blob: d0bb168df37992fdd5761441aae02af558f028f1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "components/ukm/ukm_service.h"
#include "services/metrics/public/cpp/ukm_source.h"
#include "services/metrics/public/cpp/ukm_source_id.h"
#include "third_party/metrics_proto/ukm/report.pb.h"
namespace ukm {
// Helper class that provides access to UkmService internals. This class is a
// friend of UkmService and UkmRecorderImpl.
class UkmTestHelper {
explicit UkmTestHelper(UkmService* ukm_service);
~UkmTestHelper() = default;
// Returns true if |ukm_service_| records extensions.
bool IsExtensionRecordingEnabled() const;
// Returns true if |ukm_service_| has recording enabled.
bool IsRecordingEnabled() const;
// Returns true if |ukm_service_| if the following feature is enabled:
// kReportUserNoisedUserBirthYearAndGender.
static bool IsReportUserNoisedUserBirthYearAndGenderEnabled();
// Returns |ukm_service_|'s client ID.
uint64_t GetClientId();
// Creates and returns a UKM report if there are unsent logs from which a
// report can be generated. Returns nullptr otherwise.
std::unique_ptr<Report> GetUkmReport();
// Returns the UkmSource corresponding to |source_id|, if present; otherwise,
// returns nullptr.
UkmSource* GetSource(SourceId source_id);
// Returns true if |ukm_service_| has a source corresponding to |source_id|.
bool HasSource(SourceId source_id);
// Returns true if UkmSource denoted by |source_id| is marked as obsolete.
bool IsSourceObsolete(SourceId source_id);
// Adds a dummy source with |source_id| to |ukm_service_|.
void RecordSourceForTesting(SourceId source_id);
// Creates a log and stores it in |ukm_service_|'s UnsentLogStore.
void BuildAndStoreLog();
// Returns true if |ukm_service_| has logs to send.
bool HasUnsentLogs();
// Adds MSBB consent to the UkmService.
void SetMsbbConsent();
const raw_ptr<UkmService, DanglingUntriaged> ukm_service_;
} // namespace ukm