blob: f8ccbc4248c4a0b38883fb0348ed18c950cba0d4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/user_manager/known_user.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "base/json/values_util.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece_forward.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "components/account_id/account_id.h"
#include "components/prefs/pref_registry_simple.h"
#include "components/prefs/scoped_user_pref_update.h"
#include "components/user_manager/user_manager.h"
#include "google_apis/gaia/gaia_auth_util.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
namespace user_manager {
namespace {
// A vector pref of preferences of known users. All new preferences should be
// placed in this list.
const char kKnownUsers[] = "KnownUsers";
// Known user preferences keys (stored in Local State). All keys should be
// listed in kReservedKeys or kObsoleteKeys below.
// Key of canonical e-mail value.
const char kCanonicalEmail[] = "email";
// Key of obfuscated GAIA id value.
const char kGAIAIdKey[] = "gaia_id";
// Key of obfuscated object guid value for Active Directory accounts.
const char kObjGuidKey[] = "obj_guid";
// Key of account type.
const char kAccountTypeKey[] = "account_type";
// Key of whether this user ID refers to a SAML user.
const char kUsingSAMLKey[] = "using_saml";
// Key of whether this user authenticated via SAML using the principals API.
const char kIsUsingSAMLPrincipalsAPI[] = "using_saml_principals_api";
// Key of Device Id.
const char kDeviceId[] = "device_id";
// Key of GAPS cookie.
const char kGAPSCookie[] = "gaps_cookie";
// Key of the reason for re-auth.
const char kReauthReasonKey[] = "reauth_reason";
// Key for the GaiaId migration status.
const char kGaiaIdMigrationObsolete[] = "gaia_id_migration";
// Key of the boolean flag telling if a minimal user home migration has been
// attempted. This flag is not used since M88 and is only kept here to be able
// to remove it from existing entries.
const char kMinimalMigrationAttemptedObsolete[] = "minimal_migration_attempted";
// Key of the boolean flag telling if user session requires policy.
const char kProfileRequiresPolicy[] = "profile_requires_policy";
// Key of the boolean flag telling if user is ephemeral and should be removed
// from the local state on logout.
const char kIsEphemeral[] = "is_ephemeral";
// Key of the list value that stores challenge-response authentication keys.
const char kChallengeResponseKeys[] = "challenge_response_keys";
const char kLastOnlineSignin[] = "last_online_singin";
const char kOfflineSigninLimitObsolete[] = "offline_signin_limit";
const char kOfflineSigninLimit[] = "offline_signin_limit2";
// Key of the boolean flag telling if user is enterprise managed.
const char kIsEnterpriseManaged[] = "is_enterprise_managed";
// Key of the name of the entity (either a domain or email address) that manages
// the policies for this account.
const char kAccountManager[] = "enterprise_account_manager";
// Key of the last input method user used which is suitable for login/lock
// screen.
const char kLastInputMethod[] = "last_input_method";
// Key of the PIN auto submit length.
const char kPinAutosubmitLength[] = "pin_autosubmit_length";
// Key for the PIN auto submit backfill needed indicator.
const char kPinAutosubmitBackfillNeeded[] = "pin_autosubmit_backfill_needed";
// Sync token for SAML password multi-device sync
const char kPasswordSyncToken[] = "password_sync_token";
// Major version in which the user completed the onboarding flow.
const char kOnboardingCompletedVersion[] = "onboarding_completed_version";
// Last screen shown in the onboarding flow.
const char kPendingOnboardingScreen[] = "onboarding_screen_pending";
// List containing all the known user preferences keys.
const char* kReservedKeys[] = {kCanonicalEmail,
// List containing all known user preference keys that used to be reserved and
// are now obsolete.
const char* kObsoleteKeys[] = {
PrefService* GetLocalStateLegacy() {
if (!UserManager::IsInitialized())
return nullptr;
return UserManager::Get()->GetLocalState();
// Checks if values in |dict| correspond with |account_id| identity.
bool UserMatches(const AccountId& account_id, const base::Value& dict) {
const std::string* account_type = dict.FindStringKey(kAccountTypeKey);
if (account_id.GetAccountType() != AccountType::UNKNOWN && account_type &&
account_id.GetAccountType() !=
AccountId::StringToAccountType(*account_type)) {
return false;
// TODO(alemate): update code once user id is really a struct.
// TODO( If the gaia id or GUID doesn't match,
// this function should likely be returning false even if the e-mail matches.
switch (account_id.GetAccountType()) {
case AccountType::GOOGLE: {
const std::string* gaia_id = dict.FindStringKey(kGAIAIdKey);
if (gaia_id && account_id.GetGaiaId() == *gaia_id)
return true;
case AccountType::ACTIVE_DIRECTORY: {
const std::string* obj_guid = dict.FindStringKey(kObjGuidKey);
if (obj_guid && account_id.GetObjGuid() == *obj_guid)
return true;
case AccountType::UNKNOWN: {
const std::string* email = dict.FindStringKey(kCanonicalEmail);
if (email && account_id.GetUserEmail() == *email)
return true;
return false;
// Fills relevant |dict| values based on |account_id|.
// TODO( Consider a refactor to use base::Value::DictStorage.
// This would require |dict| to not be modified in-place.
void UpdateIdentity(const AccountId& account_id, base::Value& dict) {
if (!account_id.GetUserEmail().empty())
dict.SetStringKey(kCanonicalEmail, account_id.GetUserEmail());
switch (account_id.GetAccountType()) {
case AccountType::GOOGLE:
if (!account_id.GetGaiaId().empty())
dict.SetStringKey(kGAIAIdKey, account_id.GetGaiaId());
case AccountType::ACTIVE_DIRECTORY:
if (!account_id.GetObjGuid().empty())
dict.SetStringKey(kObjGuidKey, account_id.GetObjGuid());
case AccountType::UNKNOWN:
dict.SetStringKey(kAccountTypeKey, AccountId::AccountTypeToString(
} // namespace
KnownUser::KnownUser(PrefService* local_state) : local_state_(local_state) {
KnownUser::~KnownUser() = default;
const base::Value* KnownUser::FindPrefs(const AccountId& account_id) const {
// UserManager is usually NULL in unit tests.
if (account_id.GetAccountType() != AccountType::ACTIVE_DIRECTORY &&
UserManager::IsInitialized() &&
UserManager::Get()->IsUserNonCryptohomeDataEphemeral(account_id)) {
return nullptr;
if (!account_id.is_valid())
return nullptr;
const base::Value::List& known_users =
for (const base::Value& element_value : known_users) {
if (element_value.is_dict()) {
if (UserMatches(account_id, element_value)) {
return &element_value;
return nullptr;
void KnownUser::SetPath(const AccountId& account_id,
const std::string& path,
absl::optional<base::Value> opt_value) {
// UserManager is usually NULL in unit tests.
if (account_id.GetAccountType() != AccountType::ACTIVE_DIRECTORY &&
UserManager::IsInitialized() &&
UserManager::Get()->IsUserNonCryptohomeDataEphemeral(account_id)) {
if (!account_id.is_valid())
ListPrefUpdate update(local_state_, kKnownUsers);
for (base::Value& element_value : update->GetList()) {
if (element_value.is_dict()) {
if (UserMatches(account_id, element_value)) {
if (opt_value.has_value())
element_value.SetPath(path, std::move(opt_value).value());
UpdateIdentity(account_id, element_value);
if (!opt_value.has_value())
base::Value new_dict(base::Value::Type::DICTIONARY);
new_dict.SetPath(path, std::move(opt_value).value());
UpdateIdentity(account_id, new_dict);
const std::string* KnownUser::FindStringPath(const AccountId& account_id,
base::StringPiece path) const {
const base::Value* user_pref_dict = FindPrefs(account_id);
if (!user_pref_dict)
return nullptr;
return user_pref_dict->FindStringPath(path);
bool KnownUser::GetStringPrefForTest(const AccountId& account_id,
const std::string& path,
std::string* out_value) {
const std::string* res = FindStringPath(account_id, path);
if (out_value && res)
*out_value = *res;
return res;
void KnownUser::SetStringPref(const AccountId& account_id,
const std::string& path,
const std::string& in_value) {
SetPath(account_id, path, base::Value(in_value));
absl::optional<bool> KnownUser::FindBoolPath(const AccountId& account_id,
base::StringPiece path) const {
const base::Value* user_pref_dict = FindPrefs(account_id);
if (!user_pref_dict)
return absl::nullopt;
return user_pref_dict->FindBoolPath(path);
bool KnownUser::GetBooleanPrefForTest(const AccountId& account_id,
const std::string& path,
bool* out_value) {
auto opt_val = FindBoolPath(account_id, path);
if (out_value && opt_val.has_value())
*out_value = opt_val.value();
return opt_val.has_value();
void KnownUser::SetBooleanPref(const AccountId& account_id,
const std::string& path,
const bool in_value) {
SetPath(account_id, path, base::Value(in_value));
absl::optional<int> KnownUser::FindIntPath(const AccountId& account_id,
base::StringPiece path) const {
const base::Value* user_pref_dict = FindPrefs(account_id);
if (!user_pref_dict)
return absl::nullopt;
return user_pref_dict->FindIntPath(path);
bool KnownUser::GetIntegerPrefForTest(const AccountId& account_id,
const std::string& path,
int* out_value) {
auto opt_val = FindIntPath(account_id, path);
if (out_value && opt_val.has_value())
*out_value = opt_val.value();
return opt_val.has_value();
void KnownUser::SetIntegerPref(const AccountId& account_id,
const std::string& path,
const int in_value) {
SetPath(account_id, path, base::Value(in_value));
bool KnownUser::GetPrefForTest(const AccountId& account_id,
const std::string& path,
const base::Value** out_value) {
*out_value = FindPath(account_id, path);
return *out_value != nullptr;
const base::Value* KnownUser::FindPath(const AccountId& account_id,
const std::string& path) const {
const base::Value* user_pref_dict = FindPrefs(account_id);
if (!user_pref_dict)
return nullptr;
return user_pref_dict->FindPath(path);
void KnownUser::RemovePref(const AccountId& account_id,
const std::string& path) {
// Prevent removing keys that are used internally.
for (const std::string& key : kReservedKeys)
CHECK_NE(path, key);
SetPath(account_id, path, absl::nullopt);
AccountId KnownUser::GetAccountId(const std::string& user_email,
const std::string& id,
const AccountType& account_type) {
DCHECK((id.empty() && account_type == AccountType::UNKNOWN) ||
(!id.empty() && account_type != AccountType::UNKNOWN));
// In tests empty accounts are possible.
if (user_email.empty() && id.empty() &&
account_type == AccountType::UNKNOWN) {
return EmptyAccountId();
AccountId result(EmptyAccountId());
// UserManager is usually NULL in unit tests.
if (account_type == AccountType::UNKNOWN && UserManager::IsInitialized() &&
UserManager::Get()->GetPlatformKnownUserId(user_email, id, &result)) {
return result;
const std::string sanitized_email =
? std::string()
: gaia::CanonicalizeEmail(gaia::SanitizeEmail(user_email));
if (!sanitized_email.empty()) {
const AccountId account_id(AccountId::FromUserEmail(sanitized_email));
if (const std::string* stored_gaia_id =
FindStringPath(account_id, kGAIAIdKey)) {
if (!id.empty()) {
DCHECK(account_type == AccountType::GOOGLE);
if (id != *stored_gaia_id)
LOG(ERROR) << "User gaia id has changed. Sync will not work.";
// gaia_id is associated with cryptohome.
return AccountId::FromUserEmailGaiaId(sanitized_email, *stored_gaia_id);
if (const std::string* stored_obj_guid =
FindStringPath(account_id, kObjGuidKey)) {
if (!id.empty()) {
DCHECK(account_type == AccountType::ACTIVE_DIRECTORY);
if (id != *stored_obj_guid)
LOG(ERROR) << "User object guid has changed. Sync will not work.";
// obj_guid is associated with cryptohome.
return AccountId::AdFromUserEmailObjGuid(sanitized_email,
switch (account_type) {
case AccountType::GOOGLE:
if (const std::string* stored_email =
FindStringPath(AccountId::FromGaiaId(id), kCanonicalEmail)) {
return AccountId::FromUserEmailGaiaId(*stored_email, id);
return AccountId::FromUserEmailGaiaId(sanitized_email, id);
case AccountType::ACTIVE_DIRECTORY:
return AccountId::AdFromUserEmailObjGuid(sanitized_email, id);
case AccountType::UNKNOWN:
return AccountId::FromUserEmail(sanitized_email);
return EmptyAccountId();
std::vector<AccountId> KnownUser::GetKnownAccountIds() {
std::vector<AccountId> result;
const base::Value::List& known_users =
for (const base::Value& element_value : known_users) {
if (element_value.is_dict()) {
const std::string* email = element_value.FindStringKey(kCanonicalEmail);
const std::string* gaia_id = element_value.FindStringKey(kGAIAIdKey);
const std::string* obj_guid = element_value.FindStringKey(kObjGuidKey);
AccountType account_type = AccountType::GOOGLE;
if (const std::string* account_type_string =
element_value.FindStringKey(kAccountTypeKey)) {
account_type = AccountId::StringToAccountType(*account_type_string);
switch (account_type) {
case AccountType::GOOGLE:
if (email || gaia_id) {
email ? *email : std::string(),
gaia_id ? *gaia_id : std::string()));
case AccountType::ACTIVE_DIRECTORY:
if (email && obj_guid) {
AccountId::AdFromUserEmailObjGuid(*email, *obj_guid));
NOTREACHED() << "Unknown account type";
return result;
void KnownUser::SaveKnownUser(const AccountId& account_id) {
const bool is_ephemeral =
UserManager::IsInitialized() &&
if (is_ephemeral &&
account_id.GetAccountType() != AccountType::ACTIVE_DIRECTORY) {
void KnownUser::SetIsEphemeralUser(const AccountId& account_id,
bool is_ephemeral) {
if (account_id.GetAccountType() != AccountType::ACTIVE_DIRECTORY)
SetBooleanPref(account_id, kIsEphemeral, is_ephemeral);
void KnownUser::UpdateId(const AccountId& account_id) {
switch (account_id.GetAccountType()) {
case AccountType::GOOGLE:
SetStringPref(account_id, kGAIAIdKey, account_id.GetGaiaId());
case AccountType::ACTIVE_DIRECTORY:
SetStringPref(account_id, kObjGuidKey, account_id.GetObjGuid());
case AccountType::UNKNOWN:
SetStringPref(account_id, kAccountTypeKey,
const std::string* KnownUser::FindGaiaID(const AccountId& account_id) {
return FindStringPath(account_id, kGAIAIdKey);
void KnownUser::SetDeviceId(const AccountId& account_id,
const std::string& device_id) {
const std::string known_device_id = GetDeviceId(account_id);
if (!known_device_id.empty() && device_id != known_device_id) {
NOTREACHED() << "Trying to change device ID for known user.";
SetStringPref(account_id, kDeviceId, device_id);
std::string KnownUser::GetDeviceId(const AccountId& account_id) {
const std::string* device_id = FindStringPath(account_id, kDeviceId);
if (device_id)
return *device_id;
return std::string();
void KnownUser::SetGAPSCookie(const AccountId& account_id,
const std::string& gaps_cookie) {
SetStringPref(account_id, kGAPSCookie, gaps_cookie);
std::string KnownUser::GetGAPSCookie(const AccountId& account_id) {
const std::string* gaps_cookie = FindStringPath(account_id, kGAPSCookie);
if (gaps_cookie)
return *gaps_cookie;
return std::string();
void KnownUser::UpdateUsingSAML(const AccountId& account_id,
const bool using_saml) {
SetBooleanPref(account_id, kUsingSAMLKey, using_saml);
bool KnownUser::IsUsingSAML(const AccountId& account_id) {
return FindBoolPath(account_id, kUsingSAMLKey).value_or(false);
void KnownUser::UpdateIsUsingSAMLPrincipalsAPI(
const AccountId& account_id,
bool is_using_saml_principals_api) {
SetBooleanPref(account_id, kIsUsingSAMLPrincipalsAPI,
bool KnownUser::GetIsUsingSAMLPrincipalsAPI(const AccountId& account_id) {
return FindBoolPath(account_id, kIsUsingSAMLPrincipalsAPI).value_or(false);
void KnownUser::SetProfileRequiresPolicy(const AccountId& account_id,
ProfileRequiresPolicy required) {
DCHECK_NE(required, ProfileRequiresPolicy::kUnknown);
SetBooleanPref(account_id, kProfileRequiresPolicy,
required == ProfileRequiresPolicy::kPolicyRequired);
ProfileRequiresPolicy KnownUser::GetProfileRequiresPolicy(
const AccountId& account_id) {
absl::optional<bool> requires_policy =
FindBoolPath(account_id, kProfileRequiresPolicy);
if (requires_policy.has_value()) {
return requires_policy.value() ? ProfileRequiresPolicy::kPolicyRequired
: ProfileRequiresPolicy::kNoPolicyRequired;
return ProfileRequiresPolicy::kUnknown;
void KnownUser::ClearProfileRequiresPolicy(const AccountId& account_id) {
SetPath(account_id, kProfileRequiresPolicy, absl::nullopt);
void KnownUser::UpdateReauthReason(const AccountId& account_id,
const int reauth_reason) {
SetIntegerPref(account_id, kReauthReasonKey, reauth_reason);
absl::optional<int> KnownUser::FindReauthReason(
const AccountId& account_id) const {
return FindIntPath(account_id, kReauthReasonKey);
void KnownUser::SetChallengeResponseKeys(const AccountId& account_id,
base::Value value) {
SetPath(account_id, kChallengeResponseKeys, std::move(value));
base::Value KnownUser::GetChallengeResponseKeys(const AccountId& account_id) {
const base::Value* value = FindPath(account_id, kChallengeResponseKeys);
if (!value || !value->is_list())
return base::Value();
return value->Clone();
void KnownUser::SetLastOnlineSignin(const AccountId& account_id,
base::Time time) {
SetPath(account_id, kLastOnlineSignin, base::TimeToValue(time));
base::Time KnownUser::GetLastOnlineSignin(const AccountId& account_id) {
const base::Value* value = FindPath(account_id, kLastOnlineSignin);
if (!value)
return base::Time();
absl::optional<base::Time> time = base::ValueToTime(value);
if (!time)
return base::Time();
return *time;
void KnownUser::SetOfflineSigninLimit(
const AccountId& account_id,
absl::optional<base::TimeDelta> time_delta) {
if (!time_delta) {
SetPath(account_id, kOfflineSigninLimit, absl::nullopt);
} else {
SetPath(account_id, kOfflineSigninLimit,
absl::optional<base::TimeDelta> KnownUser::GetOfflineSigninLimit(
const AccountId& account_id) {
return base::ValueToTimeDelta(FindPath(account_id, kOfflineSigninLimit));
void KnownUser::SetIsEnterpriseManaged(const AccountId& account_id,
bool is_enterprise_managed) {
SetBooleanPref(account_id, kIsEnterpriseManaged, is_enterprise_managed);
bool KnownUser::GetIsEnterpriseManaged(const AccountId& account_id) {
return FindBoolPath(account_id, kIsEnterpriseManaged).value_or(false);
void KnownUser::SetAccountManager(const AccountId& account_id,
const std::string& manager) {
SetStringPref(account_id, kAccountManager, manager);
const std::string* KnownUser::GetAccountManager(const AccountId& account_id) {
return FindStringPath(account_id, kAccountManager);
void KnownUser::SetUserLastLoginInputMethodId(
const AccountId& account_id,
const std::string& input_method_id) {
SetStringPref(account_id, kLastInputMethod, input_method_id);
const std::string* KnownUser::GetUserLastInputMethodId(
const AccountId& account_id) {
return FindStringPath(account_id, kLastInputMethod);
void KnownUser::SetUserPinLength(const AccountId& account_id, int pin_length) {
SetIntegerPref(account_id, kPinAutosubmitLength, pin_length);
int KnownUser::GetUserPinLength(const AccountId& account_id) {
return FindIntPath(account_id, kPinAutosubmitLength).value_or(0);
bool KnownUser::PinAutosubmitIsBackfillNeeded(const AccountId& account_id) {
// If the pref is not set, the pref needs to be backfilled.
return FindBoolPath(account_id, kPinAutosubmitBackfillNeeded).value_or(true);
void KnownUser::PinAutosubmitSetBackfillNotNeeded(const AccountId& account_id) {
SetBooleanPref(account_id, kPinAutosubmitBackfillNeeded, false);
void KnownUser::PinAutosubmitSetBackfillNeededForTests(
const AccountId& account_id) {
SetBooleanPref(account_id, kPinAutosubmitBackfillNeeded, true);
void KnownUser::SetPasswordSyncToken(const AccountId& account_id,
const std::string& token) {
SetStringPref(account_id, kPasswordSyncToken, token);
const std::string* KnownUser::GetPasswordSyncToken(
const AccountId& account_id) const {
return FindStringPath(account_id, kPasswordSyncToken);
void KnownUser::SetOnboardingCompletedVersion(
const AccountId& account_id,
const absl::optional<base::Version> version) {
if (!version) {
SetPath(account_id, kOnboardingCompletedVersion, absl::nullopt);
} else {
SetStringPref(account_id, kOnboardingCompletedVersion,
absl::optional<base::Version> KnownUser::GetOnboardingCompletedVersion(
const AccountId& account_id) {
const std::string* str_version =
FindStringPath(account_id, kOnboardingCompletedVersion);
if (!str_version)
return absl::nullopt;
base::Version version = base::Version(*str_version);
if (!version.IsValid())
return absl::nullopt;
return version;
void KnownUser::RemoveOnboardingCompletedVersionForTests(
const AccountId& account_id) {
SetPath(account_id, kOnboardingCompletedVersion, absl::nullopt);
void KnownUser::SetPendingOnboardingScreen(const AccountId& account_id,
const std::string& screen) {
SetStringPref(account_id, kPendingOnboardingScreen, screen);
void KnownUser::RemovePendingOnboardingScreen(const AccountId& account_id) {
SetPath(account_id, kPendingOnboardingScreen, absl::nullopt);
std::string KnownUser::GetPendingOnboardingScreen(const AccountId& account_id) {
if (const std::string* screen =
FindStringPath(account_id, kPendingOnboardingScreen)) {
return *screen;
// Return empty string if no screen is pending.
return std::string();
bool KnownUser::UserExists(const AccountId& account_id) {
return FindPrefs(account_id);
void KnownUser::RemovePrefs(const AccountId& account_id) {
if (!account_id.is_valid())
ListPrefUpdate update(local_state_, kKnownUsers);
base::Value::List& update_list = update->GetList();
for (auto it = update_list.begin(); it != update_list.end(); ++it) {
if (UserMatches(account_id, *it)) {
void KnownUser::CleanEphemeralUsers() {
ListPrefUpdate update(local_state_, kKnownUsers);
update->GetList().EraseIf([](const auto& value) {
if (!value.is_dict())
return false;
absl::optional<bool> is_ephemeral = value.FindBoolKey(kIsEphemeral);
return is_ephemeral && *is_ephemeral;
void KnownUser::CleanObsoletePrefs() {
ListPrefUpdate update(local_state_, kKnownUsers);
for (base::Value& user_entry : update.Get()->GetListDeprecated()) {
if (!user_entry.is_dict())
for (const std::string& key : kObsoleteKeys)
// static
void KnownUser::RegisterPrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry) {
// --- Legacy interface ---
namespace known_user {
AccountId GetAccountId(const std::string& user_email,
const std::string& id,
const AccountType& account_type) {
DCHECK((id.empty() && account_type == AccountType::UNKNOWN) ||
(!id.empty() && account_type != AccountType::UNKNOWN));
PrefService* local_state = GetLocalStateLegacy();
if (local_state) {
return KnownUser(local_state).GetAccountId(user_email, id, account_type);
// The handling of the local-state-not-initialized case is pretty complex - it
// is KnownUser::GetAccountId with all queries assuming to return false.
// This should be come unnecessary when all callers are migrated to the
// KnownUser class interface ( and thus responsible
// to pass a valid |local_state| pointer.
// In tests empty accounts are possible.
if (user_email.empty() && id.empty() &&
account_type == AccountType::UNKNOWN) {
return EmptyAccountId();
AccountId result(EmptyAccountId());
// UserManager is usually NULL in unit tests.
if (account_type == AccountType::UNKNOWN && UserManager::IsInitialized() &&
UserManager::Get()->GetPlatformKnownUserId(user_email, id, &result)) {
return result;
const std::string sanitized_email =
? std::string()
: gaia::CanonicalizeEmail(gaia::SanitizeEmail(user_email));
std::string stored_email;
switch (account_type) {
case AccountType::GOOGLE:
return AccountId::FromUserEmailGaiaId(sanitized_email, id);
case AccountType::ACTIVE_DIRECTORY:
return AccountId::AdFromUserEmailObjGuid(sanitized_email, id);
case AccountType::UNKNOWN:
return AccountId::FromUserEmail(sanitized_email);
return EmptyAccountId();
std::vector<AccountId> GetKnownAccountIds() {
PrefService* local_state = GetLocalStateLegacy();
// Local State may not be initialized in tests.
if (!local_state)
return {};
return KnownUser(local_state).GetKnownAccountIds();
} // namespace known_user
} // namespace user_manager