blob: 17af91fc532f58cb9b1e280c3b41b184efeda6fa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "components/saved_tab_groups/saved_tab_group.h"
#include "components/saved_tab_groups/saved_tab_group_tab.h"
#include "components/sync/protocol/saved_tab_group_specifics.pb.h"
#include "components/tab_groups/tab_group_color.h"
#include "components/tab_groups/tab_group_id.h"
#include "components/tab_groups/tab_group_visual_data.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
class SavedTabGroupModelObserver;
class SavedTabGroup;
// Serves to maintain the current state of all saved tab groups in the current
// session.
class SavedTabGroupModel {
SavedTabGroupModel(const SavedTabGroupModel&) = delete;
SavedTabGroupModel& operator=(const SavedTabGroupModel& other) = delete;
// Accessor for the underlying storage vector.
const std::vector<SavedTabGroup>& saved_tab_groups() const {
return saved_tab_groups_;
std::vector<SavedTabGroup> saved_tab_groups() { return saved_tab_groups_; }
// Returns the index of the SavedTabGroup if it exists in the vector. Else
// absl::nullopt.
absl::optional<int> GetIndexOf(
const tab_groups::TabGroupId local_group_id) const;
absl::optional<int> GetIndexOf(const base::GUID& id) const;
// Get a pointer to the SavedTabGroup from an ID. Returns nullptr if not in
// vector.
const SavedTabGroup* Get(const tab_groups::TabGroupId local_group_id) const;
const SavedTabGroup* Get(const base::GUID& id) const;
// Methods for checking if a group is in the SavedTabGroupModel.
bool Contains(const tab_groups::TabGroupId& local_group_id) const {
return GetIndexOf(local_group_id).has_value();
bool Contains(const base::GUID& id) const {
return GetIndexOf(id).has_value();
// Helper for getting number of SavedTabGroups in the vector.
int Count() const { return saved_tab_groups_.size(); }
// Helper for getting empty state of the SavedTabGroup vector.
bool IsEmpty() const { return Count() <= 0; }
// Add / Remove / Update a single tab group from the model.
void Add(SavedTabGroup saved_group);
void Remove(const tab_groups::TabGroupId local_group_id);
void Remove(const base::GUID& id);
void UpdateVisualData(const tab_groups::TabGroupId local_group_id,
const tab_groups::TabGroupVisualData* visual_data);
void UpdateVisualData(const base::GUID& id,
const tab_groups::TabGroupVisualData* visual_data);
// Similar to the Add/Remove/Update but originate from sync. As such, these
// function do not notify sync observers of these changes to avoid looping
// calls.
void AddedFromSync(SavedTabGroup saved_group);
void RemovedFromSync(const tab_groups::TabGroupId local_group_id);
void RemovedFromSync(const base::GUID& id);
void UpdatedVisualDataFromSync(
const tab_groups::TabGroupId local_group_id,
const tab_groups::TabGroupVisualData* visual_data);
void UpdatedVisualDataFromSync(
const base::GUID& id,
const tab_groups::TabGroupVisualData* visual_data);
SavedTabGroup* GetGroupContainingTab(const base::GUID& saved_tab_guid);
SavedTabGroup* GetGroupContainingTab(const base::Token& local_tab_id);
// Adds a saved tab to `index` in the specified group denoted by `group_id` if
// it exists. If `update_tab_positions` is true, update the positions of all
// tabs in the group.
void AddTabToGroup(const base::GUID& group_id,
SavedTabGroupTab tab,
bool update_tab_positions = false);
// Calls the UpdateTab method on a group found by group id in the model.
// Calls the observer function SavedTabGroupUpdatedLocally.
void UpdateTabInGroup(const base::GUID& group_id, SavedTabGroupTab tab);
// Removes saved tab `tab_id` in the specified group denoted by
// `group_id` if it exists. We delete the group instead if the last tab is
// removed from it. If `update_tab_positions` is true, update the positions of
// all tabs in the group and notify sync of the changes.
void RemoveTabFromGroup(const base::GUID& group_id,
const base::GUID& tab_id,
bool update_tab_positions = false);
// Replaces a saved tab `tab_id` in the specified group denoted by
// `group_id` if it exists with `new_tab`.
void ReplaceTabInGroupAt(const base::GUID& group_id,
const base::GUID& tab_id,
SavedTabGroupTab new_tab);
// Moves a saved tab from its current position to `index` in the specified
// group denoted by `group_id` if it exists.
void MoveTabInGroupTo(const base::GUID& group_id,
const base::GUID& tab_id,
int index);
// Attempts to merge the sync_specific with the local object that holds the
// same guid.
std::unique_ptr<sync_pb::SavedTabGroupSpecifics> MergeGroup(
const sync_pb::SavedTabGroupSpecifics& sync_specific);
std::unique_ptr<sync_pb::SavedTabGroupSpecifics> MergeTab(
const sync_pb::SavedTabGroupSpecifics& sync_specific);
// Changes the index of a given tab group by id. The new index provided is the
// expected index after the group is removed.
void Reorder(const base::GUID& id, int new_index);
// Loads the entries (a sync_pb::SavedTabGroupSpecifics can be a group or a
// tab) saved locally in the model type store (local storage) and attempts to
// reconstruct the model by matching groups with their tabs using their
// `group_id`'s. Note: Any tabs that do not have a matching group, will be
// returned to the bridge to keep track of.
std::vector<sync_pb::SavedTabGroupSpecifics> LoadStoredEntries(
std::vector<sync_pb::SavedTabGroupSpecifics> entries);
// Functions that should be called when a SavedTabGroup's corresponding
// TabGroup is closed or opened.
void OnGroupOpenedInTabStrip(const base::GUID& id,
const tab_groups::TabGroupId& local_group_id);
void OnGroupClosedInTabStrip(const tab_groups::TabGroupId& local_group_id);
// Add/Remove observers for this model.
void AddObserver(SavedTabGroupModelObserver* observer);
void RemoveObserver(SavedTabGroupModelObserver* observer);
// Updates all group positions to match the index they are currently stored
// at.
void UpdateGroupPositionsImpl();
// Insert `group` into sorted order based on its position compared to already
// stored groups in `saved_tab_groups_`. It should be noted that
// `saved_tab_groups` must already be in sorted order for this function to
// work as intended. To do this, UpdatePositionsImpl() can be called.
void InsertGroupImpl(const SavedTabGroup& group);
// Implementations of CRUD operations.
std::unique_ptr<SavedTabGroup> RemoveImpl(int index);
void UpdateVisualDataImpl(int index,
const tab_groups::TabGroupVisualData* visual_data);
// Obsevers of the model.
base::ObserverList<SavedTabGroupModelObserver>::Unchecked observers_;
// Storage of all saved tab groups in the order they are displayed. The
// position of the groups must maintain sorted order as sync may not propagate
// an entire update completely leaving us with missing groups / gaps between
// the positions.
std::vector<SavedTabGroup> saved_tab_groups_;