blob: 23e47f393002a3dc807626e39d2b688cf7470a7d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/sync_device_info/device_info_prefs.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>
#include "base/time/clock.h"
#include "base/time/default_clock.h"
#include "components/prefs/pref_registry_simple.h"
#include "components/prefs/pref_service.h"
#include "components/prefs/scoped_user_pref_update.h"
namespace syncer {
namespace {
// Preference name for storing recently used cache GUIDs and their timestamps
// in days since Windows epoch. Most recent first.
const char kDeviceInfoRecentGUIDsWithTimestamps[] =
// Keys used in the dictionaries stored in prefs.
const char kCacheGuidKey[] = "cache_guid";
const char kTimestampKey[] = "timestamp";
// The max time a local device's cached GUIDs will be stored.
constexpr base::TimeDelta kMaxTimeDeltaLocalCacheGuidsStored = base::Days(10);
// The max number of local device most recent cached GUIDs that will be stored
// in preferences.
constexpr int kMaxLocalCacheGuidsStored = 30;
// Returns true iff |dict| is a dictionary with a cache GUID that is equal to
// |cache_guid|.
bool MatchesGuidInDictionary(const base::Value& dict,
const std::string& cache_guid) {
if (!dict.is_dict()) {
return false;
const std::string* v_cache_guid = dict.GetDict().FindString(kCacheGuidKey);
return v_cache_guid && *v_cache_guid == cache_guid;
} // namespace
// static
void DeviceInfoPrefs::RegisterProfilePrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry) {
DeviceInfoPrefs::DeviceInfoPrefs(PrefService* pref_service,
const base::Clock* clock)
: pref_service_(pref_service), clock_(clock) {
DeviceInfoPrefs::~DeviceInfoPrefs() = default;
bool DeviceInfoPrefs::IsRecentLocalCacheGuid(
const std::string& cache_guid) const {
const base::Value::List& recent_local_cache_guids =
for (const auto& v : recent_local_cache_guids) {
if (MatchesGuidInDictionary(v, cache_guid)) {
return true;
return false;
void DeviceInfoPrefs::AddLocalCacheGuid(const std::string& cache_guid) {
ScopedListPrefUpdate update_cache_guids(pref_service_,
base::Value::List& update_list = update_cache_guids.Get();
for (auto it = update_list.begin(); it != update_list.end(); it++) {
if (MatchesGuidInDictionary(*it, cache_guid)) {
// Remove it from the list, to be reinserted below, in the first
// position.
base::Value::Dict new_entry;
new_entry.Set(kCacheGuidKey, cache_guid);
update_list.Insert(update_list.begin(), base::Value(std::move(new_entry)));
if (update_list.size() > kMaxLocalCacheGuidsStored) {
update_list.erase(update_list.begin() + kMaxLocalCacheGuidsStored,
void DeviceInfoPrefs::GarbageCollectExpiredCacheGuids() {
ScopedListPrefUpdate update_cache_guids(pref_service_,
update_cache_guids->EraseIf([this](const auto& dict) {
// Avoid crashes if the preference contains corrupt entries that are not
// dictionaries, and meanwhile clean up these corrupt entries.
if (!dict.is_dict()) {
return true;
absl::optional<int> days_since_epoch =
// Avoid crashes if the dictionary contains no timestamp and meanwhile clean
// up these corrupt entries.
if (!days_since_epoch.has_value()) {
return true;
const base::Time creation_time =
return creation_time < clock_->Now() - kMaxTimeDeltaLocalCacheGuidsStored;
} // namespace syncer