blob: 9f856e195ebafa027e903a3d2eda586e6363b67d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include "base/containers/linked_list.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "net/base/ip_endpoint.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
#include "net/socket/websocket_transport_client_socket_pool.h"
namespace net {
// Keep track of ongoing WebSocket connections in order to satisfy the WebSocket
// connection throttling requirements described in RFC6455 4.1.2:
// 2. If the client already has a WebSocket connection to the remote
// host (IP address) identified by /host/ and port /port/ pair, even
// if the remote host is known by another name, the client MUST wait
// until that connection has been established or for that connection
// to have failed. There MUST be no more than one connection in a
// CONNECTING state. If multiple connections to the same IP address
// are attempted simultaneously, the client MUST serialize them so
// that there is no more than one connection at a time running
// through the following steps.
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE WebSocketEndpointLockManager {
// Implement this interface to wait for an endpoint to be available.
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE Waiter : public base::LinkNode<Waiter> {
// If the node is in a list, removes it.
virtual ~Waiter();
virtual void GotEndpointLock() = 0;
// LockReleaser calls UnlockEndpoint() when it is destroyed, but only if it
// has not already been called. Only one LockReleaser object may exist for
// each endpoint at a time.
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE LockReleaser final {
LockReleaser(WebSocketEndpointLockManager* websocket_endpoint_lock_manager,
IPEndPoint endpoint);
LockReleaser(const LockReleaser&) = delete;
LockReleaser& operator=(const LockReleaser&) = delete;
friend class WebSocketEndpointLockManager;
// This is null if UnlockEndpoint() has been called before this object was
// destroyed.
raw_ptr<WebSocketEndpointLockManager> websocket_endpoint_lock_manager_;
const IPEndPoint endpoint_;
WebSocketEndpointLockManager(const WebSocketEndpointLockManager&) = delete;
WebSocketEndpointLockManager& operator=(const WebSocketEndpointLockManager&) =
// Returns OK if lock was acquired immediately, ERR_IO_PENDING if not. If the
// lock was not acquired, then |waiter->GotEndpointLock()| will be called when
// it is. A Waiter automatically removes itself from the list of waiters when
// its destructor is called.
int LockEndpoint(const IPEndPoint& endpoint, Waiter* waiter);
// Asynchronously releases the lock on |endpoint| after a delay. Does nothing
// if |endpoint| is not locked. If a LockReleaser object has been created for
// this endpoint, it will be unregistered.
void UnlockEndpoint(const IPEndPoint& endpoint);
// Checks that |lock_info_map_| is empty. For tests.
bool IsEmpty() const;
// Changes the value of the unlock delay. Returns the previous value of the
// delay.
base::TimeDelta SetUnlockDelayForTesting(base::TimeDelta new_delay);
struct LockInfo {
typedef base::LinkedList<Waiter> WaiterQueue;
// This object must be copyable to be placed in the map, but it cannot be
// copied after |queue| has been assigned to.
LockInfo(const LockInfo& rhs);
// Not used.
LockInfo& operator=(const LockInfo& rhs);
// Must be NULL to copy this object into the map. Must be set to non-NULL
// after the object is inserted into the map then point to the same list
// until this object is deleted.
std::unique_ptr<WaiterQueue> queue;
// This pointer is non-NULL if a LockReleaser object has been constructed
// since the last call to UnlockEndpoint().
raw_ptr<LockReleaser> lock_releaser;
// SocketLockInfoMap requires std::map iterator semantics for LockInfoMap
// (ie. that the iterator will remain valid as long as the entry is not
// deleted).
typedef std::map<IPEndPoint, LockInfo> LockInfoMap;
// Records the association of a LockReleaser with a particular endpoint.
void RegisterLockReleaser(LockReleaser* lock_releaser, IPEndPoint endpoint);
void UnlockEndpointAfterDelay(const IPEndPoint& endpoint);
void DelayedUnlockEndpoint(const IPEndPoint& endpoint);
// If an entry is present in the map for a particular endpoint, then that
// endpoint is locked. If LockInfo.queue is non-empty, then one or more
// Waiters are waiting for the lock.
LockInfoMap lock_info_map_;
// Time to wait between a call to Unlock* and actually unlocking the socket.
base::TimeDelta unlock_delay_;
// Number of sockets currently pending unlock.
size_t pending_unlock_count_ = 0;
base::WeakPtrFactory<WebSocketEndpointLockManager> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace net