blob: 9da7a40e817bbaada49ec45e7bc28b2e9b6c5aaa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "remoting/codec/webrtc_video_encoder.h"
#include "base/system/sys_info.h"
namespace remoting {
WebrtcVideoEncoder::EncodedFrame::EncodedFrame() = default;
WebrtcVideoEncoder::EncodedFrame::~EncodedFrame() = default;
WebrtcVideoEncoder::EncodedFrame&&) = default;
WebrtcVideoEncoder::EncodedFrame& WebrtcVideoEncoder::EncodedFrame::operator=(
WebrtcVideoEncoder::EncodedFrame&&) = default;
// static
int WebrtcVideoEncoder::GetEncoderThreadCount(int frame_width) {
int thread_num;
if (frame_width >= 3840) {
thread_num = 16;
} else if (frame_width >= 2560) {
thread_num = 8;
} else if (frame_width >= 1280) {
thread_num = 4;
} else if (frame_width >= 720) {
thread_num = 2;
} else {
thread_num = 1;
// Allow multiple cores on a system to be used for encoding to increase
// performance while at the same time ensuring we don't bog down the system by
// taking all of the available cores.
return std::min(thread_num, ((base::SysInfo::NumberOfProcessors() + 1) / 2));
} // namespace remoting