blob: 523dcfcd2d6683cdbe4f59d81e9dcf606b40e288 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
if (is_chromeos_device) {
# Code lives in the lacros-chrome browser only, not ash-chrome.
component("lacros") {
deps = [
sources = [
static_library("lacros_paths") {
deps = [
sources = [
source_set("test_support") {
testonly = true
deps = [
sources = [
lacros_resource_sizes_test("resource_sizes_lacros_chrome") {
data_deps = [ "//chrome:chrome" ]
if (is_chromeos_device) {
lacros_tast_tests("lacros_all_tast_tests") {
# The following expression filters out all non-critical tests. See the link
# below for more details:
tast_attr_expr = "\"group:mainline\" && \"dep:lacros\" && !informational"
# To disable a specific test, add it to the
# tast_disabled_tests_from_lacros_all list in "tast_control.gni" and cite
# a bug.
tast_disabled_tests = tast_disabled_tests_from_lacros_all
lacros_tast_tests("lacros_all_tast_tests_informational") {
# The following expression runs all informational tests. See the link below
# for more details:
tast_attr_expr = "\"group:mainline\" && (\"dep:lacros\" || \"dep:lacros_unstable\") && informational"
# To disable a specific test, add it to the
# tast_disabled_tests_from_lacros_all list in "tast_control.gni" and cite
# a bug.
tast_disabled_tests = tast_disabled_tests_from_lacros_all
# This target is run in lacros CQ builder in addition to lacros_all_tast_tests
# on eve board
lacros_tast_tests("lacros_cq_tast_tests_eve") {
# To disable a specific test, comment out the test and
# add the bug number.Please do not just delete it.
tast_tests = [
# This target is run in lacros CQ builder in addition to lacros_all_tast_tests
# on jacuzzi board
lacros_tast_tests("lacros_cq_tast_tests_jacuzzi") {
# To disable a specific test, comment out the test and
# add the bug number.Please do not just delete it.
tast_tests = [
lacros_tast_tests("lacros_fyi_tast_tests") {
tast_tests = [
lacros_tast_tests("lacros_variations_tast_tests") {
tast_tests = [ "lacros.VariationSmoke" ]