blob: 02ad9c57f0e711e92fa8c660c79185cdbc9decac [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "components/url_matcher/url_matcher.h"
#include "net/base/hash_value.h"
#include "net/http/transport_security_state.h"
namespace net {
class X509Certificate;
} // namespace net
namespace certificate_transparency {
// ChromeRequireCTDelegate implements the policies used by Chrome to determine
// when to require Certificate Transparency for a host or certificate. Combined
// with ChromeCTPolicyEnforcer, these two classes implement the
// "Certificate Transparency in Chrome" policy from
// - PolicyEnforcer imposing the policies on
// the SCTs to determine whether or not a certificate complies, and
// RequireCTDelegate to determine whether or not compliance is required for the
// connection to succeed.
// To support Enterprise configuration, additional requirements or exceptions
// can be provided via |UpdateCTPolicies()|, which uses the configuration
// syntax documented in pref_names.h for each of the options.
: public net::TransportSecurityState::RequireCTDelegate {
explicit ChromeRequireCTDelegate();
ChromeRequireCTDelegate(const ChromeRequireCTDelegate&) = delete;
ChromeRequireCTDelegate& operator=(const ChromeRequireCTDelegate&) = delete;
~ChromeRequireCTDelegate() override;
// RequireCTDelegate implementation
CTRequirementLevel IsCTRequiredForHost(
const std::string& hostname,
const net::X509Certificate* chain,
const net::HashValueVector& spki_hashes) override;
// Updates the CTDelegate to require CT for |required_hosts|, and exclude
// |excluded_hosts| from CT policies. In addtion, this method updates
// |excluded_spkis| and |excluded_legacy_spkis| intended for use within an
// Enterprise (see
void UpdateCTPolicies(const std::vector<std::string>& required_hosts,
const std::vector<std::string>& excluded_hosts,
const std::vector<std::string>& excluded_spkis,
const std::vector<std::string>& excluded_legacy_spkis);
struct Filter {
bool ct_required = false;
bool match_subdomains = false;
size_t host_length = 0;
// Returns true if a policy for |hostname| is found, setting
// |*ct_required| to indicate whether or not Certificate Transparency is
// required for the host.
bool MatchHostname(const std::string& hostname, bool* ct_required) const;
// Returns true if a policy for |chain|, which contains the SPKI hashes
// |hashes|, is found, setting |*ct_required| to indicate whether or not
// Certificate Transparency is required for the certificate.
bool MatchSPKI(const net::X509Certificate* chain,
const net::HashValueVector& hashes,
bool* ct_required) const;
// Parses the filters from |host_patterns|, adding them as filters to
// |filters_| (with |ct_required| indicating whether or not CT is required
// for that host), and updating |*conditions| with the corresponding
// URLMatcher::Conditions to match the host.
void AddFilters(bool ct_required,
const std::vector<std::string>& host_patterns,
url_matcher::URLMatcherConditionSet::Vector* conditions);
// Parses the SPKIs from |spki_list|, setting |*hashes| to the sorted set of
// all valid SPKIs.
void ParseSpkiHashes(const std::vector<std::string> spki_list,
net::HashValueVector* hashes) const;
// Returns true if |lhs| has greater precedence than |rhs|. Filters of
// higher precedence are consulted first when determining if a given filter
// matches.
bool FilterTakesPrecedence(const Filter& lhs, const Filter& rhs) const;
std::unique_ptr<url_matcher::URLMatcher> url_matcher_;
base::MatcherStringPattern::ID next_id_;
std::map<base::MatcherStringPattern::ID, Filter> filters_;
// Both SPKI lists are sorted.
net::HashValueVector spkis_;
net::HashValueVector legacy_spkis_;
} // namespace certificate_transparency