blob: dd75cc5fb5a73456674cc0d2da169511413305b1 [file] [log] [blame]
Name: Puffin deterministic deflate recompressor
Short Name: Puffin
Version: 1.0.0
Date: Tues May 10 13:55:00 2022
Revision: e0820dcfebfb4df925be2e37ad8f56c00dc624f5
License: Chromium OS BSD
License File: LICENSE
Security Critical: yes
License Android Compatible: yes
Puffin is a deterministic deflate recompressor. It is mainly used for patching
deflate compressed images (zip, gzip, etc.) because patches created from deflate
files/streams are usually large (deflate has a bit-aligned format, hence,
changing one byte in the raw data can cause the entire deflate stream to change
drastically.) Specifically in chromium/src, this library is needed in order for
Omaha, chrome's auto-updater client, to support puffin-generated diffs created
by Omaha Server.
Local Modifications:
- Updated OWNERS to reflect our team as the owners.
- Removed taken from AOSP as it doesn't build in chromium.
- removed PRESUBMIT.cfg and PREUPLOAD.cfg
- Adding a DEPS file so we can pass presubmit checks.
- removed BSDiff as we only require the zucchini version of puffdiff/puffpatch
- rewrote the commandline usage for the puffin binary as we only need to support
and test puffdiff and puffpatch.
- Replaced POSIX file IO with chromium/src's base::File/base::FilePath methods
so it will build and run cross-platform.
- Removed dependence of libpuffpatch on libpuffdiff as the puffin patching
service we plant to implement only requires libpuffpatch.
- Added puffin::Status enum to help disambiguate errors from puffin::PuffPatch
- Added puffin::ApplyPuffPatch API which allows chromium libraries to call
puffin::PuffPatch without having worry about UniqueStreamPtr's and Buffer's.
- Added ApplyPuffPatchTest to patching_unittest to test the new method.
- Updated puffin/ to grab the new puffin_patch_test_files target under
- Updated puffin::ApplyPuffPatch test to use the new patch files under
- Updated puffin::ApplyPuffPatch test to make sure the output files are deleted
so the tests will pass in back-to-back runs.
- Updated puffin::ApplyPuffPatch test to use base::ContentsEqual rather than
manually reading each file and comparing the results.