blob: 859bf175601da063e7a9b1a27d283fdf467ef824 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_management_internal.h"
#include <utility>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "base/version.h"
#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_management_constants.h"
#include "extensions/common/extension_urls.h"
#include "extensions/common/url_pattern_set.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace extensions {
namespace internal {
namespace {
const char kMalformedPreferenceWarning[] =
"Malformed extension management preference.";
// Maximum number of characters for a 'blocked_install_message' value.
const int kBlockedInstallMessageMaxLength = 1000;
bool GetString(const base::Value::Dict& dict,
const char* key,
std::string* result) {
const std::string* value = dict.FindString(key);
if (!value)
return false;
*result = *value;
return true;
} // namespace
IndividualSettings::IndividualSettings() {
// Initializes from default settings.
const IndividualSettings* default_settings) {
installation_mode = default_settings->installation_mode;
update_url = default_settings->update_url;
// We are not initializing `minimum_version_required` from `default_settings`
// here since it's not applicable to default settings.
// We also do not inherit `blocked_permissions`, `runtime_allowed_hosts` or
// `runtime_blocked_hosts` from default either. It's likely not a behavior by
// design but fixing these issues may break users that rely on them. For
// now, we will keep it as is until there is a long term plan.
IndividualSettings::~IndividualSettings() = default;
bool IndividualSettings::Parse(const base::Value::Dict& dict,
ParsingScope scope) {
std::string installation_mode_str;
if (GetString(dict, schema_constants::kInstallationMode,
&installation_mode_str)) {
if (installation_mode_str == schema_constants::kAllowed) {
installation_mode = ExtensionManagement::INSTALLATION_ALLOWED;
} else if (installation_mode_str == schema_constants::kBlocked) {
installation_mode = ExtensionManagement::INSTALLATION_BLOCKED;
} else if (installation_mode_str == schema_constants::kForceInstalled) {
installation_mode = ExtensionManagement::INSTALLATION_FORCED;
} else if (installation_mode_str == schema_constants::kNormalInstalled) {
installation_mode = ExtensionManagement::INSTALLATION_RECOMMENDED;
} else if (installation_mode_str == schema_constants::kRemoved) {
installation_mode = ExtensionManagement::INSTALLATION_REMOVED;
} else {
// Invalid value for 'installation_mode'.
LOG(WARNING) << kMalformedPreferenceWarning;
return false;
// Only proceed to fetch update url if force or recommended install mode
// is set.
if (installation_mode == ExtensionManagement::INSTALLATION_FORCED ||
installation_mode == ExtensionManagement::INSTALLATION_RECOMMENDED) {
if (scope != SCOPE_INDIVIDUAL) {
// Only individual extensions are allowed to be automatically
// installed.
LOG(WARNING) << kMalformedPreferenceWarning;
return false;
std::string update_url_str;
if (GetString(dict, schema_constants::kUpdateUrl, &update_url_str) &&
GURL(update_url_str).is_valid()) {
update_url = update_url_str;
} else {
// No valid update URL for extension.
LOG(WARNING) << kMalformedPreferenceWarning;
return false;
bool is_policy_installed =
installation_mode == ExtensionManagement::INSTALLATION_FORCED ||
installation_mode == ExtensionManagement::INSTALLATION_RECOMMENDED;
// Note: We ignore the override update URL policy when the update URL is from
// the webstore.
if (is_policy_installed &&
!extension_urls::IsWebstoreUpdateUrl(GURL(update_url))) {
const absl::optional<bool> is_update_url_overridden =
if (is_update_url_overridden)
override_update_url = is_update_url_overridden.value();
// Parses the blocked permission settings.
std::u16string error;
// Parse the blocked and allowed permissions.
// Note that we currently don't use default permission settings for
// per-update-url or per-id settings at all even though they are not set.
// For example:
// {"*" : {blocked_permissions:["audio"]}, "id1":{}}
// {"*" : {blocked_permissions:["audio"]}}
// Extension id1 is able to get the audio permission with the first config but
// not the second one.
// It's against the intuition but we will NOT change this behavior until we
// find a good way to fix this issue as external users may rely on it anyway.
// This also makes the "allowed_permissions" attribute meaningless. However,
// for the same reason, we keep the code for now.
APIPermissionSet parsed_blocked_permissions;
APIPermissionSet explicitly_allowed_permissions;
const base::Value::List* list_value =
if (list_value) {
if (!APIPermissionSet::ParseFromJSON(
*list_value, APIPermissionSet::kDisallowInternalPermissions,
&explicitly_allowed_permissions, &error, nullptr)) {
LOG(WARNING) << error;
list_value = dict.FindList(schema_constants::kBlockedPermissions);
if (list_value) {
if (!APIPermissionSet::ParseFromJSON(
*list_value, APIPermissionSet::kDisallowInternalPermissions,
&parsed_blocked_permissions, &error, nullptr)) {
LOG(WARNING) << error;
// Parses list of Match Patterns into a URLPatternSet.
auto parse_url_pattern_set = [](const base::Value::Dict& dict,
const char key[], URLPatternSet* out_value) {
// Get the list of URLPatterns.
const base::Value::List* host_list_value = dict.FindList(key);
if (host_list_value) {
if (host_list_value->size() > schema_constants::kMaxItemsURLPatternSet) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Exceeded maximum number of URL match patterns ("
<< schema_constants::kMaxItemsURLPatternSet
<< ") for attribute '" << key << "'";
const int extension_scheme_mask =
auto num_items = std::min(host_list_value->size(),
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_items; ++i) {
std::string unparsed_str;
if ((*host_list_value)[i].is_string())
unparsed_str = (*host_list_value)[i].GetString();
URLPattern pattern(extension_scheme_mask);
if (unparsed_str != URLPattern::kAllUrlsPattern)
URLPattern::ParseResult parse_result = pattern.Parse(unparsed_str);
if (parse_result != URLPattern::ParseResult::kSuccess) {
LOG(WARNING) << kMalformedPreferenceWarning;
LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid URL pattern '" + unparsed_str +
"' for attribute " + key;
return false;
return true;
if (!parse_url_pattern_set(dict, schema_constants::kPolicyBlockedHosts,
return false;
if (!parse_url_pattern_set(dict, schema_constants::kPolicyAllowedHosts,
return false;
// Parses the minimum version settings.
std::string minimum_version_required_str;
if (scope == SCOPE_INDIVIDUAL &&
GetString(dict, schema_constants::kMinimumVersionRequired,
&minimum_version_required_str)) {
std::unique_ptr<base::Version> version(
new base::Version(minimum_version_required_str));
// We accept a general version string here. Note that count of components in
// version string of extensions is limited to 4.
if (!version->IsValid())
LOG(WARNING) << kMalformedPreferenceWarning;
minimum_version_required = std::move(version);
if (GetString(dict, schema_constants::kBlockedInstallMessage,
&blocked_install_message)) {
if (blocked_install_message.length() > kBlockedInstallMessageMaxLength) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Truncated blocked install message to 1000 characters";
std::string toolbar_pin_str;
if (GetString(dict, schema_constants::kToolbarPin, &toolbar_pin_str)) {
if (toolbar_pin_str == schema_constants::kDefaultUnpinned) {
toolbar_pin = ExtensionManagement::ToolbarPinMode::kDefaultUnpinned;
} else if (toolbar_pin_str == schema_constants::kForcePinned) {
toolbar_pin = ExtensionManagement::ToolbarPinMode::kForcePinned;
} else {
// Invalid value for 'toolbar_pin'.
LOG(WARNING) << kMalformedPreferenceWarning;
return false;
return true;
void IndividualSettings::Reset() {
installation_mode = ExtensionManagement::INSTALLATION_ALLOWED;
GlobalSettings::GlobalSettings() = default;
GlobalSettings::~GlobalSettings() = default;
void GlobalSettings::Reset() {
manifest_v2_setting = ManifestV2Setting::kDefault;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace extensions