blob: cff019c916cb82d95de8378bfdf7b64f5690f49d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <wrl.h>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/pending_remote.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/receiver_set.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/dwrite_font_proxy/dwrite_font_proxy.mojom.h"
namespace content {
class FakeFontCollection;
// Creates a new FakeFontCollection, seeded with some basic data, and returns a
// Sender that can be used to interact with the collection.
// Helper class for describing a font object. Use FakeFontCollection instead.
class FakeFont {
explicit FakeFont(const std::u16string& name);
FakeFont& operator=(const FakeFont&) = delete;
FakeFont(FakeFont&& other);
FakeFont& AddFilePath(const base::FilePath& file_path) {
return *this;
FakeFont& AddFileHandle(base::File handle) {
return *this;
FakeFont& AddFamilyName(const std::u16string& locale,
const std::u16string& family_name) {
family_names_.emplace_back(locale, family_name);
return *this;
const std::u16string& font_name() { return font_name_; }
friend FakeFontCollection;
std::u16string font_name_;
std::vector<base::FilePath> file_paths_;
std::vector<base::File> file_handles_;
std::vector<std::pair<std::u16string, std::u16string>> family_names_;
// Implements a font collection that supports interaction through sending IPC
// messages from dwrite_font_proxy_messages.h.
// Usage:
// Create a new FakeFontCollection.
// Call AddFont() to add fonts.
// For each font, call methods on the font to configure the font.
// Note: the indices of the fonts will correspond to the order they were
// added. The collection will not sort or reorder fonts in any way.
// Call GetSender()/GetTrackingSender() to obtain an IPC::Sender.
// Call Send() with DWriteFontProxyMsg_* to interact with the collection.
// Call MessageCount()/GetIpcMessage() to inspect sent messages.
// The internal code flow for GetSender()/Send() is as follows:
// GetSender() returns a new FakeSender, pointing back to the collection.
// FakeSender::Send() will create a new ReplySender and call
// ReplySender::OnMessageReceived()
// ReplySender::OnMessageReceived() contains the message map, which will
// internally call ReplySender::On*() and ReplySender::Send()
// ReplySender::Send() will save the reply message, to be used later.
// FakeSender::Send() will retrieve the reply message and save the output.
class FakeFontCollection : public blink::mojom::DWriteFontProxy {
enum class MessageType {
FakeFontCollection(const FakeFontCollection&) = delete;
FakeFontCollection& operator=(const FakeFontCollection&) = delete;
~FakeFontCollection() override;
FakeFont& AddFont(const std::u16string& font_name);
size_t MessageCount();
MessageType GetMessageType(size_t id);
mojo::PendingRemote<blink::mojom::DWriteFontProxy> CreateRemote();
// blink::mojom::DWriteFontProxy:
void FindFamily(const std::u16string& family_name,
FindFamilyCallback callback) override;
void GetFamilyCount(GetFamilyCountCallback callback) override;
void GetFamilyNames(uint32_t family_index,
GetFamilyNamesCallback callback) override;
void GetFontFiles(uint32_t family_index,
GetFontFilesCallback callback) override;
void MapCharacters(const std::u16string& text,
blink::mojom::DWriteFontStylePtr font_style,
const std::u16string& locale_name,
uint32_t reading_direction,
const std::u16string& base_family_name,
MapCharactersCallback callback) override;
void MatchUniqueFont(const std::u16string& unique_font_name,
MatchUniqueFontCallback callback) override;
void GetUniqueFontLookupMode(
GetUniqueFontLookupModeCallback callback) override;
void GetUniqueNameLookupTableIfAvailable(
GetUniqueNameLookupTableIfAvailableCallback callback) override;
void GetUniqueNameLookupTable(
GetUniqueNameLookupTableCallback callback) override;
void FallbackFamilyAndStyleForCodepoint(
const std::string& base_family_name,
const std::string& locale_name,
uint32_t codepoint,
FallbackFamilyAndStyleForCodepointCallback callback) override;
std::vector<FakeFont> fonts_;
std::vector<MessageType> message_types_;
mojo::ReceiverSet<blink::mojom::DWriteFontProxy> receivers_;
} // namespace content