blob: 6e400e1c22b7eb60542b87e302a2bc82797a5573 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "build/build_config.h"
namespace base {
class CommandLine;
struct TestResult;
namespace content {
class ContentMainDelegate;
struct ContentMainParams;
class TestLauncherDelegate {
virtual int RunTestSuite(int argc, char** argv) = 0;
// Returns the command line switch used to specify the user data directory.
// The default implementation returns an empty string, which means no user
// data directory.
virtual std::string GetUserDataDirectoryCommandLineSwitch();
// Android browser tests set the ContentMainDelegate itself for the test
// harness to use, and do not go through ContentMain() in TestLauncher.
virtual ContentMainDelegate* CreateContentMainDelegate() = 0;
// Called prior to running each test.
// NOTE: this is not called if --single-process-tests is supplied.
virtual void PreRunTest() {}
// Called after running each test. Can modify test result.
// NOTE: Just like PreRunTest, this is not called when --single-process-tests
// is supplied.
virtual void PostRunTest(base::TestResult* result) {}
// Allows a TestLauncherDelegate to do work before the launcher shards test
// jobs.
virtual void PreSharding() {}
// Invoked when a child process times out immediately before it is terminated.
// |command_line| is the command line of the child process.
virtual void OnTestTimedOut(const base::CommandLine& command_line) {}
// Called prior to returning from LaunchTests(). Gives the delegate a chance
// to do cleanup before state created by TestLauncher has been destroyed (such
// as the AtExitManager).
virtual void OnDoneRunningTests() {}
virtual ~TestLauncherDelegate() = default;
// Launches tests using |launcher_delegate|. |parallel_jobs| is the number
// of test jobs to be run in parallel.
[[nodiscard]] int LaunchTests(TestLauncherDelegate* launcher_delegate,
size_t parallel_jobs,
int argc,
char** argv);
TestLauncherDelegate* GetCurrentTestLauncherDelegate();
// ContentMain is not run on Android in the test process, and is run via
// java for child processes. So ContentMainParams does not exist there.
// Returns a copy of the ContentMainParams initialized before launching tests.
ContentMainParams CopyContentMainParams();
// Returns true if the currently running test has a prefix that indicates it
// should run before a test of the same name without the prefix.
bool IsPreTest();
} // namespace content