blob: 31aac65673ab6e593d0369b98e4ac65ab9a52f13 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "cc/paint/paint_canvas.h"
#include "cc/paint/paint_flags.h"
#include "cc/paint/paint_op_buffer.h"
#include "cc/paint/paint_record.h"
#include "cc/paint/skottie_color_map.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/utils/SkNoDrawCanvas.h"
namespace cc {
// This implementation of PaintCanvas records paint operations into the given
// PaintOpBuffer. The methods that inspect the current clip or CTM are not
// implemented (DCHECK will fail if called). Use InspectableRecordPaintCanvas
// instead if the client needs to call those methods.
class CC_PAINT_EXPORT RecordPaintCanvas : public PaintCanvas {
~RecordPaintCanvas() override;
RecordPaintCanvas(const RecordPaintCanvas&) = delete;
RecordPaintCanvas& operator=(const RecordPaintCanvas&) = delete;
virtual PaintRecord ReleaseAsRecord();
bool HasRecordedDrawOps() const { return buffer_.has_draw_ops(); }
size_t TotalOpCount() const { return buffer_.total_op_count(); }
size_t OpBytesUsed() const { return buffer_.paint_ops_size(); }
void* accessTopLayerPixels(SkImageInfo* info,
size_t* rowBytes,
SkIPoint* origin = nullptr) override;
void flush() override;
bool NeedsFlush() const override;
int save() override;
int saveLayer(const SkRect* bounds, const PaintFlags* flags) final;
int saveLayerAlpha(const SkRect* bounds, uint8_t alpha) override;
void restore() override;
int getSaveCount() const final;
void restoreToCount(int save_count) override;
void translate(SkScalar dx, SkScalar dy) override;
void scale(SkScalar sx, SkScalar sy) override;
void rotate(SkScalar degrees) override;
void concat(const SkM44& matrix) override;
void setMatrix(const SkM44& matrix) override;
void clipRect(const SkRect& rect, SkClipOp op, bool antialias) override;
void clipRRect(const SkRRect& rrect, SkClipOp op, bool antialias) final;
void clipPath(const SkPath& path,
SkClipOp op,
bool antialias,
UsePaintCache use_paint_cache) final;
// These state-query functions can be called only if `size` is not empty in
// the constructor. With this restriction, we don't need to create
// SkNoDrawCanvas for clients that only need recording.
SkImageInfo imageInfo() const override;
SkRect getLocalClipBounds() const override;
bool getLocalClipBounds(SkRect* bounds) const override;
SkIRect getDeviceClipBounds() const override;
bool getDeviceClipBounds(SkIRect* bounds) const override;
bool isClipEmpty() const override;
SkM44 getLocalToDevice() const override;
void drawColor(SkColor4f color, SkBlendMode mode) override;
void clear(SkColor4f color) override;
void drawLine(SkScalar x0,
SkScalar y0,
SkScalar x1,
SkScalar y1,
const PaintFlags& flags) override;
void drawRect(const SkRect& rect, const PaintFlags& flags) override;
void drawIRect(const SkIRect& rect, const PaintFlags& flags) override;
void drawOval(const SkRect& oval, const PaintFlags& flags) override;
void drawRRect(const SkRRect& rrect, const PaintFlags& flags) override;
void drawDRRect(const SkRRect& outer,
const SkRRect& inner,
const PaintFlags& flags) override;
void drawRoundRect(const SkRect& rect,
SkScalar rx,
SkScalar ry,
const PaintFlags& flags) override;
void drawPath(const SkPath& path,
const PaintFlags& flags,
UsePaintCache use_paint_cache) override;
void drawImage(const PaintImage& image,
SkScalar left,
SkScalar top,
const SkSamplingOptions&,
const PaintFlags* flags) override;
void drawImageRect(const PaintImage& image,
const SkRect& src,
const SkRect& dst,
const SkSamplingOptions&,
const PaintFlags* flags,
SkCanvas::SrcRectConstraint constraint) override;
void drawSkottie(scoped_refptr<SkottieWrapper> skottie,
const SkRect& dst,
float t,
SkottieFrameDataMap images,
const SkottieColorMap& color_map,
SkottieTextPropertyValueMap text_map) override;
void drawTextBlob(sk_sp<SkTextBlob> blob,
SkScalar x,
SkScalar y,
const PaintFlags& flags) override;
void drawTextBlob(sk_sp<SkTextBlob> blob,
SkScalar x,
SkScalar y,
NodeId node_id,
const PaintFlags& flags) override;
void drawPicture(PaintRecord record) override;
void Annotate(AnnotationType type,
const SkRect& rect,
sk_sp<SkData> data) override;
void recordCustomData(uint32_t id) override;
void setNodeId(int) override;
// Don't shadow non-virtual helper functions.
using PaintCanvas::clipPath;
using PaintCanvas::clipRect;
using PaintCanvas::clipRRect;
using PaintCanvas::drawColor;
using PaintCanvas::drawImage;
using PaintCanvas::drawPath;
using PaintCanvas::drawPicture;
void EnterDisableFlushCheckScope() { ++disable_flush_check_scope_; }
void LeaveDisableFlushCheckScope() { DCHECK(disable_flush_check_scope_--); }
bool IsInDisableFlushCheckScope() { return disable_flush_check_scope_; }
class DisableFlushCheckScope {
// Create an object of this type to temporarily allow draw commands to be
// recorded while the recording is marked as needing to be flushed. This is
// meant to be used to allow client code to issue the commands necessary to
// reach a state where the recording can be safely flushed before beginning
// to enforce a check that forbids recording additional draw commands after
// a flush was requested.
explicit DisableFlushCheckScope(RecordPaintCanvas* canvas) {
// We require that NeedsFlush be false upon entering a top-level scope
// to prevent consecutive scopes from evading evading flush checks
// indefinitely.
DCHECK(!canvas->NeedsFlush() || canvas->IsInDisableFlushCheckScope());
canvas_ = canvas;
~DisableFlushCheckScope() {
raw_ptr<RecordPaintCanvas> canvas_;
virtual int saveLayerInternal(const SkRect* bounds, const PaintFlags* flags);
virtual void clipRRectInternal(const SkRRect& rrect,
SkClipOp op,
bool antialias);
virtual void clipPathInternal(const SkPath& path,
SkClipOp op,
bool antialias,
UsePaintCache use_paint_cache);
template <typename T, typename... Args>
void push(Args&&... args);
PaintOpBuffer buffer_;
int save_count_ = 1;
bool needs_flush_ = false;
unsigned disable_flush_check_scope_ = 0;
// Besides the recording functions, this implementation of PaintCanvas allows
// inspection of the current clip and CTM during recording.
class CC_PAINT_EXPORT InspectableRecordPaintCanvas : public RecordPaintCanvas {
explicit InspectableRecordPaintCanvas(const gfx::Size& size);
~InspectableRecordPaintCanvas() override;
int save() override;
int saveLayerAlpha(const SkRect* bounds, uint8_t alpha) override;
void restore() override;
void translate(SkScalar dx, SkScalar dy) override;
void scale(SkScalar sx, SkScalar sy) override;
void rotate(SkScalar degrees) override;
void concat(const SkM44& matrix) override;
void setMatrix(const SkM44& matrix) override;
void clipRect(const SkRect& rect, SkClipOp op, bool antialias) override;
SkImageInfo imageInfo() const override;
SkRect getLocalClipBounds() const override;
bool getLocalClipBounds(SkRect* bounds) const override;
SkIRect getDeviceClipBounds() const override;
bool getDeviceClipBounds(SkIRect* bounds) const override;
bool isClipEmpty() const override;
SkM44 getLocalToDevice() const override;
// Don't shadow non-virtual helper functions.
using RecordPaintCanvas::clipRect;
int saveLayerInternal(const SkRect* bounds, const PaintFlags* flags) override;
void clipRRectInternal(const SkRRect& rrect,
SkClipOp op,
bool antialias) override;
void clipPathInternal(const SkPath& path,
SkClipOp op,
bool antialias,
UsePaintCache use_paint_cache) override;
int CheckSaveCount(int super_prev_save_count, int canvas_prev_save_count);
SkNoDrawCanvas canvas_;
} // namespace cc