blob: 9e779ff759206467af2814a528fcccab0b38b4c4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/feature_list.h"
#include "base/metrics/field_trial_params.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
namespace switches {
// Enabled the local sync backend implemented by the LoopbackServer.
inline constexpr char kEnableLocalSyncBackend[] = "enable-local-sync-backend";
// Specifies the local sync backend directory. The name is chosen to mimic
// user-data-dir etc. This flag only matters if the enable-local-sync-backend
// flag is present.
inline constexpr char kLocalSyncBackendDir[] = "local-sync-backend-dir";
// Sync invalidation switches.
// Enables providing the list of FCM registration tokens in the commit request.
// Max size of FCM registration tokens list. If the number of active devices
// having FCM registration tokens is higher, then the resulting list will be
// empty meaning unknown FCM registration tokens.
inline constexpr base::FeatureParam<int> kSyncFCMRegistrationTokensListMaxSize{
&kSyncUseFCMRegistrationTokensList, "SyncFCMRegistrationTokensListMaxSize",
// Enables filtering out inactive devices which haven't sent DeviceInfo update
// recently (depending on the device's pulse_interval and an additional margin).
// An additional threshold to consider devices as active. It extends device's
// pulse interval to mitigate possible latency after DeviceInfo commit.
inline constexpr base::FeatureParam<base::TimeDelta> kSyncActiveDeviceMargin{
&kSyncFilterOutInactiveDevicesForSingleClient, "SyncActiveDeviceMargin",
} // namespace switches