blob: f01bab4fe9512d00a4d2714f08fd6178efc5f512 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module attribution_reporting.mojom;
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum TriggerRegistrationError {
kInvalidJson = 0,
kRootWrongType = 1,
kFiltersWrongType = 2,
kFiltersListWrongType = 5,
kFiltersValueWrongType = 7,
kAggregatableValuesWrongType = 9,
kAggregatableValuesTooManyKeys = 10,
kAggregatableValuesKeyTooLong = 11,
kAggregatableValuesValueWrongType = 12,
kAggregatableValuesValueOutOfRange = 13,
kAggregatableTriggerDataListWrongType = 14,
kAggregatableTriggerDataWrongType = 16,
kAggregatableTriggerDataKeyPieceMissing = 17,
kAggregatableTriggerDataKeyPieceWrongType = 18,
kAggregatableTriggerDataKeyPieceWrongFormat = 19,
kAggregatableTriggerDataSourceKeysWrongType = 20,
kAggregatableTriggerDataSourceKeysTooManyKeys = 21,
kAggregatableTriggerDataSourceKeysKeyWrongType = 22,
kAggregatableTriggerDataSourceKeysKeyTooLong = 23,
kEventTriggerDataListWrongType = 24,
kEventTriggerDataWrongType = 26,
kAggregationCoordinatorWrongType = 27,
kAggregationCoordinatorUnknownValue = 28,
kAggregatableDedupKeyListWrongType = 29,
kAggregatableDedupKeyWrongType = 31,