blob: d92b8508a1102a445faff1988d1ecd01c0d5b58b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/test/scoped_dev_zero_fuchsia.h"
#include <fuchsia/io/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/fdio/namespace.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/interface_request.h>
#include <lib/vfs/cpp/pseudo_dir.h>
#include <lib/vfs/cpp/vmo_file.h>
#include <lib/zx/channel.h>
#include <lib/zx/vmo.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <functional>
#include <utility>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/check.h"
#include "base/fuchsia/fuchsia_logging.h"
#include "base/message_loop/message_pump_type.h"
#include "base/run_loop.h"
namespace base {
// ScopedDevZero::Server -------------------------------------------------------
// A helper that lives on a dedicated thread, serving up a pesudo-dir containing
// a "zero" file.
class ScopedDevZero::Server {
// Creates the pseudo-dir representing /dev as `directory_request` and serves
// up a "zero" file within it. `on_initialized` is run with the status.
Server(fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::io::Directory> directory_request,
OnceCallback<void(zx_status_t status)> on_initialized);
Server(const Server&) = delete;
Server& operator=(const Server&) = delete;
~Server() = default;
vfs::PseudoDir dev_dir_;
fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::io::Directory> directory_request,
OnceCallback<void(zx_status_t status)> on_initialized) {
// VMOs are filled with zeros at construction, so create a big one and serve
// it as "zero" within the given `directory_request`. All virtual pages in the
// VMO are backed by the singular physical "zero page", so no memory is
// allocated until a write occurs (which will never happen). On the server
// end, the VMO should not take up address space on account of never being
// mapped. On the read side (libfdio) it may get mapped, but only for the size
// of a given read - it may also just use the zx_vmo_read syscall to avoid
// ever needing to map it.
zx::vmo vmo;
auto status = zx::vmo::create(/*size=*/UINT32_MAX, /*options=*/0, &vmo);
ZX_LOG_IF(ERROR, status != ZX_OK, status);
if (status == ZX_OK) {
status = dev_dir_.AddEntry(
std::make_unique<vfs::VmoFile>(std::move(vmo), /*length=*/UINT32_MAX));
ZX_LOG_IF(ERROR, status != ZX_OK, status);
if (status == ZX_OK) {
status = dev_dir_.Serve(fuchsia::io::OpenFlags::RIGHT_READABLE,
ZX_LOG_IF(ERROR, status != ZX_OK, status);
// ScopedDevZero ---------------------------------------------------------------
// static
ScopedDevZero* ScopedDevZero::instance_ = nullptr;
// static
scoped_refptr<ScopedDevZero> ScopedDevZero::Get() {
if (instance_)
return WrapRefCounted(instance_);
scoped_refptr<ScopedDevZero> result = AdoptRef(new ScopedDevZero);
return result->Initialize() ? std::move(result) : nullptr;
ScopedDevZero::ScopedDevZero() : io_thread_("/dev/zero") {
DCHECK_EQ(instance_, nullptr);
instance_ = this;
ScopedDevZero::~ScopedDevZero() {
DCHECK_EQ(instance_, this);
if (global_namespace_)
fdio_ns_unbind(std::exchange(global_namespace_, nullptr), "/dev");
instance_ = nullptr;
bool ScopedDevZero::Initialize() {
auto status = fdio_ns_get_installed(&global_namespace_);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
ZX_LOG(ERROR, status);
return false;
if (!io_thread_.StartWithOptions(Thread::Options(MessagePumpType::IO, 0)))
return false;
zx::channel client;
zx::channel request;
status = zx::channel::create(0, &client, &request);
ZX_CHECK(status == ZX_OK, status);
RunLoop run_loop;
server_ = SequenceBound<Server>(
[](base::OnceClosure quit_loop, zx_status_t& status,
zx_status_t init_status) {
status = init_status;
run_loop.QuitClosure(), std::ref(status)));
if (status != ZX_OK)
return false;
// Install the directory holding "zero" into the global namespace as /dev.
// This relies on the component not asking for any /dev entries in its
// manifest, as nested namespaces are not allowed.
status = fdio_ns_bind(global_namespace_, "/dev", client.release());
if (status != ZX_OK) {
ZX_LOG(ERROR, status);
global_namespace_ = nullptr;
return false;
return true;
} // namespace base