to NSString.
// |file_paths| is the set of paths to files to be shared passed onto the
// picker after being converted to NSURL.
// |callback| returns the result from the NSSharingServicePicker depending
// upon the user's action.
virtual void ShowSharePicker(
const std::string& title,
const std::string& text,
const std::string& url,
const std::vector<std::string>& file_paths,
blink::mojom::ShareService::ShareCallback callback) = 0;
// Indicates that this view should show the contents of |view| if it doesn't
// have anything to show.
virtual void TakeFallbackContentFrom(RenderWidgetHostView* view) = 0;
// Returns true if the overlaycontent flag is set in the JS, else false.
// This determines whether to fire geometrychange event to JS and also not
// resize the visual/layout viewports in response to keyboard visibility
// changes.
virtual bool ShouldVirtualKeyboardOverlayContent() = 0;
// Create a geometrychange event and forward it to the JS with the
// keyboard coordinates.
virtual void NotifyVirtualKeyboardOverlayRect(
const gfx::Rect& keyboard_rect) = 0;
// Returns true if this widget is a HTML popup, e.g. a <select> menu.
virtual bool IsHTMLFormPopup() const = 0;
} // namespace content