blob: 1bae07b641d3cdc2f0688be6af24e9fc0edb30d3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
#include "ui/base/ui_base_types.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
#include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/insets.h"
namespace gfx {
class Rect;
class Size;
class PointF;
} // namespace gfx
class SkPath;
namespace ui {
class Event;
enum class PlatformWindowState {
enum class PlatformWindowOcclusionState {
class COMPONENT_EXPORT(PLATFORM_WINDOW) PlatformWindowDelegate {
BoundsChange(const gfx::Rect& bounds);
// The dimensions of the window, in physical window coordinates.
gfx::Rect bounds;
// The widths of border regions which are obscured by overlapping
// platform UI elements like onscreen keyboards.
// As an example, the overlap from an onscreen keyboard covering
// the bottom of the Window would be represented like this:
// +------------------------+ ---
// | | |
// | content | |
// | | | window
// +------------------------+ --- |
// | onscreen keyboard | | overlap |
// +------------------------+ --- ---
gfx::Insets system_ui_overlap;
virtual ~PlatformWindowDelegate();
virtual void OnBoundsChanged(const BoundsChange& change) = 0;
// Note that |damaged_region| is in the platform-window's coordinates, in
// physical pixels.
virtual void OnDamageRect(const gfx::Rect& damaged_region) = 0;
virtual void DispatchEvent(Event* event) = 0;
virtual void OnCloseRequest() = 0;
virtual void OnClosed() = 0;
virtual void OnWindowStateChanged(PlatformWindowState old_state,
PlatformWindowState new_state) = 0;
virtual void OnLostCapture() = 0;
virtual void OnAcceleratedWidgetAvailable(gfx::AcceleratedWidget widget) = 0;
// Notifies the delegate that the widget is about to be destroyed.
virtual void OnWillDestroyAcceleratedWidget() = 0;
// Notifies the delegate that the widget cannot be used anymore until
// a new widget is made available through OnAcceleratedWidgetAvailable().
// Must not be called when the PlatformWindow is being destroyed.
virtual void OnAcceleratedWidgetDestroyed() = 0;
virtual void OnActivationChanged(bool active) = 0;
// Requests size constraints for the PlatformWindow in DIP.
virtual absl::optional<gfx::Size> GetMinimumSizeForWindow();
virtual absl::optional<gfx::Size> GetMaximumSizeForWindow();
// Returns a mask to be used to clip the window for the size of
// |WindowTreeHost::GetBoundsInPixels|.
// This is used to create the non-rectangular window shape.
virtual SkPath GetWindowMaskForWindowShapeInPixels();
// Called while dragging maximized window when SurfaceFrame associated with
// this window is locked to normal state or unlocked from previously locked
// state. This function is used by chromeos for syncing
// `chromeos::kFrameRestoreLookKey` window property
// with lacros-chrome.
virtual void OnSurfaceFrameLockingChanged(bool lock);
// Returns a menu type of the window. Valid only for the menu windows.
virtual absl::optional<MenuType> GetMenuType();
// Called when the location of mouse pointer entered the window. This is
// different from ui::ET_MOUSE_ENTERED which may not be generated when mouse
// is captured either by implicitly or explicitly.
virtual void OnMouseEnter() = 0;
// Called when the occlusion state changes, if the underlying platform
// is providing us with occlusion information.
virtual void OnOcclusionStateChanged(
PlatformWindowOcclusionState occlusion_state);
// Returns optional information for owned windows that require anchor for
// positioning. Useful for such backends as Wayland as it provides flexibility
// in positioning child windows, which must be repositioned if the originally
// intended position caused the surface to be constrained.
virtual absl::optional<OwnedWindowAnchor> GetOwnedWindowAnchorAndRectInPx();
// Enables or disables frame rate throttling.
virtual void SetFrameRateThrottleEnabled(bool enabled);
// Convert gfx::Rect in pixels to DIP in screen, and vice versa.
virtual gfx::Rect ConvertRectToPixels(const gfx::Rect& rect_in_dp) const;
virtual gfx::Rect ConvertRectToDIP(const gfx::Rect& rect_in_pixells) const;
// Convert gfx::Point in screen pixels to dip in the window's local
// coordinate.
virtual gfx::PointF ConvertScreenPointToLocalDIP(
const gfx::Point& screen_in_pixels) const;
} // namespace ui