blob: ec63bc0d9d441c3581b5f809b076ce0eecac62b9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
struct wl_client;
struct wl_global;
struct wl_resource;
namespace exo {
namespace wayland {
// Class that represent a wayland output. Tied to a specific display ID and
// associated with a global, and wl_outputs created by clients. This object
// will self destruct upon the display removal aftrer delays up to 9 seconds (3
// seconds x 3 times) to give time for clients to release the output they
// created, except for the shutdown scenario where they're removed immediately.
class WaylandDisplayOutput {
explicit WaylandDisplayOutput(int64_t display_id);
WaylandDisplayOutput(const WaylandDisplayOutput&) = delete;
WaylandDisplayOutput& operator=(const WaylandDisplayOutput&) = delete;
int64_t id() const;
void set_global(wl_global* global);
// Register/Unregister output resources, which will be used to
// notify surface when enter/leave the output.
void UnregisterOutput(wl_resource* output_resource);
void RegisterOutput(wl_resource* output_resource);
wl_resource* GetOutputResourceForClient(wl_client* client);
// Self destruct in 5 seconeds.
void OnDisplayRemoved();
int output_counts() const { return output_ids_.size(); }
const int64_t id_;
wl_global* global_ = nullptr;
base::flat_map<wl_client*, wl_resource*> output_ids_;
} // namespace wayland
} // namespace exo