blob: f190c448ee70212e3e4506d511f8f3bfd2f1d43c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/callback_list.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "base/time/tick_clock.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "base/token.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "components/cast_channel/cast_message_util.h"
#include "components/cast_channel/cast_socket.h"
#include "services/data_decoder/public/cpp/data_decoder.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
namespace cast_channel {
class CastSocketService;
template <typename CallbackType>
struct PendingRequest {
PendingRequest(int request_id,
CallbackType callback,
const base::TickClock* clock)
: request_id(request_id),
timeout_timer(clock) {}
virtual ~PendingRequest() = default;
int request_id;
CallbackType callback;
base::OneShotTimer timeout_timer;
// |app_id|: ID of app the result is for.
// |result|: Availability result from the receiver.
using GetAppAvailabilityCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(const std::string& app_id,
GetAppAvailabilityResult result)>;
// Represents an app availability request to a Cast sink.
struct GetAppAvailabilityRequest
: public PendingRequest<GetAppAvailabilityCallback> {
GetAppAvailabilityRequest(int request_id,
GetAppAvailabilityCallback callback,
const base::TickClock* clock,
const std::string& app_id);
~GetAppAvailabilityRequest() override;
// App ID of the request.
std::string app_id;
// Represents an app launch request to a Cast sink.
using LaunchSessionCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(LaunchSessionResponse response)>;
using LaunchSessionRequest = PendingRequest<LaunchSessionCallback>;
enum class Result { kOk, kFailed };
using ResultCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(Result result)>;
// Represents an app stop request to a Cast sink.
using StopSessionRequest = PendingRequest<ResultCallback>;
// Reresents request for a sink to set its volume level.
using SetVolumeRequest = PendingRequest<ResultCallback>;
// Represents a virtual connection on a cast channel. A virtual connection is
// given by a source and destination ID pair, and must be created before
// messages can be sent. Virtual connections are managed by CastMessageHandler.
struct VirtualConnection {
VirtualConnection(int channel_id,
const std::string& source_id,
const std::string& destination_id);
bool operator<(const VirtualConnection& other) const;
// ID of cast channel.
int channel_id;
// Source ID (e.g. sender-0).
std::string source_id;
// Destination ID (e.g. receiver-0).
std::string destination_id;
struct InternalMessage {
InternalMessage(CastMessageType type,
const std::string& message_namespace,
base::Value message);
CastMessageType type;
// This field is only needed to communicate the namespace
// information from CastMessageHandler::OnMessage to
// MirroringActivityRecord::OnInternalMessage. Maybe there's a better way?
// One possibility is to derive namespace when it's needed based on the
// context and/or message type.
std::string message_namespace;
base::Value message;
// Default timeout amount for requests waiting for a response.
constexpr base::TimeDelta kRequestTimeout = base::Seconds(5);
// Handles messages that are sent between this browser instance and the Cast
// devices connected to it. This class also manages virtual connections (VCs)
// with each connected Cast device and ensures a proper VC exists before the
// message is sent. This makes the concept of VC transparent to the client.
// This class may be created on any sequence, but other methods (including
// destructor) must be run on the same sequence that CastSocketService runs on.
class CastMessageHandler : public CastSocket::Observer {
class Observer {
virtual ~Observer() = default;
virtual void OnAppMessage(int channel_id, const CastMessage& message) {}
virtual void OnInternalMessage(int channel_id,
const InternalMessage& message) {}
// |parse_json|: A callback which can be used to parse a string of potentially
// unsafe JSON data.
using ParseJsonCallback = base::RepeatingCallback<void(
const std::string& string,
data_decoder::DataDecoder::ValueParseCallback callback)>;
CastMessageHandler(CastSocketService* socket_service,
ParseJsonCallback parse_json,
const std::string& user_agent,
const std::string& browser_version,
const std::string& locale);
CastMessageHandler(const CastMessageHandler&) = delete;
CastMessageHandler& operator=(const CastMessageHandler&) = delete;
~CastMessageHandler() override;
// Ensures a virtual connection exists for (|source_id|, |destination_id|) on
// the device given by |channel_id|, sending a virtual connection request to
// the device if necessary. Although a virtual connection is automatically
// created when sending a message, a caller may decide to create it beforehand
// in order to receive messages sooner.
virtual void EnsureConnection(int channel_id,
const std::string& source_id,
const std::string& destination_id,
VirtualConnectionType connection_type);
// Closes any virtual connection on (|source_id|, |destination_id|) on the
// device given by |channel_id|, sending a virtual connection close request to
// the device if necessary.
virtual void CloseConnection(int channel_id,
const std::string& source_id,
const std::string& destination_id);
// Sends an app availability for |app_id| to the device given by |socket|.
// |callback| is always invoked asynchronously, and will be invoked when a
// response is received, or if the request timed out. No-ops if there is
// already a pending request with the same socket and app ID.
virtual void RequestAppAvailability(CastSocket* socket,
const std::string& app_id,
GetAppAvailabilityCallback callback);
// Sends a receiver status request to the socket given by |channel_id|.
virtual void RequestReceiverStatus(int channel_id);
// Sends a broadcast message containing |app_ids| and |request| to the socket
// given by |channel_id|.
virtual Result SendBroadcastMessage(int channel_id,
const std::vector<std::string>& app_ids,
const BroadcastRequest& request);
// Requests a session launch for |app_id| on the device given by |channel_id|.
// |callback| will be invoked with the response or with a timed out result if
// no response comes back before |launch_timeout|.
virtual void LaunchSession(
int channel_id,
const std::string& app_id,
base::TimeDelta launch_timeout,
const std::vector<std::string>& supported_app_types,
const absl::optional<base::Value>& app_params,
LaunchSessionCallback callback);
// Stops the session given by |session_id| on the device given by
// |channel_id|. |callback| will be invoked with the result of the stop
// request.
virtual void StopSession(int channel_id,
const std::string& session_id,
const absl::optional<std::string>& client_id,
ResultCallback callback);
// Sends |message| to the device given by |channel_id|. The caller may use
// this method to forward app messages from the SDK client to the device.
// TODO( Could this be merged with SendAppMessage()? Note
// from mfoltz:
// The two differences between an app message and a protocol message:
// - app message has a sender ID that comes from the clientId of the SDK
// - app message has a custom (non-Cast) namespace
// So if you added senderId to CastMessage, it seems like you could have one
// method for both.
virtual Result SendCastMessage(int channel_id, const CastMessage& message);
// Sends |message| to the device given by |channel_id|. The caller may use
// this method to forward app messages from the SDK client to the device. It
// is invalid to call this method with a message in one of the Cast internal
// message namespaces.
virtual Result SendAppMessage(int channel_id, const CastMessage& message);
// Sends a media command |body|. Returns the ID of the request that is sent to
// the receiver. It is invalid to call this with a message body that is not a
// media command. Returns |absl::nullopt| if |channel_id| is invalid.
// Note: This API is designed to return a request ID instead of taking a
// callback. This is because a MEDIA_STATUS message from the receiver can be
// the response to a media command from a client. Thus when we get a
// MEDIA_STATUS message, we need to be able to (1) broadcast the message to
// all clients and (2) make sure the client that sent the media command
// receives the message only once *and* in the form of a response (by setting
// the sequenceNumber on the message).
virtual absl::optional<int> SendMediaRequest(
int channel_id,
const base::Value& body,
const std::string& source_id,
const std::string& destination_id);
// Sends a set system volume command |body|. |callback| will be invoked
// with the result of the operation. It is invalid to call this with
// a message body that is not a volume request.
virtual void SendSetVolumeRequest(int channel_id,
const base::Value& body,
const std::string& source_id,
ResultCallback callback);
void AddObserver(Observer* observer);
void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer);
// CastSocket::Observer implementation.
void OnError(const CastSocket& socket, ChannelError error_state) override;
void OnMessage(const CastSocket& socket, const CastMessage& message) override;
void OnReadyStateChanged(const CastSocket& socket) override;
const std::string& sender_id() const { return sender_id_; }
friend class CastMessageHandlerTest;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(CastMessageHandlerTest, HandlePendingRequest);
// Set of PendingRequests for a CastSocket.
class PendingRequests {
// Returns true if this is the first request for the given app ID.
bool AddAppAvailabilityRequest(
std::unique_ptr<GetAppAvailabilityRequest> request);
bool AddLaunchRequest(std::unique_ptr<LaunchSessionRequest> request,
base::TimeDelta timeout);
bool AddStopRequest(std::unique_ptr<StopSessionRequest> request);
void AddVolumeRequest(std::unique_ptr<SetVolumeRequest> request);
void HandlePendingRequest(int request_id, const base::Value& response);
// Invokes the pending callback associated with |request_id| with a timed
// out result.
void AppAvailabilityTimedOut(int request_id);
void LaunchSessionTimedOut(int request_id);
void StopSessionTimedOut(int request_id);
void SetVolumeTimedOut(int request_id);
// Requests are kept in the order in which they were created.
std::unique_ptr<LaunchSessionRequest> pending_launch_session_request_;
std::unique_ptr<StopSessionRequest> pending_stop_session_request_;
base::flat_map<int, std::unique_ptr<SetVolumeRequest>>
// Used internally to generate the next ID to use in a request type message.
// Returns a positive integer (unless the counter overflows).
int NextRequestId() { return ++next_request_id_; }
PendingRequests* GetOrCreatePendingRequests(int channel_id);
// Sends |message| over |socket|. This also ensures the necessary virtual
// connection exists before sending the message.
void SendCastMessageToSocket(CastSocket* socket, const CastMessage& message);
// Sends a virtual connection request to |socket| if the virtual connection
// for (|source_id|, |destination_id|) does not yet exist.
void DoEnsureConnection(CastSocket* socket,
const std::string& source_id,
const std::string& destination_id,
VirtualConnectionType connection_type);
// Callback for CastTransport::SendMessage.
void OnMessageSent(int result);
void HandleCastInternalMessage(
int channel_id,
const std::string& source_id,
const std::string& destination_id,
const std::string& namespace_,
data_decoder::DataDecoder::ValueOrError parse_result);
// Set of pending requests keyed by socket ID.
base::flat_map<int, std::unique_ptr<PendingRequests>> pending_requests_;
// Source ID used for platform messages. The suffix is randomized to
// distinguish it from other Cast senders on the same network.
const std::string sender_id_;
// Used for parsing JSON payload from receivers.
ParseJsonCallback parse_json_;
// User agent and browser version strings included in virtual connection
// messages.
const std::string user_agent_;
const std::string browser_version_;
// Locale string used for session launch requests.
const std::string locale_;
int next_request_id_ = 0;
base::ObserverList<Observer>::Unchecked observers_;
// Set of virtual connections opened to receivers.
base::flat_set<VirtualConnection> virtual_connections_;
const raw_ptr<CastSocketService> socket_service_;
// Non-owned pointer to TickClock used for request timeouts.
const raw_ptr<const base::TickClock> clock_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<CastMessageHandler> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace cast_channel