blob: 6081f9537ad21a6ecc0bca5f451b5f70eb9f3a11 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdint>
#include <limits>
#include <type_traits>
// To specify different sample formats, we provide a class for each sample
// format that knows certain things about it, such as the C++ data type used
// to store sample values, min and max values, as well as how to convert to
// and from floating point formats. Each class must satisfy a concept we call
// "SampleTypeTraits", which requires that the following publics are provided:
// * A type |ValueType| specifying the C++ type for storing sample values
// * A static constant kMinValue which specifies the minimum sample value
// * A static constant kMaxValue which specifies the maximum sample value
// * A static constant kZeroPointValue which specifies the sample value
// representing an amplitude of zero
// * A static method ConvertFromFloat() that takes a float sample value and
// converts it to the corresponding ValueType
// * A static method ConvertFromDouble() that takes a double sample value and
// converts it to the corresponding ValueType
// * A static method ConvertToFloat() that takes a ValueType sample value and
// converts it to the corresponding float value
// * A static method ConvertToDouble() that takes a ValueType sample value and
// converts it to the corresponding double value
namespace media {
// For float or double.
// See also the aliases for commonly used types at the bottom of this file.
template <typename SampleType>
class FloatSampleTypeTraits {
"Template is only valid for float types.");
using ValueType = SampleType;
static constexpr SampleType kMinValue = -1.0f;
static constexpr SampleType kMaxValue = +1.0f;
static constexpr SampleType kZeroPointValue = 0.0f;
static SampleType FromFloat(float source_value) {
return From<float>(source_value);
static float ToFloat(SampleType source_value) {
return To<float>(source_value);
static SampleType FromDouble(double source_value) {
return From<double>(source_value);
static double ToDouble(SampleType source_value) {
return To<double>(source_value);
template <typename FloatType>
static SampleType From(FloatType source_value) {
// Apply clipping (aka. clamping). These values are frequently sent to OS
// level drivers that may not properly handle these values.
if (UNLIKELY(!(source_value >= kMinValue)))
return kMinValue;
if (UNLIKELY(source_value >= kMaxValue))
return kMaxValue;
return static_cast<SampleType>(source_value);
template <typename FloatType>
static FloatType To(SampleType source_value) {
return static_cast<FloatType>(source_value);
// Similar to above, but does not apply clipping.
template <typename SampleType>
class FloatSampleTypeTraitsNoClip {
"Template is only valid for float types.");
using ValueType = SampleType;
static constexpr SampleType kMinValue = -1.0f;
static constexpr SampleType kMaxValue = +1.0f;
static constexpr SampleType kZeroPointValue = 0.0f;
static SampleType FromFloat(float source_value) {
return From<float>(source_value);
static float ToFloat(SampleType source_value) {
return To<float>(source_value);
static SampleType FromDouble(double source_value) {
return From<double>(source_value);
static double ToDouble(SampleType source_value) {
return To<double>(source_value);
template <typename FloatType>
static SampleType From(FloatType source_value) {
return static_cast<SampleType>(source_value);
template <typename FloatType>
static FloatType To(SampleType source_value) {
return static_cast<FloatType>(source_value);
// For uint8_t, int16_t, int32_t...
// See also the aliases for commonly used types at the bottom of this file.
template <typename SampleType>
class FixedSampleTypeTraits {
"Template is only valid for integer types.");
using ValueType = SampleType;
static constexpr SampleType kMinValue =
static constexpr SampleType kMaxValue =
static constexpr SampleType kZeroPointValue =
(kMinValue == 0) ? (kMaxValue / 2 + 1) : 0;
static SampleType FromFloat(float source_value) {
return From<float>(source_value);
static float ToFloat(SampleType source_value) {
return To<float>(source_value);
static SampleType FromDouble(double source_value) {
return From<double>(source_value);
static double ToDouble(SampleType source_value) {
return To<double>(source_value);
// We pre-compute the scaling factors for conversion at compile-time in order
// to save computation time during runtime.
template <typename FloatType>
struct ScalingFactors {
// Since zero_point_value() is not the exact center between
// min_value() and max_value(), we apply a different scaling for positive
// and negative values.
// Note that due to the limited precision, the FloatType values may not
// always be able to represent the max and min values of the integer
// SampleType exactly. This is a concern when using these scale factors for
// scaling input sample values for conversion. However, since the min value
// of SampleType is usually of the form -2^N and the max value is usually of
// the form (+2^N)-1, and due to the fact that the float types store a
// significand value plus a binary exponent it just so happens that
// FloatType can usually represent the min value exactly and its
// representation of the max value is only off by 1, i.e. it quantizes to
// (+2^N) instead of (+2^N-1).
static constexpr FloatType kForPositiveInput =
static_cast<FloatType>(kMaxValue) -
// Note: In the below expression, it is important that we cast kMinValue to
// FloatType _before_ taking the negative of it. For example, for SampleType
// int32_t, the expression (- kMinValue) would evaluate to
// -numeric_limits<int32_t>::min(), which falls outside the numeric
// range, wraps around, and ends up being the same as
// +numeric_limits<int32_t>::min().
static constexpr FloatType kForNegativeInput =
static_cast<FloatType>(kZeroPointValue) -
static constexpr FloatType kInverseForPositiveInput =
1.0f / kForPositiveInput;
static constexpr FloatType kInverseForNegativeInput =
1.0f / kForNegativeInput;
template <typename FloatType>
static SampleType From(FloatType source_value) {
// Note, that the for the case of |source_value| == 1.0, the imprecision of
// |kScalingFactorForPositive| can lead to a product that is larger than the
// maximum possible value of SampleType. To ensure this does not happen, we
// handle the case of |source_value| == 1.0 as part of the clipping check.
// For all FloatType values smaller than 1.0, the imprecision of
// |kScalingFactorForPositive| is small enough to not push the scaled
// |source_value| outside the numeric range of SampleType.
// The nested if/else structure appears to compile to a
// better-performing release binary compared to handling the clipping for
// both positive and negative values first.
// Inlining the computation formula for multiplication with the scaling
// factor and addition of |kZeroPointValue| results in better performance
// for the int16_t case on Arm when compared to storing the scaling factor
// in a temporary variable and applying it outside of the if-else block.
// It is important to have the cast to SampleType take place _after_
// adding |kZeroPointValue|, because the scaled source value may be negative
// and SampleType may be an unsigned integer type. The result of casting a
// negative float to an unsigned integer is undefined.
if (source_value < 0) {
// Apply clipping (aka. clamping).
if (source_value <= FloatSampleTypeTraits<float>::kMinValue)
return kMinValue;
return static_cast<SampleType>(
(source_value * ScalingFactors<FloatType>::kForNegativeInput) +
} else {
// Apply clipping (aka. clamping).
// As mentioned above, here we must include the case |source_value| == 1.
if (source_value >= FloatSampleTypeTraits<float>::kMaxValue)
return kMaxValue;
return static_cast<SampleType>(
(source_value * ScalingFactors<FloatType>::kForPositiveInput) +
template <typename FloatType>
static FloatType To(SampleType source_value) {
FloatType offset_value =
static_cast<FloatType>(source_value - kZeroPointValue);
// We multiply with the inverse scaling factor instead of dividing by the
// scaling factor, because multiplication performs faster than division
// on many platforms.
return (offset_value < 0.0f)
? (offset_value *
: (offset_value *
// Aliases for commonly used sample formats.
using Float32SampleTypeTraits = FloatSampleTypeTraits<float>;
using Float32SampleTypeTraitsNoClip = FloatSampleTypeTraitsNoClip<float>;
using Float64SampleTypeTraits = FloatSampleTypeTraits<double>;
using UnsignedInt8SampleTypeTraits = FixedSampleTypeTraits<uint8_t>;
using SignedInt16SampleTypeTraits = FixedSampleTypeTraits<int16_t>;
using SignedInt32SampleTypeTraits = FixedSampleTypeTraits<int32_t>;
} // namespace media