blob: d4620dfc26d0c248f34321cb1de31b005c7a3190 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "base/guid.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/sync/base/unique_position.h"
#include "components/sync/engine/commit_and_get_updates_types.h"
namespace bookmarks {
class BookmarkModel;
class BookmarkNode;
} // namespace bookmarks
namespace favicon {
class FaviconService;
} // namespace favicon
namespace sync_bookmarks {
class SyncedBookmarkTracker;
// Responsible for merging local and remote bookmark models when bookmark sync
// is enabled for the first time by the user (i.e. no sync metadata exists
// locally), so we need a best-effort merge based on similarity. It is used by
// the BookmarkModelTypeProcessor().
class BookmarkModelMerger {
// |bookmark_model|, |favicon_service| and |bookmark_tracker| must not be
// null and must outlive this object.
BookmarkModelMerger(syncer::UpdateResponseDataList updates,
bookmarks::BookmarkModel* bookmark_model,
favicon::FaviconService* favicon_service,
SyncedBookmarkTracker* bookmark_tracker);
BookmarkModelMerger(const BookmarkModelMerger&) = delete;
BookmarkModelMerger& operator=(const BookmarkModelMerger&) = delete;
// Merges the remote bookmark model represented as the updates received from
// the sync server and local bookmark model |bookmark_model|, and updates the
// model and |bookmark_tracker| (all of which are injected in the constructor)
// accordingly. On return, there will be a 1:1 mapping between bookmark nodes
// and metadata entities in the injected tracker.
void Merge();
// Internal representation of a remote tree, composed of nodes.
class RemoteTreeNode final {
using UpdatesPerParentGUID =
// Constructs a tree given |update| as root and recursively all descendants
// by traversing |*updates_per_parent_guid|. |update| and
// |updates_per_parent_guid| must not be null. All updates
// |*updates_per_parent_guid| must represent valid updates. Updates
// corresponding from descendant nodes are moved away from
// |*updates_per_parent_guid|. |max_depth| is the max tree depth to sync
// after which content is silently ignored.
static RemoteTreeNode BuildTree(
syncer::UpdateResponseData update,
size_t max_depth,
UpdatesPerParentGUID* updates_per_parent_guid);
// Allow moves, useful during construction.
RemoteTreeNode& operator=(RemoteTreeNode&&);
const syncer::EntityData& entity() const { return update_.entity; }
int64_t response_version() const { return update_.response_version; }
// Direct children nodes, sorted by ascending unique position. These are
// guaranteed to be valid updates (e.g. IsValidBookmarkSpecifics()).
const std::vector<RemoteTreeNode>& children() const { return children_; }
// Recursively emplaces all GUIDs (this node and descendants) into
// |*guid_to_remote_node_map|, which must not be null.
void EmplaceSelfAndDescendantsByGUID(
std::unordered_map<base::GUID, const RemoteTreeNode*, base::GUIDHash>*
guid_to_remote_node_map) const;
static bool UniquePositionLessThan(const RemoteTreeNode& lhs,
const RemoteTreeNode& rhs);
syncer::UpdateResponseData update_;
// Redundant, parsed instance of the unique position in specifics, used
// to sort siblings by their position information.
syncer::UniquePosition unique_position_;
std::vector<RemoteTreeNode> children_;
// A forest composed of multiple trees where the root of each tree represents
// a permanent node, keyed by server-defined unique tag of the root.
using RemoteForest = std::unordered_map<std::string, RemoteTreeNode>;
// Represents a pair of bookmarks, one local and one remote, that have been
// matched by GUID. They are guaranteed to have the same type and URL (if
// applicable).
struct GuidMatch {
raw_ptr<const bookmarks::BookmarkNode> local_node;
raw_ptr<const RemoteTreeNode> remote_node;
// Constructs the remote bookmark tree to be merged. Each entry in the
// returned map is a permanent node, identified (keyed) by the server-defined
// tag. All invalid updates are filtered out, including invalid bookmark
// specifics as well as tombstones, in the unlikely event that the server
// sends tombstones as part of the initial download.
// |tracker_for_recording_ignored_updates| must not be null and is exclusively
// used to record which updates where ignored because their parent couldn't be
// determined.
static RemoteForest BuildRemoteForest(
syncer::UpdateResponseDataList updates,
SyncedBookmarkTracker* tracker_for_recording_ignored_updates);
// Recursively counts and returns the number of descendants for |node|,
// excluding |node| itself.
static int CountRemoteTreeNodeDescendantsForUma(
const BookmarkModelMerger::RemoteTreeNode& node);
// Computes bookmark pairs that should be matched by GUID. Local bookmark
// GUIDs may be regenerated for the case where they collide with a remote GUID
// that is not compatible (e.g. folder vs non-folder).
static std::unordered_map<base::GUID, GuidMatch, base::GUIDHash>
FindGuidMatchesOrReassignLocal(const RemoteForest& remote_forest,
bookmarks::BookmarkModel* bookmark_model);
// Merges a local and a remote subtrees. The input nodes are two equivalent
// local and remote nodes. This method tries to recursively match their
// children. It updates the |bookmark_tracker_| accordingly.
void MergeSubtree(const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* local_node,
const RemoteTreeNode& remote_node);
// Updates |local_node| to hold same GUID and semantics as its |remote_node|
// match. The input nodes are two equivalent local and remote bookmarks that
// are about to be merged. The output node is the potentially replaced
// |local_node|. |local_node| must not be a BookmarkPermanentNode.
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* UpdateBookmarkNodeFromSpecificsIncludingGUID(
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* local_node,
const RemoteTreeNode& remote_node);
// Creates a local bookmark node for a |remote_node|. The local node is
// created under |local_parent| at position |index|. If the remote node has
// children, this method recursively creates them as well. It updates the
// |bookmark_tracker_| accordingly.
void ProcessRemoteCreation(const RemoteTreeNode& remote_node,
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* local_parent,
size_t index);
// Creates a server counter-part for the local node at position |index|
// under |parent|. If the local node has children, corresponding server nodes
// are created recursively. It updates the |bookmark_tracker_| accordingly and
// new nodes are marked to be committed.
void ProcessLocalCreation(const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* parent,
size_t index);
// Looks for a local node under |local_parent| that matches |remote_node|,
// starting at index |local_child_start_index|. First attempts to find a match
// by GUID and otherwise attempts to find one by semantics. If no match is
// found, a nullptr is returned.
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* FindMatchingLocalNode(
const RemoteTreeNode& remote_node,
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* local_parent,
size_t local_child_start_index) const;
// If |local_node| has a remote counterpart of the same GUID, returns the
// corresponding remote node, otherwise returns a nullptr. |local_node| must
// not be null.
const RemoteTreeNode* FindMatchingRemoteNodeByGUID(
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* local_node) const;
// If |remote_node| has a local counterpart of the same GUID, returns the
// corresponding local node, otherwise returns a nullptr.
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* FindMatchingLocalNodeByGUID(
const RemoteTreeNode& remote_node) const;
// Tries to find a child local node under |local_parent| that matches
// |remote_node| semantically and returns the index of that node, as long as
// this local child cannot be matched by GUID to a different node. Matching is
// decided using NodeSemanticsMatch(). It searches in the children list
// starting from position |search_starting_child_index|. In case of no match
// is found, it returns |kInvalidIndex|.
size_t FindMatchingChildBySemanticsStartingAt(
const RemoteTreeNode& remote_node,
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* local_parent,
size_t starting_child_index) const;
// Used to generate a unique position for the current locally created
// bookmark.
syncer::UniquePosition GenerateUniquePositionForLocalCreation(
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* parent,
size_t index,
const std::string& suffix) const;
void ReportTimeMetrics();
// The base time used to calculate elapsed time at different stages during the
// initial merge. Should be the first member to initialize before any other
// long operations like BuildRemoteForest().
const base::TimeTicks started_ = base::TimeTicks::Now();
const raw_ptr<bookmarks::BookmarkModel> bookmark_model_;
const raw_ptr<favicon::FaviconService> favicon_service_;
const raw_ptr<SyncedBookmarkTracker> bookmark_tracker_;
const size_t remote_updates_size_;
// Preprocessed remote nodes in the form a forest where each tree's root is a
// permanent node. Computed upon construction via BuildRemoteForest().
const RemoteForest remote_forest_;
std::unordered_map<base::GUID, GuidMatch, base::GUIDHash> guid_to_match_map_;
} // namespace sync_bookmarks