blob: 5dceacc2f6bf1f76c5a6a28d1d689a77a93ca301 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/permissions/features.h"
namespace permissions {
namespace features {
// Enables or disables whether permission prompts are automatically blocked
// after the user has explicitly dismissed them too many times.
const base::Feature kBlockPromptsIfDismissedOften{
"BlockPromptsIfDismissedOften", base::FEATURE_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Enables or disables whether permission prompts are automatically blocked
// after the user has ignored them too many times.
const base::Feature kBlockPromptsIfIgnoredOften{
"BlockPromptsIfIgnoredOften", base::FEATURE_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Once the user declines a notification permission prompt in a WebContents,
// automatically dismiss subsequent prompts in the same WebContents, from any
// origin, until the next user-initiated navigation.
const base::Feature kBlockRepeatedNotificationPermissionPrompts{
const base::Feature kOneTimeGeolocationPermission{
"OneTimeGeolocationPermission", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// Enables an experimental permission prompt that uses a chip in the location
// bar.
const base::Feature kPermissionChip{"PermissionChip",
// Enables an experimental less prominent permission prompt that uses a chip in
// the location bar. Requires chrome://flags/#quiet-notification-prompts to be
// enabled.
const base::Feature kPermissionQuietChip{"PermissionQuietChip",
const base::Feature kPermissionChipAutoDismiss{
"PermissionChipAutoDismiss", base::FEATURE_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
const base::FeatureParam<int> kPermissionChipAutoDismissDelay{
&kPermissionChipAutoDismiss, "delay_ms", 6000};
// When kPermissionChip (above) is enabled, controls whether or not the
// permission chip should be more prominent when the request is associated with
// a gesture. Does nothing when kPermissionChip is disabled.
const base::Feature kPermissionChipGestureSensitive{
"PermissionChipGestureSensitive", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// When kPermissionChip (above) is enabled, controls whether or not the
// permission chip should be more or less prominent depending on the request
// type. Does nothing when kPermissionChip is disabled.
const base::Feature kPermissionChipRequestTypeSensitive{
"PermissionChipRequestTypeSensitive", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// When kPermissionChip (above) is enabled, controls whether or not the
// permission chip should be shown in the prominent style (white on blue) or in
// the secondary style (blue on white).
const base::Feature kPermissionChipIsProminentStyle{
"PermissionChipIsProminentStyle", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
// When enabled, use the value of the `service_url` FeatureParam as the url
// for the Web Permission Predictions Service.
const base::Feature kPermissionPredictionServiceUseUrlOverride{
const base::Feature kPermissionOnDeviceNotificationPredictions{
// When enabled, blocks notifications permission prompt when Chrome doesn't
// have app level Notification permission.
const base::Feature kBlockNotificationPromptsIfDisabledOnAppLevel{
// Controls whether to trigger showing a HaTS survey, with the given
// `probability` and `trigger_id`, immediately after the user has taken the
// action specified in `action_filter` on a permission prompt for the capability
// specified in `request_type_filter`. All of the above-mentioned params are
// required and should be coming from field trial params of the same name. The
// `probability` parameter is an odd-one out and is defined and handled by the
// HatsService itself.
const base::Feature kPermissionsPostPromptSurvey{
"PermissionsPostPromptSurvey", base::FEATURE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT};
} // namespace features
namespace feature_params {
const base::FeatureParam<bool> kOkButtonBehavesAsAllowAlways(
const base::FeatureParam<std::string> kPermissionPredictionServiceUrlOverride{
"service_url", ""};
const base::FeatureParam<bool> kPermissionPredictionServiceUseJson{
"service_use_json", false};
const base::FeatureParam<double>
// Specifies the `trigger_id` of the HaTS survey to trigger immediately after
// the user has interacted with a permission prompt.
const base::FeatureParam<std::string> kPermissionsPostPromptSurveyTriggerId{
&permissions::features::kPermissionsPostPromptSurvey, "trigger_id", ""};
// Specifies the type of permission request for which the post-prompt HaTS
// survey is triggered. For any given user, there is a single request type for
// which they may see a survey. Valid values are the return values of
// `GetPermissionRequestString`. An invalid or empty value will result in the
// user not seeing any post-prompt survey.
const base::FeatureParam<std::string>
"request_type_filter", ""};
// Specifies the action for which the post-prompt HaTS survey is triggered. For
// any given user, there is a single permission action for which they may see a
// survey, of those listed in RetuPermissionUmaUtil::GetPermissionActionString.
// An invalid or empty value will result in the user not seeing any post-prompt
// survey.
const base::FeatureParam<std::string> kPermissionsPostPromptSurveyActionFilter{
&permissions::features::kPermissionsPostPromptSurvey, "action_filter", ""};
} // namespace feature_params
} // namespace permissions