blob: c5de669f3f6c790e84e24c8cbff792f034f73e76 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "extensions/browser/extension_event_histogram_value.h"
namespace content {
class BrowserContext;
namespace extensions {
class Extension;
class PermissionSet;
class URLPatternSet;
// Updates an Extension's active and granted permissions in persistent storage
// and notifies interested parties of the changes.
class PermissionsUpdater {
// If INIT_FLAG_TRANSIENT is specified, this updater is being used for an
// extension that is not actually installed (and instead is just being
// initialized e.g. to display the permission warnings in an install prompt).
// In these cases, this updater should follow all rules below.
// a) don't check prefs for stored permissions.
// b) don't send notifications of permission changes, because there is no
// installed extension that would be affected.
enum InitFlag {
enum RemoveType {
// Permissions will be removed from the active set of permissions, but not
// the stored granted permissions. This allows the extension to re-add the
// permissions without further prompting.
// Permissions will be removed from the active set of permissions and the
// stored granted permissions. The extension will need to re-prompt the
// user to re-add the permissions.
// TODO(devlin): REMOVE_HARD is only exercised in unit tests, but we have
// the desire to be able to able to surface revoking optional permissions to
// the user. We should either a) pursue it in earnest or b) remove support
// (and potentially add it back at a later date).
explicit PermissionsUpdater(content::BrowserContext* browser_context);
PermissionsUpdater(content::BrowserContext* browser_context,
InitFlag init_flag);
PermissionsUpdater(const PermissionsUpdater&) = delete;
PermissionsUpdater& operator=(const PermissionsUpdater&) = delete;
// Grants |permissions| that were defined as optional in the manifest to
// |extension|, updating the active permission set and notifying any
// observers. This method assumes the user has already been prompted, if
// necessary, for the extra permissions.
// NOTE: This should only be used for granting permissions defined in the
// extension's optional permissions set through the permissions API.
void GrantOptionalPermissions(const Extension& extension,
const PermissionSet& permissions,
base::OnceClosure completion_callback);
// Grants |permissions| that were withheld at installation and granted at
// runtime to |extension|, updating the active permission set and notifying
// any observers. |permissions| may contain permissions that were not
// explicitly requested by the extension; if this happens, those permissions
// will be added to the runtime-granted permissions in the preferences, but
// will not be granted to the extension object or process itself.
// NOTE: This should only be used for granting permissions through the runtime
// host permissions feature.
void GrantRuntimePermissions(const Extension& extension,
const PermissionSet& permissions,
base::OnceClosure completion_callback);
// Removes |permissions| that were defined as optional in the manifest from
// the |extension|, updating the active permission set and notifying any
// observers. |remove_type| specifies whether the permissions should be
// revoked from the preferences, thus requiring the extension to re-prompt
// the user if it wants to add them back.
// NOTE: This should only be used for removing permissions defined in the
// extension's optional permissions set through the permissions API.
void RevokeOptionalPermissions(const Extension& extension,
const PermissionSet& permissions,
RemoveType remove_type,
base::OnceClosure completion_callback);
// Removes |permissions| that were withheld at installation and granted at
// runtime from |extension|, updating the active permission set and notifying
// any observers.
// NOTE: This should only be used for removing permissions through the runtime
// host permissions feature.
void RevokeRuntimePermissions(const Extension& extension,
const PermissionSet& permissions,
base::OnceClosure completion_callback);
// Removes the |permissions| from |extension| and makes no effort to determine
// if doing so is safe in the slightlest. This method shouldn't be used,
// except for removing permissions totally blocklisted by management.
void RemovePermissionsUnsafe(const Extension* extension,
const PermissionSet& permissions);
// Fetches the policy settings from the ExtensionManagement service and
// applies them to the extension.
void ApplyPolicyHostRestrictions(const Extension& extension);
// Sets list of hosts |extension| may not interact with (overrides default).
void SetPolicyHostRestrictions(const Extension* extension,
const URLPatternSet& runtime_blocked_hosts,
const URLPatternSet& runtime_allowed_hosts);
// Sets extension to use the default list of policy host restrictions.
void SetUsesDefaultHostRestrictions(const Extension* extension);
// Sets list of hosts extensions may not interact with. Extension specific
// exceptions to this default policy are defined with
// SetPolicyHostRestrictions.
void SetDefaultPolicyHostRestrictions(
const URLPatternSet& default_runtime_blocked_hosts,
const URLPatternSet& default_runtime_allowed_hosts);
// Returns the set of revokable permissions.
std::unique_ptr<const PermissionSet> GetRevokablePermissions(
const Extension* extension) const;
// Adds all permissions in the |extension|'s active permissions to its
// granted permission set.
void GrantActivePermissions(const Extension* extension);
// Initializes the |extension|'s active permission set to include only
// permissions currently requested by the extension and all the permissions
// required by the extension.
void InitializePermissions(const Extension* extension);
// Adds |permissions| to |extension| without doing any validation or
// persisting values in prefs.
// TODO(devlin): We shouldn't need this, even for tests. Tests shouldn't be
// testing behavior that is impossible in production.
void AddPermissionsForTesting(const Extension& extension,
const PermissionSet& permissions);
class NetworkPermissionsUpdateHelper;
enum EventType {
// A bit mask of the permission set to be updated in ExtensionPrefs.
enum PermissionsStore {
kNone = 0,
kGrantedPermissions = 1 << 0,
kRuntimeGrantedPermissions = 1 << 1,
kActivePermissions = 1 << 2,
// Issues the relevant events, messages and notifications when the
// |extension|'s permissions have |changed| (|changed| is the delta).
// Specifically, this sends the EXTENSION_PERMISSIONS_UPDATED notification,
// the UpdatePermissions Mojo message, and fires the onAdded/onRemoved events
// in the extension.
static void NotifyPermissionsUpdated(
content::BrowserContext* browser_context,
EventType event_type,
scoped_refptr<const Extension> extension,
std::unique_ptr<const PermissionSet> changed,
base::OnceClosure completion_callback);
// Issues the relevant events, messages and notifications when the default
// scope management policy have changed.
// Specifically, this sends the UpdateDefaultHostRestrictions Mojo message.
static void NotifyDefaultPolicyHostRestrictionsUpdated(
content::BrowserContext* browser_context,
const URLPatternSet default_runtime_blocked_hosts,
const URLPatternSet default_runtime_allowed_hosts);
// Sets the |extension|'s active permissions to |active|, and calculates and
// sets the |extension|'s new withheld permissions.
void SetPermissions(const Extension* extension,
std::unique_ptr<const PermissionSet> active);
// Adds the given |active_permissions_to_add| to |extension|'s current
// active permissions (i.e., the permissions associated with the |extension|
// object and the extension's process). Updates the preferences according to
// |permission_store_mask| with |permissions_to_add_to_prefs|.
// The sets of |permissions_to_add_to_prefs| and |active_permissions_to_add|
// may differ in the case of granting a wider set of permissions than what
// the extension explicitly requested, as described in
// GrantRuntimePermissions().
void AddPermissionsImpl(const Extension& extension,
const PermissionSet& active_permissions_to_add,
int prefs_permissions_store_mask,
const PermissionSet& permissions_to_add_to_prefs,
base::OnceClosure completion_callback);
// Sets the given `extension`'s active permissions to the specified
// `new_active_permissions`. Also removes `permissions_to_remove_from_prefs`
// from the preferences indicated by `prefs_permissions_store_mask`. Invokes
// `completion_callback` when done.
void RemovePermissionsImpl(
const Extension& extension,
std::unique_ptr<const PermissionSet> new_active_permissions,
const PermissionSet& permissions_to_remove_from_prefs,
int prefs_permissions_store_mask,
base::OnceClosure completion_callback);
// The associated BrowserContext.
raw_ptr<content::BrowserContext> browser_context_;
// Initialization flag that determines whether prefs is consulted about the
// extension. Transient extensions should not have entries in prefs.
InitFlag init_flag_;
} // namespace extensions