blob: 78b6a38a907cb4b3123c19f29becdf00432a72b6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "components/variations/metrics.h"
#include "components/variations/proto/variations_seed.pb.h"
#include "components/variations/seed_response.h"
class PrefService;
class PrefRegistrySimple;
namespace variations {
struct ClientFilterableState;
class VariationsSeed;
// A seed that has passed validation.
struct ValidatedSeed {
// Gzipped and base-64 encoded serialized VariationsSeed.
std::string base64_seed_data;
// A cryptographic signature on the seed_data.
std::string base64_seed_signature;
// The seed data parsed as a proto.
VariationsSeed parsed;
// VariationsSeedStore is a helper class for reading and writing the variations
// seed from Local State.
class COMPONENT_EXPORT(VARIATIONS) VariationsSeedStore {
// Standard constructor. Enables signature verification.
explicit VariationsSeedStore(PrefService* local_state);
// |initial_seed| may be null. If not null, then it will be stored in this
// seed store. This is used by Android Chrome to supply the first run seed,
// and by Android WebView to supply the seed on every run.
// |signature_verification_enabled| can be used in unit tests to disable
// signature checks on the seed. If |use_first_run_prefs| is true (default),
// then this VariationsSeedStore may modify the Java SharedPreferences ("first
// run prefs") which are set during first run; otherwise this will not access
// SharedPreferences at all.
VariationsSeedStore(PrefService* local_state,
std::unique_ptr<SeedResponse> initial_seed,
bool signature_verification_enabled,
bool use_first_run_prefs = true);
VariationsSeedStore(const VariationsSeedStore&) = delete;
VariationsSeedStore& operator=(const VariationsSeedStore&) = delete;
virtual ~VariationsSeedStore();
// Loads the variations seed data from local state into |seed|, as well as the
// raw pref values into |seed_data| and |base64_signature|. If there is a
// problem with loading, clears the seed pref value and returns false. If
// successful, fills the the outparams with the loaded data and returns true.
// Virtual for testing.
[[nodiscard]] virtual bool LoadSeed(VariationsSeed* seed,
std::string* seed_data,
std::string* base64_seed_signature);
// Stores the given seed |data| (serialized protobuf) to local state, along
// with a base64-encoded digital signature for seed and the date when it was
// fetched. If |is_gzip_compressed| is true, treats |data| as being gzip
// compressed and decompresses it before any other processing.
// If |is_delta_compressed| is true, treats |data| as being delta
// compressed and attempts to decode it first using the store's seed data.
// The actual seed data will be base64 encoded for storage. If the string
// is invalid, the existing prefs are untouched and false is returned.
// Additionally, stores the |country_code| that was received with the seed in
// a separate pref. |done_callback| will be called with the result of the
// operation, with a non-empty de-serialized, decoded protobuf VariationsSeed
// on success. If |require_synchronous| is true, all the changes will be
// performed synchronously, whereas otherwise some processing can be async.
// Note: Strings are passed by value to support std::move() semantics.
void StoreSeedData(
std::string data,
std::string base64_seed_signature,
std::string country_code,
base::Time date_fetched,
bool is_delta_compressed,
bool is_gzip_compressed,
base::OnceCallback<void(bool, VariationsSeed)> done_callback,
bool require_synchronous = false);
// Loads the safe variations seed data from local state into |seed| and
// updates any relevant fields in |client_state|. Returns true iff the safe
// seed was read successfully from prefs. If the safe seed could not be
// loaded, it is guaranteed that no fields in |client_state| are modified.
// Side effect: Upon failing to read or validate the safe seed, clears all
// of the safe seed pref values.
// Virtual for testing.
[[nodiscard]] virtual bool LoadSafeSeed(VariationsSeed* seed,
ClientFilterableState* client_state);
// Stores the given |seed_data| (a serialized protobuf) to local state as a
// safe seed, along with a base64-encoded digital signature for seed and any
// additional client metadata relevant to the safe seed. Returns true on
// success or false on failure; no prefs are updated in case of failure.
// Virtual for testing.
virtual bool StoreSafeSeed(const std::string& seed_data,
const std::string& base64_seed_signature,
int seed_milestone,
const ClientFilterableState& client_state,
base::Time seed_fetch_time);
// Loads the last fetch time (for the latest seed) that was persisted to the
// local state.
base::Time GetLastFetchTime() const;
// Returns the time at which the safe seed was persisted to the local state.
base::Time GetSafeSeedFetchTime() const;
// Records |fetch_time| as the last time at which a seed was fetched
// successfully. Also updates the safe seed's fetch time if the latest and
// safe seeds are identical.
void RecordLastFetchTime(base::Time fetch_time);
// Updates |kVariationsSeedDate| and logs when previous date was from a
// different day.
void UpdateSeedDateAndLogDayChange(base::Time server_date_fetched);
// Returns the serial number of the most recently received seed, or an empty
// string if there is no seed (or if it could not be read).
// Side-effect: If there is a failure while attempting to read the latest seed
// from prefs, clears the prefs associated with the seed.
// Efficiency note: If code will eventually need to load the latest seed, it's
// more efficient to call LoadSeed() prior to calling this method.
const std::string& GetLatestSerialNumber();
PrefService* local_state() { return local_state_; }
const PrefService* local_state() const { return local_state_; }
// Registers Local State prefs used by this class.
static void RegisterPrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry);
// Loads the last fetch time (for the latest seed) that was persisted to
// |local_state|.
static base::Time GetLastFetchTimeFromPrefService(PrefService* local_state);
static VerifySignatureResult VerifySeedSignatureForTesting(
const std::string& seed_bytes,
const std::string& base64_seed_signature);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(VariationsSeedStoreTest, VerifySeedSignature);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(VariationsSeedStoreTest, ApplyDeltaPatch);
// Move-only struct containing params related to the received variations seed.
struct SeedData {
std::string data;
std::string base64_seed_signature;
std::string country_code;
base::Time date_fetched;
bool is_gzip_compressed = false;
bool is_delta_compressed = false;
// Only set if `is_delta_compressed` is true.
std::string existing_seed_bytes;
// This type is move-only.
SeedData(SeedData&& other);
SeedData& operator=(SeedData&& other);
// The result of processing a SeedData struct.
struct SeedProcessingResult {
SeedData seed_data;
StoreSeedResult result;
// The below are only set if `result` is StoreSeedResult::kSuccess.
ValidatedSeed validated;
StoreSeedResult validate_result;
SeedProcessingResult(SeedData seed_data, StoreSeedResult result);
// This type is move-only.
SeedProcessingResult(SeedProcessingResult&& other);
SeedProcessingResult& operator=(SeedProcessingResult&& other);
// The seed store contains two distinct seeds:
// (1) The most recently fetched, or "latest", seed; and
// (2) A "safe" seed, which has been observed to keep Chrome in a basically
// functional state. In particular, a safe seed is one that allows
// Chrome to receive new seed updates from the server.
// Note that it's possible for both seeds to be empty, and it's possible for
// the two seeds to be identical in their contents.
enum class SeedType {
// Clears all prefs related to variations seed storage for the specified seed
// type.
void ClearPrefs(SeedType seed_type);
// Imports the variations seed from the Java/iOS side. Logs UMA on failure.
// Android and iOS Chrome uses this on first run; WebView uses this on every
// startup. In Chrome's case, it's important to set the first run seed as soon
// as possible, because some clients query the seed store prefs directly
// rather than accessing them via the seed store API:
void ImportInitialSeed(std::unique_ptr<SeedResponse> initial_seed);
// Loads the variations seed data from local state into |seed|, as well as the
// raw pref values into |seed_data| and |base64_signature|. Loads either the
// safe seed or the latest seed, according to the |seed_type|. Returns whether
// loading the seed was successful.
// Side-effect: Upon any failure to read or validate the safe seed, clears all
// of the pref values for the seed. This occurs iff the method returns false.
[[nodiscard]] LoadSeedResult LoadSeedImpl(SeedType seed_type,
VariationsSeed* seed,
std::string* seed_data,
std::string* base64_seed_signature);
// Reads the variations seed data from prefs into |seed_data|, and returns the
// result of the load. The value stored into |seed_data| should only be used
// if the result is SUCCESS. Reads either the latest or the safe seed,
// according to the specified |seed_type|.
// Side-effect: If the read fails, clears the prefs associated with the seed.
[[nodiscard]] LoadSeedResult ReadSeedData(SeedType seed_type,
std::string* seed_data);
// Resolves a |delta_bytes| against the latest seed.
// Returns success or an error, populating |seed_bytes| on success.
[[nodiscard]] StoreSeedResult ResolveDelta(const std::string& delta_bytes,
std::string* seed_bytes);
// Resolves instance manipulations applied to received data.
// Returns success or an error, populating |seed_bytes| on success.
[[nodiscard]] StoreSeedResult ResolveInstanceManipulations(
const std::string& data,
const InstanceManipulations& im,
std::string* seed_bytes);
// Called on the UI thread after the seed has been processed.
void OnSeedDataProcessed(
base::OnceCallback<void(bool, VariationsSeed)> done_callback,
SeedProcessingResult result);
// Updates the latest seed with validated data.
void StoreValidatedSeed(const ValidatedSeed& seed,
const std::string& country_code,
base::Time date_fetched);
// Updates the safe seed with validated data.
void StoreValidatedSafeSeed(const ValidatedSeed& seed,
int seed_milestone,
const ClientFilterableState& client_state,
base::Time seed_fetch_time);
// Processes seed data (decompression, parsing and signature verification).
// This is meant to be called on a background thread in the case of periodic
// seed fetches, but will also be done synchronously in the case of importing
// a seed on startup.
[[nodiscard]] static SeedProcessingResult ProcessSeedData(
bool signature_verification_enabled,
SeedData seed_data);
// Validates that |seed_bytes| parses and matches |base64_seed_signature|.
// Signature checking may be disabled via |signature_verification_enabled|.
// |seed_type| indicates the source of the seed for logging purposes.
// |result| must be non-null, and will be populated on success.
// Returns success or some error value.
[[nodiscard]] static StoreSeedResult ValidateSeedBytes(
const std::string& seed_bytes,
const std::string& base64_seed_signature,
SeedType seed_type,
bool signature_verification_enabled,
ValidatedSeed* result);
// Applies a delta-compressed |patch| to |existing_data|, producing the result
// in |output|. Returns whether the operation was successful.
[[nodiscard]] static bool ApplyDeltaPatch(const std::string& existing_data,
const std::string& patch,
std::string* output);
// The pref service used to persist the variations seed.
raw_ptr<PrefService> local_state_;
// Cached serial number from the most recently fetched variations seed.
std::string latest_serial_number_;
// Whether to validate signatures on the seed. Always on except in unit tests.
const bool signature_verification_enabled_;
// Whether this may read or write to Java "first run" SharedPreferences.
const bool use_first_run_prefs_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<VariationsSeedStore> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace variations