blob: 5b4e11b871eabf3ba2e806b29368a898fd7459a8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "cc/metrics/total_frame_counter.h"
#include <cmath>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "components/viz/common/frame_sinks/begin_frame_args.h"
namespace cc {
TotalFrameCounter::TotalFrameCounter() = default;
void TotalFrameCounter::OnShow(base::TimeTicks timestamp) {
last_shown_timestamp_ = timestamp;
void TotalFrameCounter::OnHide(base::TimeTicks timestamp) {
// It is possible to hide right after being shown before receiving any
// BeginFrameArgs.
if (!latest_interval_.is_zero())
last_shown_timestamp_ = base::TimeTicks();
latest_interval_ = base::TimeDelta();
void TotalFrameCounter::OnBeginFrame(const viz::BeginFrameArgs& args) {
// In tests, it is possible to receive begin-frames when invisible. Ignore
// these.
if (last_shown_timestamp_.is_null())
if (!latest_interval_.is_zero() && latest_interval_ != args.interval) {
last_shown_timestamp_ = args.frame_time;
latest_interval_ = args.interval;
void TotalFrameCounter::Reset() {
total_frames_ = 0;
latest_interval_ = {};
// If the compositor is visible, then update the visible timestamp to current
// time.
if (!last_shown_timestamp_.is_null())
last_shown_timestamp_ = base::TimeTicks::Now();
void TotalFrameCounter::UpdateTotalFramesSinceLastVisible(
base::TimeTicks until) {
total_frames_ = ComputeTotalVisibleFrames(until);
size_t TotalFrameCounter::ComputeTotalVisibleFrames(
base::TimeTicks until) const {
if (last_shown_timestamp_.is_null() || latest_interval_.is_zero()) {
// The compositor may be currently invisible, or has just been made visible
// but has yet to receive a BeginFrameArgs.
return total_frames_;
DCHECK_GE(until, last_shown_timestamp_);
auto frames_since =
std::ceil((until - last_shown_timestamp_) / latest_interval_);
return total_frames_ + frames_since;
} // namespace cc