blob: 94264968af06869cdde9566e19a9221adf5ef36f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "components/content_settings/core/common/content_settings.h"
#include "components/content_settings/core/common/content_settings_types.h"
#include "components/permissions/permission_request_enums.h"
#include "components/permissions/request_type.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace permissions {
enum class RequestType;
// Describes the interface a feature making permission requests should
// implement. A class of this type is registered with the permission request
// manager to receive updates about the result of the permissions request
// from the bubble or infobar. It should live until it is unregistered or until
// RequestFinished is called.
// Note that no particular guarantees are made about what exact UI surface
// is presented to the user. The delegate may be coalesced with other bubble
// requests, or depending on the situation, not shown at all.
class PermissionRequest {
// If `result` is CONTENT_SETTING_ALLOW, the permission was granted by the
// user. If it's CONTENT_SETTING_BLOCK, the permission was blocked by the
// user. If it's CONTENT_SETTING_DEFAULT, the permission was ignored or
// dismissed without an explicit decision. No other ContentSetting value will
// be passed into this callback.
// If `is_one_time` is true, the decision will last until all tabs of
// `requesting_origin_` are closed or navigated away from.
using PermissionDecidedCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(ContentSetting /*result*/, bool /*is_one_time*/)>;
// `permission_decided_callback` is called when the permission request is
// resolved by the user (see comment on PermissionDecidedCallback above).
// `delete_callback` is called when the permission request is no longer needed
// by the permission system. Therefore, it is safe to delete `this` inside
// `delete_callback`. It will always be called eventually by the permission
// system.
// `delete_callback` may be called before `permission_decided_callback`, for
// example if the tab is closed without user interaction. In this case, the
// javascript promise from the requesting origin will not be resolved.
PermissionRequest(const GURL& requesting_origin,
RequestType request_type,
bool has_gesture,
PermissionDecidedCallback permission_decided_callback,
base::OnceClosure delete_callback);
PermissionRequest(const PermissionRequest&) = delete;
PermissionRequest& operator=(const PermissionRequest&) = delete;
virtual ~PermissionRequest();
GURL requesting_origin() const { return requesting_origin_; }
RequestType request_type() const { return request_type_; }
// Whether |this| and |other_request| are duplicates and therefore don't both
// need to be shown in the UI.
virtual bool IsDuplicateOf(PermissionRequest* other_request) const;
// Returns prompt text appropriate for displaying in an Android dialog.
virtual std::u16string GetDialogMessageText() const;
// Returns prompt icon appropriate for displaying on the chip button in the
// location bar.
IconId GetIconForChip();
// Returns prompt icon appropriate for displaying on the quiet chip button in
// the location bar.
IconId GetBlockedIconForChip();
// Returns prompt text appropriate for displaying on the chip button in the
// location bar.
absl::optional<std::u16string> GetRequestChipText() const;
// Returns prompt text appropriate for displaying on the quiet chip button in
// the location bar.
absl::optional<std::u16string> GetQuietChipText() const;
// Returns prompt text appropriate for displaying under the dialog title
// "[domain] wants to:".
virtual std::u16string GetMessageTextFragment() const;
// Called when the user has granted the requested permission.
// If |is_one_time| is true the permission will last until all tabs of
// |origin| are closed or navigated away from, and then the permission will
// automatically expire after 1 day.
void PermissionGranted(bool is_one_time);
// Called when the user has denied the requested permission.
void PermissionDenied();
// Called when the user has cancelled the permission request. This
// corresponds to a denial, but is segregated in case the context needs to
// be able to distinguish between an active refusal or an implicit refusal.
void Cancelled();
// The UI this request was associated with was answered by the user.
// It is safe for the request to be deleted at this point -- it will receive
// no further message from the permission request system. This method will
// eventually be called on every request which is not unregistered.
// It is ok to call this method without actually resolving the request via
// PermissionGranted(), PermissionDenied() or Canceled(). However, it will not
// resolve the javascript promise from the requesting origin.
void RequestFinished();
// Used to record UMA for whether requests are associated with a user gesture.
// To keep things simple this metric is only recorded for the most popular
// request types.
PermissionRequestGestureType GetGestureType() const;
// Used on Android to determine what Android OS permissions are needed for
// this permission request.
ContentSettingsType GetContentSettingsType() const;
// The origin on whose behalf this permission request is being made.
GURL requesting_origin_;
// The type of this request.
RequestType request_type_;
// Whether the request was associated with a user gesture.
bool has_gesture_;
// Called once a decision is made about the permission.
PermissionDecidedCallback permission_decided_callback_;
// Called when the request is no longer in use so it can be deleted by the
// caller.
base::OnceClosure delete_callback_;
} // namespace permissions