blob: ef979fc86dd2d5c3c6fec0cdf5e30e1109015157 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace base {
namespace subtle {
// Policies affecting how a delayed task is scheduled when a TimeTicks is
// specified.
enum class DelayPolicy {
// A delayed task with kFlexibleNoSooner may not run any sooner than the
// specified time, but might run slightly after. This is the behavior implied
// by PostDelayedTask.
// A delayed task with kFlexiblePreferEarly means the task should attempt to
// run near the deadline and preferably a little bit before than after if the
// scheduler applies slack.
// A delayed task with kPrecise means it may not run any sooner than the
// specified time and preferably as close as possible to the specified time,
// which may affect scheduling policies if the scheduler usually applies
// slack.
} // namespace subtle
} // namespace base