blob: 4c90bea38d7ec8145b1a97e27adea8f1331b1355 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <vector>
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "ui/display/display.h"
#include "ui/display/display_export.h"
namespace display {
class DisplayObserver;
// Maintains an ordered list of Displays as well as operations to add, remove
// and update said list. Additionally maintains DisplayObservers and updates
// them as appropriate.
class DISPLAY_EXPORT DisplayList {
using Displays = std::vector<Display>;
enum class Type {
DisplayList(const DisplayList&) = delete;
DisplayList& operator=(const DisplayList&) = delete;
void AddObserver(DisplayObserver* observer);
void RemoveObserver(DisplayObserver* observer);
const Displays& displays() const { return displays_; }
Displays::const_iterator FindDisplayById(int64_t id) const;
// Get an iterator for the primary display. This returns an invalid iterator
// if no such display is available. Callers must check the returned value
// against `displays().end()` before dereferencing.
Displays::const_iterator GetPrimaryDisplayIterator() const;
void AddOrUpdateDisplay(const Display& display, Type type);
// Updates the cached display based on This returns a bitmask
// of the changed values suitable for passing to
// DisplayObserver::OnDisplayMetricsChanged().
uint32_t UpdateDisplay(const Display& display);
// Updates the cached display based on Also updates the primary
// display if |type| indicates |display| is the primary display. See single
// argument version for description of return value.
uint32_t UpdateDisplay(const Display& display, Type type);
// Adds a new Display.
void AddDisplay(const Display& display, Type type);
// Removes the Display with the specified id.
void RemoveDisplay(int64_t id);
// Checks for general struct validity. This permits empty lists, but non-empty
// lists must specify a primary display and the displays must not use repeated
// or invalid ids.
bool IsValid() const;
base::ObserverList<DisplayObserver>* observers() { return &observers_; }
const base::ObserverList<DisplayObserver>* observers() const {
return &observers_;
// A non-const version of FindDisplayById.
Displays::iterator FindDisplayByIdInternal(int64_t id);
// The list of displays tracked by the display::Screen or other client.
std::vector<Display> displays_;
// The id of the primary Display in `displays_` for the display::Screen.
int64_t primary_id_ = kInvalidDisplayId;
base::ObserverList<DisplayObserver> observers_;
} // namespace display