blob: df56fdf809386ff45c66812506c6f1e469678db6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace content {
class WebUIControllerFactory;
// A class to manage the registration of WebUIControllerFactory instances in
// tests. Registers the given |factory| on construction and unregisters it
// on destruction. If a |factory_to_replace| is provided, it is unregistered on
// construction and re-registered on destruction. Both factories must remain
// alive throughout the lifetime of this object.
class ScopedWebUIControllerFactoryRegistration {
// |factory| and |factory_to_replace| must both outlive this object.
explicit ScopedWebUIControllerFactoryRegistration(
content::WebUIControllerFactory* factory,
content::WebUIControllerFactory* factory_to_replace = nullptr);
raw_ptr<content::WebUIControllerFactory> factory_;
raw_ptr<content::WebUIControllerFactory> factory_to_replace_;
// A class used in tests to ensure that registered WebUIControllerFactory
// instances are unregistered. This should be enforced on unit-test suites
// with tests that register WebUIControllerFactory instances, to prevent those
// tests from causing flakiness in later tests run in the same process. This is
// not needed for browser tests, which are each run in their own process.
class CheckForLeakedWebUIControllerFactoryRegistrations
: public testing::EmptyTestEventListener {
void OnTestStart(const testing::TestInfo& test_info) override;
void OnTestEnd(const testing::TestInfo& test_info) override;
int initial_num_registered_;
} // namespace content