blob: d599c5b3838c0e52d83c5fdc9e0d6647229e1ce6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "media/base/media_log.h"
#include <utility>
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/values.h"
namespace media {
// Static declaration for dictionary keys that we expect to be used inside
// different |MediaLogRecord|s. We declare them here so if they change, its
// only in one spot.
const char MediaLog::kEventKey[] = "event";
MediaLog::MediaLog() : MediaLog(new ParentLogRecord(this)) {}
MediaLog::MediaLog(scoped_refptr<ParentLogRecord> parent_log_record)
: parent_log_record_(std::move(parent_log_record)) {}
MediaLog::~MediaLog() {
// If we are the underlying log, then somebody should have called
// InvalidateLog before now. Otherwise, there could be concurrent calls into
// this after we're destroyed. Note that calling it here isn't really much
// better, since there could be concurrent calls into the now destroyed
// derived class.
// However, we can't DCHECK on it, since lots of folks create a base Medialog
// implementation temporarily. So, the best we can do is invalidate the log.
// We could get around this if we introduce a new NullMediaLog that handles
// log invalidation, so we could dcheck here. However, that seems like a lot
// of boilerplate.
// Default *Locked implementations
void MediaLog::AddLogRecordLocked(std::unique_ptr<MediaLogRecord> event) {}
std::string MediaLog::GetErrorMessageLocked() {
return "";
// Default implementation.
void MediaLog::Stop() {}
void MediaLog::AddMessage(MediaLogMessageLevel level, std::string message) {
std::unique_ptr<MediaLogRecord> record(
if (!base::IsStringUTF8AllowingNoncharacters(message))
message = "WARNING: system message could not be rendered!";
record->params.Set(MediaLogMessageLevelToString(level), std::move(message));
void MediaLog::OnWebMediaPlayerDestroyedLocked() {}
void MediaLog::OnWebMediaPlayerDestroyed() {
base::AutoLock auto_lock(parent_log_record_->lock);
// Forward to the parent log's implementation.
if (parent_log_record_->media_log)
std::string MediaLog::GetErrorMessage() {
base::AutoLock auto_lock(parent_log_record_->lock);
// Forward to the parent log's implementation.
if (parent_log_record_->media_log)
return parent_log_record_->media_log->GetErrorMessageLocked();
return "";
std::unique_ptr<MediaLog> MediaLog::Clone() {
// Protected ctor, so we can't use std::make_unique.
return base::WrapUnique(new MediaLog(parent_log_record_));
void MediaLog::AddLogRecord(std::unique_ptr<MediaLogRecord> record) {
base::AutoLock auto_lock(parent_log_record_->lock);
// Forward to the parent log's implementation.
if (parent_log_record_->media_log)
std::unique_ptr<MediaLogRecord> MediaLog::CreateRecord(
MediaLogRecord::Type type) {
auto record = std::make_unique<MediaLogRecord>();
// Record IDs are populated by event handlers before they are sent to various
// log viewers, such as the media-internals page, or devtools.
record->id = 0;
record->type = type;
record->time = base::TimeTicks::Now();
return record;
void MediaLog::InvalidateLog() {
base::AutoLock auto_lock(parent_log_record_->lock);
// Do nothing if this log didn't create the record, i.e.
// it's not the parent log. The parent log should invalidate itself.
if (parent_log_record_->media_log == this)
parent_log_record_->media_log = nullptr;
// Keep |parent_log_record_| around, since the lock must keep working.
MediaLog::ParentLogRecord::ParentLogRecord(MediaLog* log) : media_log(log) {}
MediaLog::ParentLogRecord::~ParentLogRecord() = default;
LogHelper::LogHelper(MediaLogMessageLevel level, MediaLog* media_log)
: level_(level), media_log_(media_log) {
LogHelper::LogHelper(MediaLogMessageLevel level,
const std::unique_ptr<MediaLog>& media_log)
: LogHelper(level, media_log.get()) {}
LogHelper::~LogHelper() {
media_log_->AddMessage(level_, stream_.str());
} //namespace media