blob: e691cab9f2bc0780d5c10c7420fab23117757561 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/check.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
namespace content {
class BrowserContext;
// Each StoragePartition is uniquely identified by which partition domain
// it belongs to (such as an app or the browser itself), the user supplied
// partition name and the bit indicating whether it should be persisted on
// disk or not. This structure contains those elements and is used as
// uniqueness key to lookup StoragePartition objects in the global map.
class CONTENT_EXPORT StoragePartitionConfig {
StoragePartitionConfig(); // Needed by the SiteInfo default constructor
StoragePartitionConfig(const StoragePartitionConfig&);
StoragePartitionConfig& operator=(const StoragePartitionConfig&);
// Creates a default config for |browser_context|. If |browser_context| is an
// off-the-record profile, then the config will have |in_memory_| set to true.
static StoragePartitionConfig CreateDefault(BrowserContext* browser_context);
// Creates a config tied to a specific domain.
// The |partition_domain| is [a-z]* UTF-8 string, specifying the domain in
// which partitions live (similar to namespace). |partition_domain| must NOT
// be an empty string. Within a domain, partitions can be uniquely identified
// by the combination of |partition_name| and |in_memory| values. When a
// partition is not to be persisted, the |in_memory| value must be set to
// true. If |browser_context| is an off-the-record profile, then the config
// will have |in_memory_| set to true independent of what is specified in
// the |in_memory| parameter. This is because these profiles are not allowed
// to persist information on disk.
static StoragePartitionConfig Create(BrowserContext* browser_context,
const std::string& partition_domain,
const std::string& partition_name,
bool in_memory);
std::string partition_domain() const { return partition_domain_; }
std::string partition_name() const { return partition_name_; }
bool in_memory() const { return in_memory_; }
// Returns true if this config was created by CreateDefault() or is
// a copy of a config created with that method.
bool is_default() const { return partition_domain_.empty(); }
// In some cases we want a "child" storage partition to resolve blob URLs that
// were created by their "parent", while not allowing the reverse. To enable
// this, set this flag to a value other than kNone, which will result in the
// storage partition with the same partition_domain but empty partition_name
// being used as fallback for the purpose of resolving blob URLs.
enum class FallbackMode {
void set_fallback_to_partition_domain_for_blob_urls(FallbackMode fallback) {
if (fallback != FallbackMode::kNone) {
// TODO( Ideally we shouldn't have storage
// partition configs that differ only in their fallback mode, but
// unfortunately that isn't true. When that is fixed this can be made more
// robust by disallowing fallback from storage partitions with an empty
// partition name.
// DCHECK(!partition_name_.empty());
fallback_to_partition_domain_for_blob_urls_ = fallback;
FallbackMode fallback_to_partition_domain_for_blob_urls() const {
return fallback_to_partition_domain_for_blob_urls_;
absl::optional<StoragePartitionConfig> GetFallbackForBlobUrls() const;
bool operator<(const StoragePartitionConfig& rhs) const;
bool operator==(const StoragePartitionConfig& rhs) const;
bool operator!=(const StoragePartitionConfig& rhs) const;
friend StoragePartitionConfig CreateStoragePartitionConfigForTesting(
const std::string&,
const std::string&);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(StoragePartitionConfigTest, OperatorLess);
StoragePartitionConfig(const std::string& partition_domain,
const std::string& partition_name,
bool in_memory);
std::string partition_domain_;
std::string partition_name_;
bool in_memory_ = false;
FallbackMode fallback_to_partition_domain_for_blob_urls_ =
CONTENT_EXPORT std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out,
const StoragePartitionConfig& config);
} // namespace content