blob: 3447c1ffd38bd9c719f9c49e9215b7d321bcbe69 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/containers/queue.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "net/http/http_byte_range.h"
#include "net/http/http_response_info.h"
#include "net/test/embedded_test_server/embedded_test_server.h"
#include "net/test/embedded_test_server/http_request.h"
#include "net/test/embedded_test_server/http_response.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
namespace net {
class HttpByteRange;
} // namespace net
namespace content {
// Class for configuring and returning http responses for download requests.
// Each instance can handle one http request.
// Lives on embedded test server's IO thread.
class TestDownloadHttpResponse {
static const char kTestDownloadHostName[];
static GURL GetNextURLForDownload();
// OnPauseHandler can be used to pause the response until the enclosed
// callback is called. The OnPauseHandler is copyable for Parameters
// objects to be used repeatedly, though it will only be called once when
// given to a TestDownloadHttpResponse.
using OnPauseHandler = base::RepeatingCallback<void(base::OnceClosure)>;
// Called when an injected error triggers.
using InjectErrorCallback = base::RepeatingCallback<void(int64_t, int64_t)>;
struct HttpResponseData {
HttpResponseData() = default;
HttpResponseData(int64_t min_offset,
int64_t max_offset,
const std::string& response,
bool is_transient,
bool delay_response);
HttpResponseData(const HttpResponseData& other) = default;
HttpResponseData& operator=(const HttpResponseData& other) = default;
// The range for first byte position in range header to use this response.
int64_t min_offset = -1;
int64_t max_offset = -1;
std::string response;
// Whether the response data is transient and will be invalidated after
// sending once.
bool is_transient = false;
bool delay_response = false;
struct Parameters {
// Constructs a Parameters structure using the default constructor, but with
// the injection of an error which will be triggered at byte offset
// (filesize / 2). |inject_error_cb| will be called once the response is
// sent.
static Parameters WithSingleInterruption(
const InjectErrorCallback& inject_error_cb);
// The default constructor initializes the parameters for serving a 100 KB
// resource with no interruptions. The response contains an ETag and a
// Last-Modified header and the server supports byte range requests.
Parameters(const Parameters&);
Parameters& operator=(const Parameters&);
// Clears the errors in injected_errors.
void ClearInjectedErrors();
// Sets the response for range request when the starting offset of
// the request falls into [min_offset, max_offset]. If |is_transient|
// is true, |response| will only be sent once for the given range. And
// later responses will be calculated from the parameters. If
// |is_transient| is false, the |response| will be applied to the
// given range request forever.
// if |delay_response| is true, the response body will be sent when
// SendDelayedResponse() is called.
void SetResponseForRangeRequest(int64_t min_offset,
int64_t max_offset,
const std::string& response,
bool is_transient = false,
bool delay_response = false);
// Contents of the ETag header field of the response. No Etag header is
// sent if this field is empty.
std::string etag;
// Contents of the Last-Modified header field of the response. No
// Last-Modified header is sent if this field is empty.
std::string last_modified;
// The Content-Type of the response. No Content-Type header is sent if this
// field is empty.
std::string content_type;
// The total size of the entity body. If the entire entity is requested,
// then this would be the same as the value returned in the Content-Length
// header.
int64_t size;
// Seed for the pseudo-random sequence that defines the response body
// contents. The seed is with GetPatternBytes() to generate the body of the
// response.
int pattern_generator_seed;
// Whether the server can handle partial request.
// If true, contains a 'Accept-Ranges: bytes' header for HTTP 200
// response, or contains 'Content-Range' header for HTTP 206 response.
bool support_byte_ranges;
// Whether the server supports partial range responses. A server can claim
// it support byte ranges, but actually doesn't send partial responses. In
// that case, Set |support_byte_ranges| to true and this variable to false
// to simulate the case.
bool support_partial_response;
// The connection type in the response.
net::HttpResponseInfo::ConnectionInfo connection_type;
// If specified, return this as the http response to the client.
// No error injection or range request will be handled for static response.
std::string static_response;
// List of responses for range requests.
std::vector<HttpResponseData> range_request_responses;
// Error offsets to be injected. The response will successfully fulfill
// requests to read up to offset. An attempt to read the byte at offset
// cause |inject_error_cb| to run.
// If a read spans the range containing an offset, then the portion of the
// request preceding the offset will succeed. The next read would start at
// offset and hence would result in an error.
// E.g.: injected_errors.push(100);
// A network read for 1024 bytes at offset 0 would result in successfully
// reading 100 bytes (bytes with offset 0-99). The next read would,
// therefore, start at offset 100 and would result in |inject_error_cb|
// to get called.
// Injected errors are processed in the order in which they appear in
// |injected_errors|. When handling a network request for the range [S,E]
// (inclusive), all events in |injected_errors| whose offset is less than
// S will be ignored. The first event remaining will trigger an error once
// the sequence of reads proceeds to a point where its offset is included
// in [S,E].
// This implies that |injected_errors| must be specified in increasing order
// of offset. I.e. |injected_errors| must be sorted by offset.
// Errors at relative offset 0 are ignored for a partial request. I.e. If
// the request is for the byte range 100-200, then an error at offset 100
// will not trigger. This is done so that non-overlapping continuation
// attempts don't require resetting parameters to succeed.
// E.g.: If the caller injects an error at offset 100, then a request for
// the entire entity will fail after reading 100 bytes (offsets 0 through
// 99). A subsequent request for byte range "100-" (offsets 100 through EOF)
// will succeed since the error at offset 100 is ignored.
// An injected error with -1 offset will immediately abort the response
// without sending anything to the client, including the response header.
base::queue<int64_t> injected_errors;
// Callback to run when an injected error triggers.
InjectErrorCallback inject_error_cb;
// If on_pause_handler is valid, it will be invoked once when the
// |pause_condition| is reached. It is not a OnceCallback to allow
// Parameters to be reused.
OnPauseHandler on_pause_handler;
// Offset of body to pause the response sending. A -1 offset will pause
// the response before header is sent.
absl::optional<int64_t> pause_offset;
// Information about completed requests.
struct CompletedRequest {
CompletedRequest(const net::test_server::HttpRequest& request);
// Count of bytes returned in the response body.
int64_t transferred_byte_count = 0;
// The request received from the client.
net::test_server::HttpRequest http_request;
// Called when response are sent to the client.
using OnResponseSentCallback =
// Generate a pseudo random pattern.
// |seed| is the seed for the pseudo random sequence. |offset| is the byte
// offset into the sequence. |length| is a count of bytes to generate.
// The pattern has the following properties:
// * For a given |seed|, the entire sequence of bytes is fixed. Any
// subsequence can be generated by specifying the |offset| and |length|.
// * The sequence is aperiodic (at least for the first 1M bytes).
// * |seed| is chaotic. Different seeds produce "very different" data. This
// means that there's no trivial mapping between sequences generated using
// two distinct seeds.
// These properties make the generated bytes useful for testing partial
// requests where the response may need to be built using a sequence of
// partial requests.
// Note: Don't use this function to generate a cryptographically secure
// pseudo-random sequence.
static std::string GetPatternBytes(int seed, int64_t offset, int length);
// Start responding to http request for |url| with responses based on
// |parameters|.
// This method registers the |url| and |parameters| mapping until another
// call to StartServing() or StartServingStaticResponse() changes it. It
// can be called on any thread.
static void StartServing(
const TestDownloadHttpResponse::Parameters& parameters,
const GURL& url);
// Start responding to URLRequests for |url| with a static response
// containing the headers in |headers|.
static void StartServingStaticResponse(const std::string& headers,
const GURL& url);
TestDownloadHttpResponse(const net::test_server::HttpRequest& request,
const Parameters& parameters,
OnResponseSentCallback on_response_sent_callback);
TestDownloadHttpResponse(const TestDownloadHttpResponse&) = delete;
TestDownloadHttpResponse& operator=(const TestDownloadHttpResponse&) = delete;
// Creates a shim HttpResponse object for embedded test server. This life time
// of the object returned is short.
std::unique_ptr<net::test_server::HttpResponse> CreateResponseForTestServer();
// Starts to send the response. |delegate| owns the shim HttpResponse object
// created by |CreateResponseForTestServer| and will outlive it.
void SendResponse(
base::WeakPtr<net::test_server::HttpResponseDelegate> delegate);
// Runs |delayed_response_callback_| to send the delayed response.
void SendDelayedResponse();
// Parses the request headers.
void ParseRequestHeader();
// Sends the response headers.
void SendResponseHeaders();
// Called to append the range headers to |response| when validator matches.
// Returns true if the range headers can be added, or false if the request
// is invalid.
bool HandleRangeAssumingValidatorMatch(std::string& response);
// Adds headers that describe the entity (Content-Type, ETag, Last-Modified).
std::string GetCommonEntityHeaders();
// Gets the default response headers to send.
std::string GetDefaultResponseHeaders();
// Gets response header and body for range request starts from
// |first_byte_position|, and whether to delay sending the response.
// Returns false if no specific responses are found.
bool GetResponseForRangeRequest(std::string* output, bool* delay_response);
// Gets response body chunk based on random seed in |parameters_|.
std::string GetResponseChunk(const net::HttpByteRange& buffer_range);
// Pause or interrupt with injected errors.
bool ShouldAbortImmediately() const;
bool ShouldPauseImmediately() const;
bool HandlePause(const net::HttpByteRange& buffer_range);
bool HandleInjectedError(const net::HttpByteRange& buffer_range);
// Used to pause the response sending.
bool ShouldPause(const net::HttpByteRange& buffer_range) const;
void PauseResponsesAndWaitForResumption();
// Send part of the response entity body in small buffers, each chunk will be
// send in one IOBuffer from embedded test server.
// Will pause or throw error based on configuration in |paramters_|.
void SendResponseBodyChunk();
void SendBodyChunkInternal(const net::HttpByteRange& buffer_range,
base::OnceClosure next);
base::OnceClosure SendNextBodyChunkClosure();
// Generate CompletedRequest as result.
void GenerateResult();
base::OnceClosure GenerateResultClosure();
// The parsed range of the HTTP request. The last byte position can be larger
// than the file size.
net::HttpByteRange request_range_;
// The range of the HTTP response sent from test server, computed based on
// range request header and |parameters_|. The last byte position may be
// adjusted to the end of file size.
net::HttpByteRange range_;
// The offset of response bytes sent, will send data according to |range_|.
int64_t response_sent_offset_;
// Parameters associated with this response.
Parameters parameters_;
// Request received from the client.
net::test_server::HttpRequest request_;
// The delegate responsible for sending bytes and finishing the connection
base::WeakPtr<net::test_server::HttpResponseDelegate> response_delegate_ =
// The number of bytes transferred.
int64_t transferred_bytes_;
// Callback to run when the response is sent.
OnResponseSentCallback on_response_sent_callback_;
// If |delay_response| is true in SetResponseForRangeRequest(), this
// callback will be used to send the delayed response when
// SendDelayedResponse() is called.
base::OnceClosure delayed_response_callback_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<TestDownloadHttpResponse> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
// Class for creating and monitoring the completed response from the server.
// Lives on UI thread.
// Example usage with TestDownloadHttpResponse:
// test_response_handler->RegisterToTestServer(embedded_test_server());
// EXPECT_TRUE(embedded_test_server()->Start());
// GURL url = embedded_test_server()->GetURL("/random-url");
// content::TestDownloadHttpResponse::Parameters parameters;
// // Tweak the |parameters| here.
// content::TestDownloadHttpResponse::StartServing(parameters, url);
class TestDownloadResponseHandler {
std::unique_ptr<net::test_server::HttpResponse> HandleTestDownloadRequest(
TestDownloadHttpResponse::OnResponseSentCallback callback,
const net::test_server::HttpRequest& request);
TestDownloadResponseHandler(const TestDownloadResponseHandler&) = delete;
TestDownloadResponseHandler& operator=(const TestDownloadResponseHandler&) =
// Register to the embedded test |server|.
void RegisterToTestServer(net::test_server::EmbeddedTestServer* server);
void OnRequestCompleted(
std::unique_ptr<TestDownloadHttpResponse::CompletedRequest> request);
// Wait for a certain number of requests to complete.
void WaitUntilCompletion(size_t request_count);
// Called to dispatch all delayed responses if there are any.
void DispatchDelayedResponses();
using CompletedRequests =
CompletedRequests const& completed_requests() { return completed_requests_; }
// Lives on on embedded test server's IO thread.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<TestDownloadHttpResponse>> responses_;
CompletedRequests completed_requests_;
size_t request_count_ = 0u;
std::unique_ptr<base::RunLoop> run_loop_;
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> server_task_runner_;
} // namespace content