blob: 946ded1b006472412150ac5c72647370b58b67f9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "build/chromeos_buildflags.h"
// All switches in alphabetical order. The switches should be documented
// alongside the definition of their values in the .cc file.
namespace extensions {
namespace switches {
extern const char kAllowHTTPBackgroundPage[];
extern const char kAllowLegacyExtensionManifests[];
extern const char kAllowlistedExtensionID[];
extern const char kDEPRECATED_AllowlistedExtensionID[];
extern const char kDisableAppContentVerification[];
extern const char kDisableExtensionsHttpThrottling[];
extern const char kEmbeddedExtensionOptions[];
extern const char kEnableExperimentalExtensionApis[];
extern const char kEnableBLEAdvertising[];
extern const char kExtensionProcess[];
extern const char kExtensionsOnChromeURLs[];
extern const char kForceDevModeHighlighting[];
extern const char kLoadApps[];
extern const char kLoadExtension[];
extern const char kLoadSigninProfileTestExtension[];
extern const char kLoadGuestModeTestExtension[];
extern const char kOffscreenDocumentTesting[];
extern const char kSetExtensionThrottleTestParams[];
extern const char kShowComponentExtensionOptions[];
extern const char kTraceAppSource[];
extern const char kEnableCrxHashCheck[];
extern const char kAllowFutureManifestVersion[];
} // namespace switches
} // namespace extensions