blob: f1280f4f9c00c92054ff2afbf19b8ac7ee1791e8 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- These messages are the user-facing UI strings for omnibox pedals. -->
<!-- There are two kinds of UI strings here: -->
<!-- * Visible UI labels -->
<!-- * Invisible screen reader text for screen readers -->
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_CLEAR_BROWSING_DATA_HINT" desc="The button text contents to suggest pedal action, CLEAR_BROWSING_DATA">
Clear browsing data
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_CLEAR_BROWSING_DATA_SUGGESTION_CONTENTS" desc="The button hover tooltip text to describe pedal action, CLEAR_BROWSING_DATA">
Clear your browsing history, cookies, cache, and more in Chrome settings
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_CLEAR_BROWSING_DATA_SUFFIX" desc="Suffix for spoken suggestion description with pedal action button, to explain keystroke used to CLEAR_BROWSING_DATA.">
<ph name="CLEAR_BROWSING_DATA_FOCUSED_FRIENDLY_MATCH_TEXT">$1<ex>The Chromium Projects bookmark</ex></ph>, press Tab then Enter to Clear your browsing history, cookies, cache, and more in Chrome settings
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_CLEAR_BROWSING_DATA" desc="Announcement when pedal action button is focused, CLEAR_BROWSING_DATA">
Clear browsing data button, press Enter to clear your browsing history, cookies, cache, and more in Chrome settings
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_PASSWORDS_HINT" desc="The button text contents to suggest pedal action, MANAGE_PASSWORDS">
Manage passwords
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_PASSWORDS_SUGGESTION_CONTENTS" desc="The button hover tooltip text to describe pedal action, MANAGE_PASSWORDS">
View and manage your passwords in Chrome settings
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_PASSWORDS_SUFFIX" desc="Suffix for spoken suggestion description with pedal action button, to explain keystroke used to MANAGE_PASSWORDS.">
<ph name="MANAGE_PASSWORDS_FOCUSED_FRIENDLY_MATCH_TEXT">$1<ex>The Chromium Projects bookmark</ex></ph>, press Tab then Enter to view and manage your passwords in Chrome settings
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_PASSWORDS" desc="Announcement when pedal action button is focused, MANAGE_PASSWORDS">
Manage passwords button, press Enter to view and manage your passwords in Chrome settings
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_UPDATE_CREDIT_CARD_HINT" desc="The button text contents to suggest pedal action, UPDATE_CREDIT_CARD">
Manage payment methods
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_UPDATE_CREDIT_CARD_SUGGESTION_CONTENTS" desc="The button hover tooltip text to describe pedal action, UPDATE_CREDIT_CARD">
Manage your payments and credit card info in Chrome settings
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_UPDATE_CREDIT_CARD_SUFFIX" desc="Suffix for spoken suggestion description with pedal action button, to explain keystroke used to UPDATE_CREDIT_CARD.">
<ph name="UPDATE_CREDIT_CARD_FOCUSED_FRIENDLY_MATCH_TEXT">$1<ex>The Chromium Projects bookmark</ex></ph>, press Tab then Enter to manage your payments and credit card info in Chrome settings
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_UPDATE_CREDIT_CARD" desc="Announcement when pedal action button is focused, UPDATE_CREDIT_CARD">
Manage payment methods button, press Enter to manage your payments and credit card info in Chrome settings
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_LAUNCH_INCOGNITO_HINT" desc="The button text contents to suggest pedal action, LAUNCH_INCOGNITO">
Open Incognito window
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_LAUNCH_INCOGNITO_SUGGESTION_CONTENTS" desc="The button hover tooltip text to describe pedal action, LAUNCH_INCOGNITO">
Open a new Incognito window to browse privately
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_LAUNCH_INCOGNITO_SUFFIX" desc="Suffix for spoken suggestion description with pedal action button, to explain keystroke used to LAUNCH_INCOGNITO.">
<ph name="LAUNCH_INCOGNITO_FOCUSED_FRIENDLY_MATCH_TEXT">$1<ex>The Chromium Projects bookmark</ex></ph>, press Tab then Enter to open a new Incognito window to browse privately
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_LAUNCH_INCOGNITO" desc="Announcement when pedal action button is focused, LAUNCH_INCOGNITO">
Open Incognito Window button, press Enter to open a new Incognito window to browse privately
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_TRANSLATE_HINT" desc="The button text contents to suggest pedal action, TRANSLATE">
Translate page
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_TRANSLATE_SUGGESTION_CONTENTS" desc="The button hover tooltip text to describe pedal action, TRANSLATE">
Translate this page with Google Translate
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_TRANSLATE_SUFFIX" desc="Suffix for spoken suggestion description with pedal action button, to explain keystroke used to TRANSLATE.">
<ph name="TRANSLATE_FOCUSED_FRIENDLY_MATCH_TEXT">$1<ex>The Chromium Projects bookmark</ex></ph>, press Tab then Enter to translate this page with Google Translate
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_TRANSLATE" desc="Announcement when pedal action button is focused, TRANSLATE">
Translate page button, press Enter to translate this page with Google Translate
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_UPDATE_CHROME_HINT" desc="The button text contents to suggest pedal action, UPDATE_CHROME">
Update Chrome
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_UPDATE_CHROME_SUGGESTION_CONTENTS" desc="The button hover tooltip text to describe pedal action, UPDATE_CHROME">
Update Chrome from your Chrome settings
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_UPDATE_CHROME_SUFFIX" desc="Suffix for spoken suggestion description with pedal action button, to explain keystroke used to UPDATE_CHROME.">
<ph name="UPDATE_CHROME_FOCUSED_FRIENDLY_MATCH_TEXT">$1<ex>The Chromium Projects bookmark</ex></ph>, press Tab then Enter to update Chrome from your Chrome settings
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_UPDATE_CHROME" desc="Announcement when pedal action button is focused, UPDATE_CHROME">
Update Chrome button, press Enter to update Chrome from your Chrome settings
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_RUN_CHROME_SAFETY_CHECK_HINT" desc="The button text contents to suggest pedal action, RUN_CHROME_SAFETY_CHECK">
Run Chrome safety check
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_RUN_CHROME_SAFETY_CHECK_SUGGESTION_CONTENTS" desc="The button hover tooltip text to describe pedal action, RUN_CHROME_SAFETY_CHECK">
Run a safety check in Chrome settings
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_RUN_CHROME_SAFETY_CHECK_SUFFIX" desc="Suffix for spoken suggestion description with pedal action button, to explain keystroke used to RUN_CHROME_SAFETY_CHECK.">
<ph name="RUN_CHROME_SAFETY_CHECK_FOCUSED_FRIENDLY_MATCH_TEXT">$1<ex>The Chromium Projects bookmark</ex></ph>, press Tab then Enter to run a safety check in Chrome settings
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_RUN_CHROME_SAFETY_CHECK" desc="Announcement when pedal action button is focused, RUN_CHROME_SAFETY_CHECK">
Run Chrome safety check button, press Enter to run a safety check in Chrome settings
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_SECURITY_SETTINGS_HINT" desc="The button text contents to suggest pedal action, MANAGE_SECURITY_SETTINGS">
Manage security settings
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_SECURITY_SETTINGS_SUGGESTION_CONTENTS" desc="The button hover tooltip text to describe pedal action, MANAGE_SECURITY_SETTINGS">
Manage your Safe Browsing and more in Chrome settings
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_SECURITY_SETTINGS_SUFFIX" desc="Suffix for spoken suggestion description with pedal action button, to explain keystroke used to MANAGE_SECURITY_SETTINGS.">
<ph name="MANAGE_SECURITY_SETTINGS_FOCUSED_FRIENDLY_MATCH_TEXT">$1<ex>The Chromium Projects bookmark</ex></ph>, press Tab then Enter to manage your Safe Browsing and more in Chrome settings
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_SECURITY_SETTINGS" desc="Announcement when pedal action button is focused, MANAGE_SECURITY_SETTINGS">
Manage security settings button, press Enter to manage your Safe Browsing and more in Chrome settings
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_COOKIES_HINT" desc="The button text contents to suggest pedal action, MANAGE_COOKIES">
Manage cookies
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_COOKIES_SUGGESTION_CONTENTS" desc="The button hover tooltip text to describe pedal action, MANAGE_COOKIES">
Manage your cookie preferences in Chrome settings
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_COOKIES_SUFFIX" desc="Suffix for spoken suggestion description with pedal action button, to explain keystroke used to MANAGE_COOKIES.">
<ph name="MANAGE_COOKIES_FOCUSED_FRIENDLY_MATCH_TEXT">$1<ex>The Chromium Projects bookmark</ex></ph>, press Tab then Enter to manage your cookie preferences in Chrome settings
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_COOKIES" desc="Announcement when pedal action button is focused, MANAGE_COOKIES">
Manage cookies button, press Enter to manage your cookie preferences in Chrome settings
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_ADDRESSES_HINT" desc="The button text contents to suggest pedal action, MANAGE_ADDRESSES">
Manage addresses
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_ADDRESSES_SUGGESTION_CONTENTS" desc="The button hover tooltip text to describe pedal action, MANAGE_ADDRESSES">
Add and manage addresses in Chrome settings
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_ADDRESSES_SUFFIX" desc="Suffix for spoken suggestion description with pedal action button, to explain keystroke used to MANAGE_ADDRESSES.">
<ph name="MANAGE_ADDRESSES_FOCUSED_FRIENDLY_MATCH_TEXT">$1<ex>The Chromium Projects bookmark</ex></ph>, press Tab then Enter to add and manage addresses in Chrome settings
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_ADDRESSES" desc="Announcement when pedal action button is focused, MANAGE_ADDRESSES">
Manage addresses button, press Enter to add and manage addresses in Chrome settings
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_SYNC_HINT" desc="The button text contents to suggest pedal action, MANAGE_SYNC">
Manage sync
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_SYNC_SUGGESTION_CONTENTS" desc="The button hover tooltip text to describe pedal action, MANAGE_SYNC">
Manage what info you sync in Chrome settings
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_SYNC_SUFFIX" desc="Suffix for spoken suggestion description with pedal action button, to explain keystroke used to MANAGE_SYNC.">
<ph name="MANAGE_SYNC_FOCUSED_FRIENDLY_MATCH_TEXT">$1<ex>The Chromium Projects bookmark</ex></ph>, press Tab then Enter to manage what info you sync in Chrome settings
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_SYNC" desc="Announcement when pedal action button is focused, MANAGE_SYNC">
Manage sync button, press Enter to manage what info you sync in Chrome settings
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_SITE_SETTINGS_HINT" desc="The button text contents to suggest pedal action, MANAGE_SITE_SETTINGS">
Manage site settings
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_SITE_SETTINGS_SUGGESTION_CONTENTS" desc="The button hover tooltip text to describe pedal action, MANAGE_SITE_SETTINGS">
Manage permissions and data stored across sites in Chrome settings
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_SITE_SETTINGS_SUFFIX" desc="Suffix for spoken suggestion description with pedal action button, to explain keystroke used to MANAGE_SITE_SETTINGS.">
<ph name="MANAGE_SITE_SETTINGS_FOCUSED_FRIENDLY_MATCH_TEXT">$1<ex>The Chromium Projects bookmark</ex></ph>, press Tab then Enter to manage permissions and data stored across sites in Chrome settings
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_SITE_SETTINGS" desc="Announcement when pedal action button is focused, MANAGE_SITE_SETTINGS">
Manage site settings button, press Enter to manage permissions and data stored across sites in Chrome settings
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_CREATE_GOOGLE_DOC_HINT" desc="The button text contents to suggest pedal action, CREATE_GOOGLE_DOC">
Create doc
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_CREATE_GOOGLE_DOC_SUGGESTION_CONTENTS" desc="The button hover tooltip text to describe pedal action, CREATE_GOOGLE_DOC">
Create a new Google Doc quickly
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_CREATE_GOOGLE_DOC_SUFFIX" desc="Suffix for spoken suggestion description with pedal action button, to explain keystroke used to CREATE_GOOGLE_DOC.">
<ph name="CREATE_GOOGLE_DOC_FOCUSED_FRIENDLY_MATCH_TEXT">$1<ex>The Chromium Projects bookmark</ex></ph>, press Tab then Enter to create a new Google Doc quickly
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_CREATE_GOOGLE_DOC" desc="Announcement when pedal action button is focused, CREATE_GOOGLE_DOC">
Create doc button, press Enter to create a new Google Doc quickly
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_CREATE_GOOGLE_SHEET_HINT" desc="The button text contents to suggest pedal action, CREATE_GOOGLE_SHEET">
Create sheet
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_CREATE_GOOGLE_SHEET_SUGGESTION_CONTENTS" desc="The button hover tooltip text to describe pedal action, CREATE_GOOGLE_SHEET">
Create a new Google Sheet quickly
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_CREATE_GOOGLE_SHEET_SUFFIX" desc="Suffix for spoken suggestion description with pedal action button, to explain keystroke used to CREATE_GOOGLE_SHEET.">
<ph name="CREATE_GOOGLE_SHEET_FOCUSED_FRIENDLY_MATCH_TEXT">$1<ex>The Chromium Projects bookmark</ex></ph>, press Tab then Enter to create a new Google Sheet quickly
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_CREATE_GOOGLE_SHEET" desc="Announcement when pedal action button is focused, CREATE_GOOGLE_SHEET">
Create sheet button, press Enter to create a new Google Sheet quickly
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_CREATE_GOOGLE_SLIDE_HINT" desc="The button text contents to suggest pedal action, CREATE_GOOGLE_SLIDE">
Create presentation
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_CREATE_GOOGLE_SLIDE_SUGGESTION_CONTENTS" desc="The button hover tooltip text to describe pedal action, CREATE_GOOGLE_SLIDE">
Create a new Google presentation in Slides quickly
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_CREATE_GOOGLE_SLIDE_SUFFIX" desc="Suffix for spoken suggestion description with pedal action button, to explain keystroke used to CREATE_GOOGLE_SLIDE.">
<ph name="CREATE_GOOGLE_SLIDE_FOCUSED_FRIENDLY_MATCH_TEXT">$1<ex>The Chromium Projects bookmark</ex></ph>, press Tab then Enter to create a new Google presentation in Slides quickly
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_CREATE_GOOGLE_SLIDE" desc="Announcement when pedal action button is focused, CREATE_GOOGLE_SLIDE">
Create presentation button, press Enter to create a new Google presentation in Slides quickly
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_CREATE_GOOGLE_CALENDAR_EVENT_HINT" desc="The button text contents to suggest pedal action, CREATE_GOOGLE_CALENDAR_EVENT">
Create event
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_CREATE_GOOGLE_CALENDAR_EVENT_SUGGESTION_CONTENTS" desc="The button hover tooltip text to describe pedal action, CREATE_GOOGLE_CALENDAR_EVENT">
Create a new event in Google Calendar quickly
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_CREATE_GOOGLE_CALENDAR_EVENT_SUFFIX" desc="Suffix for spoken suggestion description with pedal action button, to explain keystroke used to CREATE_GOOGLE_CALENDAR_EVENT.">
<ph name="CREATE_GOOGLE_CALENDAR_EVENT_FOCUSED_FRIENDLY_MATCH_TEXT">$1<ex>The Chromium Projects bookmark</ex></ph>, press Tab then Enter to create a new event in Google Calendar quickly
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_CREATE_GOOGLE_CALENDAR_EVENT" desc="Announcement when pedal action button is focused, CREATE_GOOGLE_CALENDAR_EVENT">
Create event button, press Enter to create a new event in Google Calendar quickly
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_CREATE_GOOGLE_SITE_HINT" desc="The button text contents to suggest pedal action, CREATE_GOOGLE_SITE">
Create site
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_CREATE_GOOGLE_SITE_SUGGESTION_CONTENTS" desc="The button hover tooltip text to describe pedal action, CREATE_GOOGLE_SITE">
Create a new site in Google Sites quickly
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_CREATE_GOOGLE_SITE_SUFFIX" desc="Suffix for spoken suggestion description with pedal action button, to explain keystroke used to CREATE_GOOGLE_SITE.">
<ph name="CREATE_GOOGLE_SITE_FOCUSED_FRIENDLY_MATCH_TEXT">$1<ex>The Chromium Projects bookmark</ex></ph>, press Tab then Enter to create a new site in Google Sites quickly
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_CREATE_GOOGLE_SITE" desc="Announcement when pedal action button is focused, CREATE_GOOGLE_SITE">
Create site button, press Enter to create a new site in Google Sites quickly
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_CREATE_GOOGLE_KEEP_NOTE_HINT" desc="The button text contents to suggest pedal action, CREATE_GOOGLE_KEEP_NOTE">
Create note
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_CREATE_GOOGLE_KEEP_NOTE_SUGGESTION_CONTENTS" desc="The button hover tooltip text to describe pedal action, CREATE_GOOGLE_KEEP_NOTE">
Create a new note in Google Keep quickly
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_CREATE_GOOGLE_KEEP_NOTE_SUFFIX" desc="Suffix for spoken suggestion description with pedal action button, to explain keystroke used to CREATE_GOOGLE_KEEP_NOTE.">
<ph name="CREATE_GOOGLE_KEEP_NOTE_FOCUSED_FRIENDLY_MATCH_TEXT">$1<ex>The Chromium Projects bookmark</ex></ph>, press Tab then Enter to create a new note in Google Keep quickly
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_CREATE_GOOGLE_KEEP_NOTE" desc="Announcement when pedal action button is focused, CREATE_GOOGLE_KEEP_NOTE">
Create note button, press Enter to create a new note in Google Keep quickly
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_CREATE_GOOGLE_FORM_HINT" desc="The button text contents to suggest pedal action, CREATE_GOOGLE_FORM">
Create form
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_CREATE_GOOGLE_FORM_SUGGESTION_CONTENTS" desc="The button hover tooltip text to describe pedal action, CREATE_GOOGLE_FORM">
Create a new form in Google Forms quickly
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_CREATE_GOOGLE_FORM_SUFFIX" desc="Suffix for spoken suggestion description with pedal action button, to explain keystroke used to CREATE_GOOGLE_FORM.">
<ph name="CREATE_GOOGLE_FORM_FOCUSED_FRIENDLY_MATCH_TEXT">$1<ex>The Chromium Projects bookmark</ex></ph>, press Tab then Enter to create a new form in Google Forms quickly
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_CREATE_GOOGLE_FORM" desc="Announcement when pedal action button is focused, CREATE_GOOGLE_FORM">
Create form button, press Enter to create a new form in Google Forms quickly
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_SEE_CHROME_TIPS_HINT" desc="The button text contents to suggest pedal action, SEE_CHROME_TIPS">
See Chrome tips
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_SEE_CHROME_TIPS_SUGGESTION_CONTENTS" desc="The button hover tooltip text to describe pedal action, SEE_CHROME_TIPS">
Learn about Chrome features
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_SEE_CHROME_TIPS_SUFFIX" desc="Suffix for spoken suggestion description with pedal action button, to explain keystroke used to SEE_CHROME_TIPS.">
<ph name="SEE_CHROME_TIPS_FOCUSED_FRIENDLY_MATCH_TEXT">$1<ex>The Chromium Projects bookmark</ex></ph>, press Tab then Enter to learn about Chrome features
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_SEE_CHROME_TIPS" desc="Announcement when pedal action button is focused, SEE_CHROME_TIPS">
See Chrome tips button, press Enter to learn about Chrome features
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_GOOGLE_ACCOUNT_HINT" desc="The button text contents to suggest pedal action, MANAGE_GOOGLE_ACCOUNT">
Manage Google Account
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_GOOGLE_ACCOUNT_SUGGESTION_CONTENTS" desc="The button hover tooltip text to describe pedal action, MANAGE_GOOGLE_ACCOUNT">
Manage your info, privacy, and security in your Google Account
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_GOOGLE_ACCOUNT_SUFFIX" desc="Suffix for spoken suggestion description with pedal action button, to explain keystroke used to MANAGE_GOOGLE_ACCOUNT.">
<ph name="MANAGE_GOOGLE_ACCOUNT_FOCUSED_FRIENDLY_MATCH_TEXT">$1<ex>The Chromium Projects bookmark</ex></ph>, press Tab then Enter to manage your info, privacy, and security in your Google Account
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_GOOGLE_ACCOUNT" desc="Announcement when pedal action button is focused, MANAGE_GOOGLE_ACCOUNT">
Manage Google Account, press Enter to manage your info, privacy, and security in your Google Account
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_CHANGE_GOOGLE_PASSWORD_HINT" desc="The button text contents to suggest pedal action, CHANGE_GOOGLE_PASSWORD">
Change Google password
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_CHANGE_GOOGLE_PASSWORD_SUGGESTION_CONTENTS" desc="The button hover tooltip text to describe pedal action, CHANGE_GOOGLE_PASSWORD">
Change your Google Account password
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_CHANGE_GOOGLE_PASSWORD_SUFFIX" desc="Suffix for spoken suggestion description with pedal action button, to explain keystroke used to CHANGE_GOOGLE_PASSWORD.">
<ph name="CHANGE_GOOGLE_PASSWORD_FOCUSED_FRIENDLY_MATCH_TEXT">$1<ex>The Chromium Projects bookmark</ex></ph>, press Tab then Enter to change your Google Account password
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_CHANGE_GOOGLE_PASSWORD" desc="Announcement when pedal action button is focused, CHANGE_GOOGLE_PASSWORD">
Change Google password button, press Enter to change your Google Account password
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_CLOSE_INCOGNITO_WINDOWS_HINT" desc="The button text contents to suggest pedal action, CLOSE_INCOGNITO_WINDOWS">
Close all Incognito windows
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_CLOSE_INCOGNITO_WINDOWS_SUGGESTION_CONTENTS" desc="The button hover tooltip text to describe pedal action, CLOSE_INCOGNITO_WINDOWS">
Close all Incognito windows that are currently open
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_CLOSE_INCOGNITO_WINDOWS_SUFFIX" desc="Suffix for spoken suggestion description with pedal action button, to explain keystroke used to CLOSE_INCOGNITO_WINDOWS.">
<ph name="CLOSE_INCOGNITO_WINDOWS_FOCUSED_FRIENDLY_MATCH_TEXT">$1<ex>The Chromium Projects bookmark</ex></ph>, Press tab then Enter to close all Incognito windows that are currently open
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_CLOSE_INCOGNITO_WINDOWS" desc="Announcement when pedal action button is focused, CLOSE_INCOGNITO_WINDOWS">
Close Incognito windows button, press Enter to close all Incognito windows that are currently open
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_PLAY_CHROME_DINO_GAME_HINT" desc="The button text contents to suggest pedal action, PLAY_CHROME_DINO_GAME">
Play Chrome Dino game
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_PLAY_CHROME_DINO_GAME_SUGGESTION_CONTENTS" desc="The button hover tooltip text to describe pedal action, PLAY_CHROME_DINO_GAME">
Play the Dino Run game in Chrome
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_PLAY_CHROME_DINO_GAME_SUFFIX" desc="Suffix for spoken suggestion description with pedal action button, to explain keystroke used to PLAY_CHROME_DINO_GAME.">
<ph name="PLAY_CHROME_DINO_GAME_FOCUSED_FRIENDLY_MATCH_TEXT">$1<ex>The Chromium Projects bookmark</ex></ph>, Press tab then Enter to play the Dino Run game in Chrome
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_PLAY_CHROME_DINO_GAME" desc="Announcement when pedal action button is focused, PLAY_CHROME_DINO_GAME">
Play Chrome Dino game button, press Enter to play the Dino Run game in Chrome
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_FIND_MY_PHONE_HINT" desc="The button text contents to suggest pedal action, FIND_MY_PHONE">
Find your phone
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_FIND_MY_PHONE_SUGGESTION_CONTENTS" desc="The button hover tooltip text to describe pedal action, FIND_MY_PHONE">
Find, secure, or erase your device
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_FIND_MY_PHONE_SUFFIX" desc="Suffix for spoken suggestion description with pedal action button, to explain keystroke used to FIND_MY_PHONE.">
<ph name="FIND_MY_PHONE_FOCUSED_FRIENDLY_MATCH_TEXT">$1<ex>The Chromium Projects bookmark</ex></ph>, Press Tab then Enter to Find your device in the Google Account
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_FIND_MY_PHONE" desc="Announcement when pedal action button is focused, FIND_MY_PHONE">
Find my device button, press Enter to visit find your device in the Google Account
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_GOOGLE_PRIVACY_HINT" desc="The button text contents to suggest pedal action, MANAGE_GOOGLE_PRIVACY">
Manage Google Account privacy settings
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_GOOGLE_PRIVACY_SUGGESTION_CONTENTS" desc="The button hover tooltip text to describe pedal action, MANAGE_GOOGLE_PRIVACY">
Manage Google privacy settings in your Google Account
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_GOOGLE_PRIVACY_SUFFIX" desc="Suffix for spoken suggestion description with pedal action button, to explain keystroke used to MANAGE_GOOGLE_PRIVACY.">
<ph name="MANAGE_GOOGLE_PRIVACY_FOCUSED_FRIENDLY_MATCH_TEXT">$1<ex>The Chromium Projects bookmark</ex></ph>, Press Tab then Enter to manage your Google Account privacy settings
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_GOOGLE_PRIVACY" desc="Announcement when pedal action button is focused, MANAGE_GOOGLE_PRIVACY">
Manage Google Privacy settings button, press Enter to visit your Google Account privacy settings
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_CHROME_SETTINGS_HINT" desc="The button text contents to suggest pedal action, MANAGE_CHROME_SETTINGS">
Manage settings
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_CHROME_SETTINGS_SUGGESTION_CONTENTS" desc="The button hover tooltip text to describe pedal action, MANAGE_CHROME_SETTINGS">
Manage your Chrome settings
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_CHROME_SETTINGS_SUFFIX" desc="Suffix for spoken suggestion description with pedal action button, to explain keystroke used to MANAGE_CHROME_SETTINGS.">
<ph name="MANAGE_CHROME_SETTINGS_FOCUSED_FRIENDLY_MATCH_TEXT">$1<ex>The Chromium Projects bookmark</ex></ph>, Press Tab then Enter to manage your Chrome settings
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_CHROME_SETTINGS" desc="Announcement when pedal action button is focused, MANAGE_CHROME_SETTINGS">
Manage Chrome settings button, press Enter to visit your Chrome settings
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_CHROME_DOWNLOADS_HINT" desc="The button text contents to suggest pedal action, MANAGE_CHROME_DOWNLOADS">
Manage downloads
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_CHROME_DOWNLOADS_SUGGESTION_CONTENTS" desc="The button hover tooltip text to describe pedal action, MANAGE_CHROME_DOWNLOADS">
Manage files you have downloaded in Chrome
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_CHROME_DOWNLOADS_SUFFIX" desc="Suffix for spoken suggestion description with pedal action button, to explain keystroke used to MANAGE_CHROME_DOWNLOADS.">
<ph name="MANAGE_CHROME_DOWNLOADS_FOCUSED_FRIENDLY_MATCH_TEXT">$1<ex>The Chromium Projects bookmark</ex></ph>, Press Tab then Enter to manage files you have downloaded in Chrome
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_CHROME_DOWNLOADS" desc="Announcement when pedal action button is focused, MANAGE_CHROME_DOWNLOADS">
Manage downloads in Chrome button, press Enter to manage files you have downloaded in Chrome
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_VIEW_CHROME_HISTORY_HINT" desc="The button text contents to suggest pedal action, VIEW_CHROME_HISTORY">
View your Chrome history
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_VIEW_CHROME_HISTORY_SUGGESTION_CONTENTS" desc="The button hover tooltip text to describe pedal action, VIEW_CHROME_HISTORY">
View and manage your browsing history in Chrome settings
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_VIEW_CHROME_HISTORY_SUFFIX" desc="Suffix for spoken suggestion description with pedal action button, to explain keystroke used to VIEW_CHROME_HISTORY.">
<ph name="VIEW_CHROME_HISTORY_FOCUSED_FRIENDLY_MATCH_TEXT">$1<ex>The Chromium Projects bookmark</ex></ph>, Press tab then Enter to view your browsing history in Chrome
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_VIEW_CHROME_HISTORY" desc="Announcement when pedal action button is focused, VIEW_CHROME_HISTORY">
View your Chrome history button, press Enter to view and manage your browsing history in Chrome settings
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_SHARE_THIS_PAGE_HINT" desc="The button text contents to suggest pedal action, SHARE_THIS_PAGE">
Share this tab
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_SHARE_THIS_PAGE_SUGGESTION_CONTENTS" desc="The button hover tooltip text to describe pedal action, SHARE_THIS_PAGE">
Share this tab by sharing the link, creating a QR code, casting, and more
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_SHARE_THIS_PAGE_SUFFIX" desc="Suffix for spoken suggestion description with pedal action button, to explain keystroke used to SHARE_THIS_PAGE.">
<ph name="SHARE_THIS_PAGE_FOCUSED_FRIENDLY_MATCH_TEXT">$1<ex>The Chromium Projects bookmark</ex></ph>, Press tab then Enter to share this tab by sharing the link, creating a QR code, casting, and more
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_SHARE_THIS_PAGE" desc="Announcement when pedal action button is focused, SHARE_THIS_PAGE">
Share this tab button, press Enter to share this tab by sharing the link, creating a QR code, casting, and more
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_CHROME_ACCESSIBILITY_HINT" desc="The button text contents to suggest pedal action, MANAGE_CHROME_ACCESSIBILITY">
Manage accessibility settings
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_CHROME_ACCESSIBILITY_SUGGESTION_CONTENTS" desc="The button hover tooltip text to describe pedal action, MANAGE_CHROME_ACCESSIBILITY">
Personalize your accessibility tools in Chrome settings
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_CHROME_ACCESSIBILITY_SUFFIX" desc="Suffix for spoken suggestion description with pedal action button, to explain keystroke used to MANAGE_CHROME_ACCESSIBILITY.">
<ph name="MANAGE_CHROME_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUSED_FRIENDLY_MATCH_TEXT">$1<ex>The Chromium Projects bookmark</ex></ph>, Press tab then Enter to personalize your accessibility tools in Chrome settings
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_CHROME_ACCESSIBILITY" desc="Announcement when pedal action button is focused, MANAGE_CHROME_ACCESSIBILITY">
Manage accessibility settings button, press Enter to personalize your accessibility tools in Chrome settings
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_CUSTOMIZE_CHROME_FONTS_HINT" desc="The button text contents to suggest pedal action, CUSTOMIZE_CHROME_FONTS">
Customize fonts
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_CUSTOMIZE_CHROME_FONTS_SUGGESTION_CONTENTS" desc="The button hover tooltip text to describe pedal action, CUSTOMIZE_CHROME_FONTS">
Customize font sizes and typefaces in Chrome
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_CUSTOMIZE_CHROME_FONTS_SUFFIX" desc="Suffix for spoken suggestion description with pedal action button, to explain keystroke used to CUSTOMIZE_CHROME_FONTS.">
<ph name="CUSTOMIZE_CHROME_FONTS_FOCUSED_FRIENDLY_MATCH_TEXT">$1<ex>The Chromium Projects bookmark</ex></ph>, Press tab then Enter to customize font sizes and typefaces in Chrome
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_CUSTOMIZE_CHROME_FONTS" desc="Announcement when pedal action button is focused, CUSTOMIZE_CHROME_FONTS">
Customize fonts in Chrome button, press Enter to customize font sizes and typefaces in Chrome
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_CHROME_THEMES_HINT" desc="The button text contents to suggest pedal action, MANAGE_CHROME_THEMES">
Customize Chrome
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_CHROME_THEMES_SUGGESTION_CONTENTS" desc="The button hover tooltip text to describe pedal action, MANAGE_CHROME_THEMES">
Customize the look of your browser
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_CHROME_THEMES_SUFFIX" desc="Suffix for spoken suggestion description with pedal action button, to explain keystroke used to MANAGE_CHROME_THEMES.">
<ph name="MANAGE_CHROME_THEMES_FOCUSED_FRIENDLY_MATCH_TEXT">$1<ex>The Chromium Projects bookmark</ex></ph>, Press tab then Enter to customize the look of your browser
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_CHROME_THEMES" desc="Announcement when pedal action button is focused, MANAGE_CHROME_THEMES">
Customize Chrome button, press Enter to customize the look of your browser
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_CUSTOMIZE_SEARCH_ENGINES_HINT" desc="The button text contents to suggest pedal action, CUSTOMIZE_SEARCH_ENGINES">
Manage search engines
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_CUSTOMIZE_SEARCH_ENGINES_SUGGESTION_CONTENTS" desc="The button hover tooltip text to describe pedal action, CUSTOMIZE_SEARCH_ENGINES">
Manage your default search engine and site search
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_CUSTOMIZE_SEARCH_ENGINES_SUFFIX" desc="Suffix for spoken suggestion description with pedal action button, to explain keystroke used to CUSTOMIZE_SEARCH_ENGINES.">
<ph name="CUSTOMIZE_SEARCH_ENGINES_FOCUSED_FRIENDLY_MATCH_TEXT">$1<ex>The Chromium Projects bookmark</ex></ph>, Press tab then Enter to manage site search and your default search engine
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_CUSTOMIZE_SEARCH_ENGINES" desc="Announcement when pedal action button is focused, CUSTOMIZE_SEARCH_ENGINES">
Manage search engines button, press Enter to manage your default search engine and site search
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_CHROMEOS_ACCESSIBILITY_HINT" desc="The button text contents to suggest pedal action, MANAGE_CHROMEOS_ACCESSIBILITY">
Manage accessibility settings
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_CHROMEOS_ACCESSIBILITY_SUGGESTION_CONTENTS" desc="The button hover tooltip text to describe pedal action, MANAGE_CHROMEOS_ACCESSIBILITY">
Personalize your accessibility tools in ChromeOS settings
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_CHROMEOS_ACCESSIBILITY_SUFFIX" desc="Suffix for spoken suggestion description with pedal action button, to explain keystroke used to MANAGE_CHROMEOS_ACCESSIBILITY.">
<ph name="MANAGE_CHROMEOS_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUSED_FRIENDLY_MATCH_TEXT">$1<ex>The Chromium Projects bookmark</ex></ph>, Press tab then Enter to personalize your accessibility tools in ChromeOS settings
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_MANAGE_CHROMEOS_ACCESSIBILITY" desc="Announcement when pedal action button is focused, MANAGE_CHROMEOS_ACCESSIBILITY">
Manage accessibility settings button, Enter to personalize your accessibility tools in ChromeOS settings
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_SET_CHROME_AS_DEFAULT_BROWSER_HINT" desc="The button text contents to suggest pedal action, SET_CHROME_AS_DEFAULT_BROWSER">
Set Chrome as default browser
<message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_SET_CHROME_AS_DEFAULT_BROWSER_SUGGESTION_CONTENTS" desc="The button hover tooltip text to describe pedal action, SET_CHROME_AS_DEFAULT_BROWSER">
Set Chrome as the system's default browser in iOS settings
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_SET_CHROME_AS_DEFAULT_BROWSER_SUFFIX" desc="Suffix for spoken suggestion description with pedal action button, to explain keystroke used to SET_CHROME_AS_DEFAULT_BROWSER.">
<ph name="SET_CHROME_AS_DEFAULT_BROWSER_FOCUSED_FRIENDLY_MATCH_TEXT">$1<ex>The Chromium Projects bookmark</ex></ph>, Press tab then Enter to set Chrome as the system's default browser in iOS settings
<message name="IDS_ACC_OMNIBOX_PEDAL_SET_CHROME_AS_DEFAULT_BROWSER" desc="Announcement when pedal action button is focused, SET_CHROME_AS_DEFAULT_BROWSER">
Set Chrome as default browser button, press Enter to set Chrome as the system's default browser in iOS settings