blob: c2aabd5f7466a8b859455fc266780aa665332acd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
namespace content {
// This class collects metrics about the system's swapping behavior and provides
// these metrics to an associated delegate. Metrics can be platform-specific.
// Updated swap metrics can be obtained through Delegate methods in either a
// push-based manner, driven by a periodic base::Timer, or in a synchronous,
// pull-based manner. For receiving periodic updates at a regular frequency, use
// Start() to begin recieiving updates, and Stop() to end them. For obtaining
// updates at specified times, for example over a specific interval or event,
// use InitializeMetrics() at the start, and UpdateMetrics() at any subsequent
// time to immediately and synchronously receive updates. In the case of
// periodic updates, UpdateMetrics() can also be called after Stop() to retrieve
// updated metrics since the last update.
// The SwapMetricsDriver API is not thread safe. The Delegate methods run on
// either the sequence on which Start() was called, in the case of periodic
// updates, or the sequence InitializeMetrics() is called on in the case of
// using pull-based updates. In either case, metrics must always be updated on
// the same sequence and subsequent invocations of this API's methods must be
// made on that sequence.
class CONTENT_EXPORT SwapMetricsDriver {
enum class SwapMetricsUpdateResult {
// Delegate class that handles the metrics computed by SwapMetricsDriver.
class CONTENT_EXPORT Delegate {
Delegate(const Delegate&) = delete;
Delegate& operator=(const Delegate&) = delete;
virtual ~Delegate();
virtual void OnSwapInCount(uint64_t count, base::TimeDelta interval) {}
virtual void OnSwapOutCount(uint64_t count, base::TimeDelta interval) {}
virtual void OnDecompressedPageCount(uint64_t count,
base::TimeDelta interval) {}
virtual void OnCompressedPageCount(uint64_t count,
base::TimeDelta interval) {}
virtual void OnUpdateMetricsFailed() {}
virtual ~SwapMetricsDriver() {}
// Create a SwapMetricsDriver that will notify the |delegate| when updated
// metrics are available to consume. If |update_interval| is 0, periodic
// updating is disabled and metrics should be updated manually via
// UpdateMetrics().
// This returns nullptr when swap metrics are not available on the system.
static std::unique_ptr<SwapMetricsDriver> Create(
std::unique_ptr<Delegate> delegate,
const base::TimeDelta update_interval);
// Initialze swap metrics so updates will start from the values read from this
// point. If an error occurs while retrieving the platform specific metrics,
// e.g. I/O error, this returns
// SwapMetricsUpdateResult::kSwapMetricsUpdateFailed.
// After InitializeMetrics() is called, all subsequent calls to this API must
// be made on the sequence this is called from.
virtual SwapMetricsUpdateResult InitializeMetrics() = 0;
// Returns whether or not the driver is periodically computing metrics.
// This returns false if the driver has been stopped or never started, or if
// an error occurred during UpdateMetrics().
// This method must be called from the same sequence that Start() is called
// on. If Start() has not yet been called, the subsequent call to Start() must
// be from the same sequence.
virtual bool IsRunning() = 0;
// Starts computing swap metrics every at the interval specified in the
// constructor, which must be > 0. If an error occurs while initializing the
// metrics, this returns SwapMetricsUpdateResult::kSwapMetricsUpdateFailed. If
// an error occurs in UpdateMetrics() during a periodic update, the driver
// will be stopped. IsRunning() can be used to determine if metrics are still
// being computed, or by handling the Delegate's OnMetricsFailed() method.
// After Start() is called, all subsequent calls to this API must be made on
// the sequence the driver is started from.
virtual SwapMetricsUpdateResult Start() = 0;
// Stop computing swap metrics. To compute metrics for the remaining time
// since the last update, UpdateMetrics() can be called after Stop().
// Stop() must be called on the same sequence as Start().
virtual void Stop() = 0;
// Update metrics immediately and synchronously notify the associated
// Delegate. InitializeMetrics() or Start() must be called before
// UpdateMetrics(), and UpdateMetrics() must be called on the same sequence
// that those methods were invoked on. If an error occurs while retrieving the
// platform specific metrics, e.g. I/O error, this returns
// SwapMetricsUpdateResult::kSwapMetricsUpdateFailed and the associated
// delegate's OnUpdateMetricsFailed() method will be called.
virtual SwapMetricsUpdateResult UpdateMetrics() = 0;
// This interface should only be implemented inside content.
friend class SwapMetricsDriverImpl;
SwapMetricsDriver() {}
} // namespace content