blob: 79a5a2239e91267b929778fa2fa19d684e856e0c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/values.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
#include "third_party/openscreen/src/cast/common/channel/proto/cast_channel.pb.h"
namespace cast_channel {
class AuthContext;
using ::cast::channel::CastMessage;
using ::cast::channel::DeviceAuthMessage;
// Reserved message namespaces for internal messages.
static constexpr char kAuthNamespace[] =
static constexpr char kHeartbeatNamespace[] =
static constexpr char kConnectionNamespace[] =
static constexpr char kReceiverNamespace[] =
static constexpr char kBroadcastNamespace[] =
static constexpr char kMediaNamespace[] = "";
// Sender and receiver IDs to use for platform messages.
static constexpr char kPlatformSenderId[] = "sender-0";
static constexpr char kPlatformReceiverId[] = "receiver-0";
// Cast application protocol message types.
enum class CastMessageType {
// Heartbeat messages.
// RPC control/status messages used by Media Remoting. These occur at high
// frequency, up to dozens per second at times, and should not be logged.
// Virtual connection request
// Close virtual connection
// Application broadcast / precache
// Session launch request
// Session stop request
// error from receiver
// The following values are part of the protocol but are not currently used.
kOther, // Add new types above |kOther|.
kMaxValue = kOther,
enum class V2MessageType {
// Request to modify the text tracks style or change the tracks status.
// Inserts a list of new media items into the queue.
// Loads and optionally starts playback of a new queue of media items.
// Removes a list of items from the queue. If the remaining queue is empty,
// the media session will be terminated.
// Reorder a list of media items in the queue.
// Updates properties of the media queue, e.g. repeat mode, and properties of
// the existing items in the media queue.
// Device set volume is also 'SET_VOLUME'. Thus, give this a different name.
// The message will be translate before being sent to the receiver.
// Stop-media type is 'kStop', which collides with stop-session.
// Thus, give it a different name. The message will be translate
// before being sent to the receiver.
kOther, // Add new types above |kOther|.
kMaxValue = kOther,
// Receiver App Type determines App types that can be supported by a Cast media
// source. All Cast media sources support the web type.
// Please keep it in sync with the EnumTable in
// components/media_router/common/providers/cast/
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused. Please keep it in sync with
// MediaRouterResponseReceiverAppType in tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml.
enum class ReceiverAppType {
kOther = 0,
// Web-based Cast receiver apps. This is supported by all Cast media source
// by default.
kWeb = 1,
// A media source may support launching an Android TV app in addition to a
// Cast web app.
kAndroidTv = 2,
// Do not reorder existing entries, and add new types above |kMaxValue|.
kMaxValue = kAndroidTv,
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& lhs, const CastMessage& rhs);
// Checks if the contents of |message_proto| are valid.
bool IsCastMessageValid(const CastMessage& message_proto);
// Returns true if |message_namespace| is a namespace reserved for internal
// messages.
bool IsCastReservedNamespace(base::StringPiece message_namespace);
// Returns the value in the "type" field or |kOther| if the field is not found.
// The result is only valid if |payload| is a Cast application protocol message.
CastMessageType ParseMessageTypeFromPayload(const base::Value& payload);
// Returns a human readable string for |message_type|.
const char* ToString(CastMessageType message_type);
const char* ToString(V2MessageType message_type);
// Returns the CastMessageType for |type|, or |kOther| if it does not
// correspond to a known type.
CastMessageType CastMessageTypeFromString(const std::string& type);
// Returns the V2MessageType for |type|, or |kOther| if it does not
// correspond to a known type.
V2MessageType V2MessageTypeFromString(const std::string& type);
// Returns a human readable string for |message|. Should probably be converted
// to operator<<.
std::string AuthMessageToString(const DeviceAuthMessage& message);
// Fills |message_proto| appropriately for an auth challenge request message.
// Uses the nonce challenge in |auth_context|.
void CreateAuthChallengeMessage(CastMessage* message_proto,
const AuthContext& auth_context);
// Returns whether the given message is an auth handshake message.
bool IsAuthMessage(const CastMessage& message);
// Returns whether |message| is a Cast receiver message.
bool IsReceiverMessage(const CastMessage& message);
// Returns whether |message| is destined for the platform sender.
bool IsPlatformSenderMessage(const CastMessage& message);
// Creates a keep-alive message of either type PING or PONG.
CastMessage CreateKeepAlivePingMessage();
CastMessage CreateKeepAlivePongMessage();
enum VirtualConnectionType {
kStrong = 0,
// kWeak = 1 not used.
kInvisible = 2
// Creates a virtual connection request message for |source_id| and
// |destination_id|. |user_agent| and |browser_version| will be included with
// the request.
// If |destination_id| is kPlatformReceiverId, then |connection_type| must be
// kStrong. Otherwise |connection_type| can be either kStrong or kInvisible.
CastMessage CreateVirtualConnectionRequest(
const std::string& source_id,
const std::string& destination_id,
VirtualConnectionType connection_type,
const std::string& user_agent,
const std::string& browser_version);
CastMessage CreateVirtualConnectionClose(const std::string& source_id,
const std::string& destination_id);
// Creates an app availability request for |app_id| from |source_id| with
// ID |request_id|.
// TODO(imcheng): May not need |source_id|, just use sender-0?
CastMessage CreateGetAppAvailabilityRequest(const std::string& source_id,
int request_id,
const std::string& app_id);
CastMessage CreateReceiverStatusRequest(const std::string& source_id,
int request_id);
// Represents a broadcast request. Currently it is used for precaching data
// on a receiver.
struct BroadcastRequest {
BroadcastRequest(const std::string& broadcast_namespace,
const std::string& message);
bool operator==(const BroadcastRequest& other) const;
std::string broadcast_namespace;
std::string message;
// Creates a broadcast request with the given parameters.
CastMessage CreateBroadcastRequest(const std::string& source_id,
int request_id,
const std::vector<std::string>& app_ids,
const BroadcastRequest& request);
// Creates a session launch request with the given parameters.
CastMessage CreateLaunchRequest(
const std::string& source_id,
int request_id,
const std::string& app_id,
const std::string& locale,
const std::vector<std::string>& supported_app_types,
const absl::optional<base::Value>& app_params);
CastMessage CreateStopRequest(const std::string& source_id,
int request_id,
const std::string& session_id);
// Creates a generic CastMessage with |message| as the string payload. Used for
// app messages.
CastMessage CreateCastMessage(const std::string& message_namespace,
const base::Value& message,
const std::string& source_id,
const std::string& destination_id);
CastMessage CreateMediaRequest(const base::Value& body,
int request_id,
const std::string& source_id,
const std::string& destination_id);
CastMessage CreateSetVolumeRequest(const base::Value& body,
int request_id,
const std::string& source_id);
bool IsMediaRequestMessageType(V2MessageType v2_message_type);
// Possible results of a GET_APP_AVAILABILITY request.
enum class GetAppAvailabilityResult {
kMaxValue = kUnknown,
const char* ToString(GetAppAvailabilityResult result);
// Extracts request ID from |payload| corresponding to a Cast message response.
absl::optional<int> GetRequestIdFromResponse(const base::Value& payload);
// Returns the GetAppAvailabilityResult corresponding to |app_id| in |payload|.
// Returns kUnknown if result is not found.
GetAppAvailabilityResult GetAppAvailabilityResultFromResponse(
const base::Value& payload,
const std::string& app_id);
// Result of a session launch.
struct LaunchSessionResponse {
enum Result { kOk, kError, kTimedOut, kUnknown, kMaxValue = kUnknown };
LaunchSessionResponse(const LaunchSessionResponse& other) = delete;
LaunchSessionResponse(LaunchSessionResponse&& other);
LaunchSessionResponse& operator=(const LaunchSessionResponse& other) = delete;
LaunchSessionResponse& operator=(LaunchSessionResponse&& other);
Result result = Result::kUnknown;
// Populated if |result| is |kOk|.
absl::optional<base::Value> receiver_status;
// Populated if |result| is |kError|.
std::string error_msg;
// Parses |payload| into a LaunchSessionResponse. Returns an empty
// LaunchSessionResponse if |payload| is not a properly formatted launch
// response. |payload| must be a dictionary from the string payload of a
// CastMessage.
LaunchSessionResponse GetLaunchSessionResponse(const base::Value& payload);
LaunchSessionResponse GetLaunchSessionResponseError(std::string error_msg);
// Returns what connection type should be used based on the destination ID.
VirtualConnectionType GetConnectionType(const std::string& destination_id);
} // namespace cast_channel