blob: 844c92a52af587825c9c57f4762e55ae74be7c5d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "cc/paint/paint_export.h"
namespace base {
namespace trace_event {
class TracedValue;
} // namespace trace_event
} // namespace base
namespace cc {
using ElementIdType = uint64_t;
// Element ids are chosen by cc's clients and can be used as a stable identifier
// across updates.
// Historically, the layer tree stored all compositing data but this has been
// refactored over time into auxilliary structures such as property trees.
// In composited scrolling, Layers directly reference scroll tree nodes
// (Layer::scroll_tree_index) but scroll tree nodes are being refactored to
// reference stable element ids instead of layers. Scroll property nodes have
// unique element ids that blink creates from scrollable areas (though this is
// opaque to the compositor). This refactoring of scroll nodes keeping a
// scrolling element id instead of a scrolling layer id allows for more general
// compositing where, for example, multiple layers scroll with one scroll node.
// The animation system (see ElementAnimations) is another auxilliary structure
// to the layer tree and uses element ids as a stable identifier for animation
// targets. A Layer's element id can change over the Layer's lifetime because
// non-default ElementIds are only set during an animation's lifetime.
struct CC_PAINT_EXPORT ElementId {
explicit ElementId(ElementIdType id) : id_(id) {
DCHECK_NE(id, kInvalidElementId);
ElementId() : id_(kInvalidElementId) {}
bool operator==(const ElementId& o) const { return id_ == o.id_; }
bool operator!=(const ElementId& o) const { return !(*this == o); }
bool operator<(const ElementId& o) const { return id_ < o.id_; }
// Returns true if the ElementId has been initialized with a valid id.
explicit operator bool() const { return !!id_; }
void AddToTracedValue(base::trace_event::TracedValue* res) const;
ElementIdType GetStableId() const;
std::string ToString() const;
static bool IsValid(ElementIdType id);
// An ElementId that is reserved for custom property animation on paint
// worklet element.
static const ElementIdType kReservedElementId;
friend struct ElementIdHash;
static const ElementIdType kInvalidElementId;
// The compositor treats this as an opaque handle and should not know how to
// interpret these bits. Non-blink cc clients typically operate in terms of
// layers and may set this value to match the client's layer id.
ElementIdType id_;
ElementId CC_PAINT_EXPORT LayerIdToElementIdForTesting(int layer_id);
struct CC_PAINT_EXPORT ElementIdHash {
size_t operator()(ElementId key) const;
// Stream operator so ElementId can be used in assertion statements.
CC_PAINT_EXPORT std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out,
const ElementId& id);
} // namespace cc