blob: 6ba4aa35d2b661cc0cd3aff8be12348d01991d0c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/ui_devtools/protocol.h"
namespace ui_devtools {
class UiDevToolsAgent {
UiDevToolsAgent() {}
virtual ~UiDevToolsAgent() {}
virtual void Init(protocol::UberDispatcher*) = 0;
virtual void Disable() = 0;
// A base agent so that any Backend implementation has access to the
// corresponding frontend instance. This also wires the backend with
// the dispatcher. When initializing an instance of this class,
// the template argument is simply the generated Metainfo class of
// any domain type such as DOM or CSS.
template <typename DomainMetainfo>
class UiDevToolsBaseAgent : public UiDevToolsAgent,
public DomainMetainfo::BackendClass {
UiDevToolsBaseAgent(const UiDevToolsBaseAgent&) = delete;
UiDevToolsBaseAgent& operator=(const UiDevToolsBaseAgent&) = delete;
// UiDevToolsAgent:
void Init(protocol::UberDispatcher* dispatcher) override {
new typename DomainMetainfo::FrontendClass(dispatcher->channel()));
DomainMetainfo::DispatcherClass::wire(dispatcher, this);
void Disable() override { disable(); }
// Common methods between all generated Backends, subclasses may
// choose to override them (but not necessary).
protocol::Response enable() override { return protocol::Response::Success(); }
protocol::Response disable() override {
return protocol::Response::Success();
UiDevToolsBaseAgent() = default;
typename DomainMetainfo::FrontendClass* frontend() const {
return frontend_.get();
std::unique_ptr<typename DomainMetainfo::FrontendClass> frontend_;
} // namespace ui_devtools